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RE: Yet Another Attempt to Explain Away NDEs 2021-07-07, 03:36 PM 8
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Yet Another Attempt to Explain Away NDEs Extended Consciousness Phenomena
Near-Death Experiences (NDEs)
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I am here, with a somewhat contrary set of opinions.  The word evolution - means changing from one state to another.  The term: spiritual evolution, and the process maps that address it, are fine territory for research and documentation.  NDE's might not have a direct reflection of bio-evolution, but can be be modeled as a change of character and inner outlook.  The inner character of living things has structure and these structures can evolve.  NDE's may be explainable in terms of effective spiritual evolution, that has developed by minds over billions of years. My feeling that our opponents are giving ground is consistently being reinforced, by what is researched. ( Quote: --  The study, which was recently published ( in the European Academy of Neurology, analyzed the experiences of individuals from 35 countries. The types of near-death situations varied, including everything from combat situations to accidents like drowning and crashes, as well as medical emergencies like going into cardiac arrest. Many of the reported near-death experiences were similar, however, with a huge number of participants reporting time changes, exceptionally fast thoughts, an enhancement of senses, and leaving their bodies entirely. Based on their findings, the researchers report that near-death experiences impact 10-percent of people who are involved in a near-death situation, meaning they come close to dying but ultimately remain living. Of those people who had experiences, 87-percent reported experience abnormal time perception, 65-percent had ‘exceptional’ thinking speeds, 63-percent reported ‘exceptionally vivid’ senses, and 53-percent reported leaving their bodies entirely. - bolding mine -- This kind of documented research is just what Psi needs!!!!!!! From the linked article Quote: --  Little is known about this phenomena, which has been reported by people across the world. Historic accounts of near-death experiences, which were often perceived as religious in nature, can be found in writing going back to ancient times. Though we don’t know how these events happen, a new study may reveal why they occur. -- Here are two research studies that say: NDE's happen all the time, in all cultures and throughout history.  Even if the materialists are having their say, the primary facts are being admitted. It will be like this, until a process map for Psi and NDE's is conceptualized.

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