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Unless I explicitly indicate when sharing a resource to Psience Quest that I haven't read / watched / listened to it, then I share it because I have "consumed" it, and either appreciated / approved of its content, or at least considered it worth sharing for the consideration of others.
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Laird's Most Liked Post
Post Subject Post Date/Time Numbers of Likes
Happy Psience Quest anniversary! 2018-08-13, 03:30 PM 17
Thread Subject Forum Name
Happy Psience Quest anniversary! Psience Quest Specific
Forum Questions, Suggestions and Announcements
Post Message
Almost exactly a year ago (to the minute!), Ian posted a public welcome message (, after which members other than founders began to join Psience Quest - 27 members within the following 24 hours, to be precise. In the twelve months since then, we've grown to 142 members who have contributed over 19,000 posts in over 1,200 threads, including four official interviews - three by Vortex (happy birthday!) and one by Roberta - as well as one two-part unofficial interview, also conducted by Vortex. A Google search for "parapsychology forum (" currently puts us on the first page of results - somewhere around the third to fifth result. Our quest continues - here's wishing everybody well on our forum's first anniversary!

Laird's Received and Given Likes
  Likes Received Likes Given
Last week 6 8
Last month 49 63
Last 3 months 231 169
Last 6 months 366 323
Last 12 months 622 582
All Time 5292 5331
Most liked by
Sciborg_S_Patel 874 17%
Ninshub 691 13%
Typoz 570 11%
Doug 387 7%
tim 352 7%
Most liked
Sciborg_S_Patel 838 16%
[Deleted member] 597 11%
Typoz 462 9%
Ninshub 391 7%
nbtruthman 361 7%

