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David001's Most Liked Post
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RE: If qualia is real, why does it have to be paranormal 2021-11-04, 11:27 AM 7
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If qualia is real, why does it have to be paranormal Related Topics
General Consciousness Science
Post Message
Sparky Wrote: (2021-11-01, 03:15 PM) -- As i said before, nobody is 'experiencing the illusion', the self is part of the illusion. -- Isn't that just plain obfuscation? You start with a world that contains no consciousness. Then somehow this non-conscious world creates an idea (like teacups or radios or clocks have ideas perhaps) that it must be conscious (a lot more details about this step might help). This idea is then received by another part of the non-conscious world, and voila - we have illusory consciousness!

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