
3 Replies, 1703 Views

Hi, I'm Shara
I'm really interested in parapsychology, in particular from a philosophical point of view since I'm studyng philosophy at University. 
In my family there are a lot of stories that defy a materialistic worldview that intrigue me.
In addiction recently I realized that I am able to go out of my body but i don't know what to think about these experiences( dissociations? I don't have any trauma that can trigger this kind of psychological condition but some scholars suggested this solution to explain Obe), moreover it's a thing that scares me so i cannot express any deep thought about it, but of course It's a thing that make me think about the world we live in.
So this is It
I am sorry for my english I hope I will improve It.
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  • berkelon, Obiwan, OmniVersalNexus, Typoz, Larry, Mediochre, Ninshub, Brian, Sciborg_S_Patel, chuck, Laird
[-] The following 5 users Like Laird's post:
  • Ninshub, Brian, Sciborg_S_Patel, chuck, Shara
Welcome to PQ.  Your English seems fine to me.
[-] The following 2 users Like Brian's post:
  • Shara, Ninshub
Yay more new people!

On the topic of OBE's, in general, there's nothing to worry about with them. You would really, really have to try to make them dangerous, and I know because I have. Additionally there's some resources out there that can help, such as this book by Robert Peterson which has become somewhat famous in the area:


He put it out for free on purpose, just to help get the information out there.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
[-] The following 3 users Like Mediochre's post:
  • Ninshub, Shara, Typoz

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