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Late greetings! 2018-01-17, 11:06 AM 10
Thread Subject Forum Name
Late greetings! Psience Quest Specific
Member Introductions
Post Message
Greetings PsiQuest! I've already made some posts here and there, but felt slightly shy about making an introductory post. I find the nature of consciousness, psychedelics, psychic abilities, NDEs, OBEs, and other spiritual experiences to be most fascinating, because to any truly logical and rational observer who is honest and open-minded, these phenomena are too curious and common among many people, to simply ignore, dismiss or brush off as "delusions". I, myself, have had some spiritual experiences here and there, even if they are not at the level of an OBE or NDE. Sometimes, even now, I doubt some of my experiences, but that may be due to the anxiety and depression I struggle with on a daily basis. I hope to be to more active here, as my life circumstances allow. :) Kind regards everyone! Kyle

Valmar's Received and Given Likes
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Sciborg_S_Patel 378 31%
Ninshub 126 10%
nbtruthman 109 9%
tim 77 6%
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Sciborg_S_Patel 844 20%
Kamarling 375 9%
nbtruthman 374 9%
tim 328 8%
Typoz 273 6%


Valmar's Signature:
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
~ Carl Jung
