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Enrique Vargas's Most Liked Post
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RE: Written interview with Rudolf Smit and Titus Rivas 2018-08-09, 08:02 AM 10
Thread Subject Forum Name
Psience Quest Interview No. 4: Rudolf Smit and Titus Rivas Extended Consciousness Phenomena
Psience Quest Interviews
Post Message
Titus Rivas Wrote: (2018-08-09, 06:17 AM) -- Hello everybody,  I received a new message from Miny. This time it is actually positive Here it is:  "Since yesterday [Tuesday], Rudolf's condition is improving. They switched off the pulmonary pump and mechanical ventilation. This means he's able to speak again. He is perfectly lucid and interested in the world outside. The motor skills concerning the muscles of his mouth aren't completely restoreed yet, but they are better than they were yesterday. He is a bit short of breath and this won't go away for the time being. They may take him from the ICU to medium care tomorrow (Thursday). They've also started to give him physiotherapy, the first exercise was about sitting on the edge of his bed. This was still a bit hard.  It's going to take a lot of time, but progress is more important now. He's greeting all of you." I'm quite elated by this news.  -- Thanks for brightening up my day!!! Tell him we're cheering for him, he's our official champ!!! :)

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