Psience Quest

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Quote:Experiments that failed too many times
Transformations that were too hard to find
Poison's in my bloodstream, poison's in my pride

I'm after rebellion, I'll settle for lies

Yes, I know the secrets of the iron & mind
They're trinity acts, a mineral fire
Yes, I know the secrets of the circuitry mind
It's a flaming wonder telepath


Quote:From Charming Disaster's album SPELLS + RITUALS comes a magical struggle between two powerful figures. Are they fighting for dominance? Plotting betrayal? Making a secret pact? Is it all just a hallucination? And who will survive in the end? Shot in the Kreischer Mansion, a Staten Island, NY haunted house built by a 19th-century brick magnate and more recently the scene of a mafia murder, "Blacksnake" calls upon the ritual magic of music to invoke a mysterious sorcery.

Quote:You see me now a veteran
Of a thousand psychic wars
My energy's spent at last
And my armor is destroyed
I have used up all my weapons
And I'm helpless and bereaved
Wounds are all I'm made of

Did I hear you say that this is victory?


(2021-11-29, 12:30 PM)Laird Wrote: [ -> ]One of my favourites from my cousin, off his 2021 album Japanese Eggs:

Green Vagabond

More nepotism: Cuz has just released a new album, Munkle Might. Here are the two standout songs from it in my assessment (I really do think that they are so good that the nepotism fades into insignificance):

Hey You
Running Away

The album's also available for streaming on Spotify.



(2021-05-13, 02:47 PM)Typoz Wrote: [ -> ]Creative mix of live and recorded instruments.

I wonder whether, in accordance with Sheldrake's Morphic Resonance, cats all over the world have now learned to play the piano? Wink

That was absolutely lovely, Typoz!

I have a piece of computer code somewhere that a previous cat contributed to by walking over the keyboard. I just added a couple of slashes to make this into a comment and left it there.

A still earlier cat was immortalised by including her in a paper:

F. Chlupačan, Private communication.

The referee objected mildly saying he didn't like references that couldn't be accessed, but that cat had passed over by then, so I crossed my fingers and resubmitted the paper with that reference unchanged - so she became part of the literature!

Her name meant something like "A member of the nation of furry beings" in Czech. The 'F' just stood for furry!
I want to share something truly special with you here - an unique Russian philosophical/mystical musical "The Last Trial".

Formally, it is inspired by the "Dragonlance" fantasy book series, but it is in fact an independent work of art, so knowledge of the book series used for the inspiration is not required at all. And, if someone here has read them, after all - forget about them here: the storyline of the musical, and its overall meaning, are different. Unlike the books, it is not a fantasy epic, but rather a mystical-philosophical parable presented in the form of a musical. And a superb one, I would add.

The subtitles are professionally translated in English. Turn them on, and choose English, and you will understand eveything.

And - do not stop once the credits start near the end. The last, the most crucial episode of the story happens after the credits start to roll, and proceeds simultaneously with them.

So, watch, listen and enjoy!

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