(2017-10-26, 07:39 AM)Laird Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, thank goodness for Google and lyrics sites, huh?
Except when you can only remember the tune. I can remember watching the film Caspar Hauser and having the theme tune go round in my head for years without being able to find out what it was --
Pachelbel's cannon -- this was years before the Internet when I might have found it by Googling Caspar Hauser. A similar thing when I once heard Eric Clapton's
Change the world. Is there a program where you can hum a bit of a tune and have your computer find likely matches, I wonder?
(2017-10-26, 10:19 PM)Michael Larkin Wrote: [ -> ]Is there a program where you can hum a bit of a tune and have your computer find likely matches, I wonder?
Yep, years ago I tried one on the web but didn't find what I was looking for. Not sure how much they've advanced since then (not that the one I used was at the time necessarily "unadvanced" - the song was potentially rare and not in the database). Anyhow, Google turns up a few:
I don't generally go in for spooky pieces (unlike many of you, lol), but the Faust Cantata by Schnittke is one exception for me:
Quote:That night at midnight a great wind blew up
As if it wanted to destroy Faust's home and obliterate everything.
Upstairs the desperate students leapt out of their beds
They heard dreadful noises as if the house were full of snakes and other terrible worms
Faustus cried, "Help!" and "Murder!" but soon his voice died away.
When it was light the students went into his room:
The room was spattered in blood
His brain clung to the wall
The devil had thrown him all about
Eyes and teeth were scattered around
It was a gruesome and grisly sight!
They found his body on a dunghill
It was still twitching.
I love these "feminists" in this band. They don't whine, bitch, and scream; "tear the patriarchy down"
Instead, they go out and; `deliver´,... and do it on their own merit,... talent...., and artistry - and suffer no fools.
This girl on the drums is pretty exceptional. For you whom just "stray-listening" it might just sound like everyone-elsed on the drums... but its not...and the solo-guitarist on the right, at the end....Top-class....
And, yeah, the production of this song is awesome. Every-time I hear it I have to put the volume down because its high....but then raise it to the max.....
Exceptionally good production....
I remeber when we had these kiddie-discos when i was 12-13, and the teachers were there, and chastise us guys for not dancing to ABBA's Dancing Queeen, but at that time, 13 yo) i was in to KiISS and Sweet. ABBA was just shit we had to sufffer, because the girls like them....
But in my yester years I come to love what I earlier hated....ABBA.
As a kid I thought, who the fuck like these "old ladies" Agneta & AnniFrid (mind you, they were in their early 20's then, 22-23) Yeah...old hags, I thought, lol.
But when I started play music for myself I, on occasion, come back to ABBA, and discovered how fuckin phenomenal Benny was in making melodies. it might sound like nickel & dime pop....but it wasnt. The "surface" was pop, but the underbelly was exceptional. He had the talent of writing pop-tunes,, but then put the base, surface, and everything that comes with it. to make the foundation of the song. If you listen to ABBA, and "scale away" the pop, the music behind it is pretty awesome, and much more than then "front".
I danced to this, and my kids did too....but I fear my grand kids might never dance to this..and its not because its not an old song they never heard, but because the country I was born into will be distorted..totally.
As I mentioned before; as kids we thought these girls was "old ladies"".
I know one of the girls who danced in this video. She said the whole class freaked out when they were chosen to be in this video, and dance.....But I cant see the girl I know in the video. They said they had to be there dancing for some 5-6 hours until the producers were satisfied they got the "right" clips.
These were the good days....we will never have them back......ever.
This big fellah has some soul in his voice....and in his soul.
The intro is OK, but he ruin it with some silly drum-beat for a while there, but about 1min in he is straightening it out..
and; damn.....that voice on him ...it's powerful....soulful.
Rag'n'Bone Man - Skin
This one I think some of you recognize...
Rag'n'Bone Man - Human
Ozark Mountain Daredevils - Jackie Blue