Upcoming interview with Dr. Bruce Greyson

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Hello everyone, I’m back in the interview business! At last.
I think you missed my interviews (and me personally, I hope), since I was relatively inactive for the last half a year. I missed you, and my interview work, too – yet, for the reasons largely related to my worsened workplace situation, I was temporarily unable to continue in my common interview projects, which require much time and effort on my part (yet even more, I need to add, on the part of the interviewee)… and I had an unpleasant shortage of free time since the beginning of this year.
(BTW, why hasn’t anyone made a single interview for all these months, while I was largely absent? No one except Sciborg hadn't even tried, apparently. I shouldn’t be the sole volunteer for the interviewing work. Roberta, this means you as well… or have you given up on it completely?).
Well, my problems have ended, more-or-less (at least for the near future… no guarantees for a longer time period), so I’m glad to announce you my new upcoming interview – with Dr. Bruce Greyson, parapsychologist and NDE researcher, as well as psychiatrist; sure you know him. The main topic of our dialogue would be the relationship between spirituality and madness, between psychic and psychotic, between parapsychology and psychiatry.
For now, I’m preparing the questions – and open to your suggestions concerning them. Please share your ideas with me! You have two weeks to do it…
Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason.
—Oscar Wilde
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Sounds fantastic.
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(2018-07-12, 05:52 PM)Ninshub Wrote: Sounds fantastic.

In fact, interviewing Greyson was always my dream - I have a lot that I want to ask him.

Yet prepare to wait - Greyson agreed to be interviewed only on a condition of being given enough time to respond, since he is constantly busy. So, most likely the interview will be done and published no earlier than September.

However, I have a plan to contact another person whom I always desired to question throughly during this waiting period, and thus prepare two interviews parallel to each other.
Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason.
—Oscar Wilde
(This post was last modified: 2018-07-12, 06:08 PM by Vortex.)
[-] The following 5 users Like Vortex's post:
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No ideas, anyone? I was hoping for some useful advice...

You have 2 - 3 days more, before I'll write the text of my own and send it to Greyson.
Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason.
—Oscar Wilde
Here's one: has his research into NDEs made him alter some of his thoughts regarding the science of psychiatry - diagnostic categories, etc.
[-] The following 7 users Like Ninshub's post:
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(2018-07-22, 05:36 PM)Ninshub Wrote: Here's one: has his research into NDEs made him alter some of his thoughts regarding the science of psychiatry - diagnostic categories, etc.

Thanks, Ninshub! I'll ask him a question like that, for sure.
Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason.
—Oscar Wilde
A few more: 

1- is there research indicating that having an NDE can alter a person's mental disorder(s)?
2 - do people with mental disorder(s) have different NDEs?
[-] The following 5 users Like Ninshub's post:
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The proposal time is over. My thanks to everyone who has helped - especially the ones who did it via some highly informative private messages.

Now I start writing the text of my own - it will take some days - and then will send it to Greyson.

I will inform you how the interview goes.
Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason.
—Oscar Wilde
[-] The following 5 users Like Vortex's post:
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I have completed my part of the dialogue and sent it to Greyson. Now it is up to him to provide us with replies!

It was an interesting work.

Now we all must have patience - let me remind you, being allowed enough time to respond was Greyson's principal condition of the agreement to participate.
Man is a rational animal who always loses his temper when he is called upon to act in accordance with the dictates of reason.
—Oscar Wilde
(This post was last modified: 2018-07-31, 07:19 PM by Vortex.)
[-] The following 6 users Like Vortex's post:
  • tim, Roberta, Ninshub, Laird, Silence, Typoz
(2018-07-31, 07:18 PM)Vortex Wrote: I have completed my part of the dialogue and sent it to Greyson. Now it is up to him to provide us with replies!

It was an interesting work.

Now we all must have patience - let me remind you, being allowed enough time to respond was Greyson's principal condition of the agreement to participate.

Good stuff Vortex! Sorry for my absence, been having some personal stuff going on - but I'm back now!
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