Banned from skeptiko.

46 Replies, 3372 Views

(2023-12-01, 07:34 PM)Michael Larkin Wrote: but when I first joined I got a negative reaction

Yes you did, Michael, from me as I remember ! I was annoyed with you for a post you made on Skeptiko telling us all to "eff off" if we didn't like what was going down on there. I copied the post somewhere. So, that's what I did and never went back, but it wasn't just because of what you said, as I'm sure you're aware. 

I think I remember adding something along the lines of "let by gones be" etc etc when you appeared here. I'll never understand why someone of your capabilities stuck it out there for so long. The forum topics (IMHO) were raving bonkers ! 

Anyway, you are welcome here, where Laird and Ian and the founders have done a good job creating a new place to hang out (when one feels like it) without having to worry what Alex thinks (to be fair to him, he was good at the beginning).
(This post was last modified: 2023-12-02, 02:56 PM by tim. Edited 1 time in total.)
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Okay Tim. If I offended you in any way back then, I'm sorry. Let's let bygones be bygones now, forget it and move on.

Which leaves me wondering whether to post my screed on the probable non-existence of viruses, and if so, where. If you or anyone else has any advice, please let me know.

I see a lot of familiar names here -- seems like a refuge for all us Skeptiko-disillusioned types. It will be good to re-connect with people.  Smile
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(2023-12-02, 03:56 PM)Michael Larkin Wrote: Okay Tim. If I offended you in any way back then, I'm sorry. Let's let bygones be bygones now, forget it and move on.

Which leaves me wondering whether to post my screed on the probable non-existence of viruses, and if so, where. If you or anyone else has any advice, please let me know.

I see a lot of familiar names here -- seems like a refuge for all us Skeptiko-disillusioned types. It will be good to re-connect with people.  Smile

I can't tell whether or not it is acceptable. If it was permissible, then it could belong in the Alternative Views on Science (Evolution, Cosmology, Etc.) section.

However it is possible that it might end up relegated to the politics/conspiracy theories sub-forum.

Perhaps just post a link to an external site and a very brief description of what the link is about.
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(2023-12-02, 03:56 PM)Michael Larkin Wrote: Okay Tim. If I offended you in any way back then, I'm sorry. Let's let bygones be bygones now, forget it and move on.

Absolutely and no need to apologise! It's all water under the bridge, long ago !

(2023-12-02, 03:56 PM)Michael Larkin Wrote: Which leaves me wondering whether to post my screed on the probable non-existence of viruses, and if so, where. If you or anyone else has any advice, please let me know.
Not sure, Michael, tbh.

(2023-12-02, 03:56 PM)Michael Larkin Wrote: see a lot of familiar names here -- seems like a refuge for all us Skeptiko-disillusioned types.

Yes, there are many of them and many new ones, too! I don't think you'll find me very stimulating, though. I prefer to stick to just a couple of topics, really.  There are numerous good posters, nevertheless.
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(2023-12-02, 04:15 PM)Typoz Wrote: I can't tell whether or not it is acceptable. If it was permissible, then it could belong in the Alternative Views on Science (Evolution, Cosmology, Etc.) section.

However it is possible that it might end up relegated to the politics/conspiracy theories sub-forum.

Perhaps just post a link to an external site and a very brief description of what the link is about.

Your hyperlink seems to me to be the best alternative -- imho, it's mostly science (I've been educated as a biologist) and I don't consider any of it overly conspiratorial in nature, though inevitably there are political/sociological ramifications. I see it as primarily a reasoned, evidential alternative to standard theory and would genuinely welcome any critiques there might be.

I don't intend for it to be the only thing I post or respond to -- some of that would probably fall in line with regular categories. For instance, I've read Sciborg's post on Ibn Arabi and the article he links to and found it interesting, having had a long interest in Sufism. I may have something to say about it in due course.
(This post was last modified: 2023-12-02, 05:04 PM by Michael Larkin. Edited 1 time in total.)
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(2023-12-02, 02:23 PM)tim Wrote: (to be fair to him, he was good at the beginning).

He's on a journey, like we all are I think.

Ideally if we all meet somewhere in the next life these dramas will pale before the joy of our immortality...hopefully the skeptics will be around too so we can needle them about how wrong they were and guilt them into buying a couple drinks for the group. Wink
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

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(2023-12-02, 07:41 PM)Sciborg_S_Patel Wrote: He's on a journey, like we all are I think.

Ideally if we all meet somewhere in the next life these dramas will pale before the joy of our immortality...hopefully the skeptics will be around too so we can needle them about how wrong they were and guilt them into buying a couple drinks for the group. Wink

I think if we all meet somewhere in the next life we will laugh uproariously at how seriously we took so much of this stuff.
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(2023-12-02, 03:56 PM)Michael Larkin Wrote: Which leaves me wondering whether to post my screed on the probable non-existence of viruses, and if so, where. If you or anyone else has any advice, please let me know.

According to our guidelines How to navigate creating threads about science and scientific controversies on PQ, it would belong either in the Other Topics forum or in the opt-in Non-Psi-Related Scientific Controversies forum (see How to join the hidden politics, conspiracy theory & controversial science subforums). My sense is that it best belongs in the latter, but I'd be open (contingent on the views of others, especially other admins) to you starting it in Other Topics and only moving it if it veers into contentious sociopolitical territory.
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I'm sorry to be the sole negative voice but I feel the need to relate the circumstances of my own reasons for abandoning Skeptiko and becoming one of the founders (albeit non-administrative) of this forum. 

Obviously the most compelling reason was the direction that Skeptiko was heading and the fact that Alex was driving that push towards conspiracy-related issues rather than the Psi focused discussions which were the attraction for me in the first place. Almost as importantly, the words and actions of some of the membership there were so objectionable to me that I became convinced that I did not want to be associated with those characters nor the views they were promoting. 

I am sad to see that some of those people are now here and that means that I will have to review my own status as a contributor once again. Perhaps I am not as tolerant as tim so those bygones are still painful memories for me. But the internet is so crammed with talking shops eager to promote misinformation, disinformation, hatred and division that I refuse to be part of anything that seems headed that way or likely to become dominated by such.

I am aware that political differences are not to be aired here, more aware because I was one of those who insisted on those restrictions - I even objected to the introduction of those opt-in forums. But the Skeptiko experience left me in no doubt about the political motivations of those I wanted to distance myself from so I have some difficult decisions to make.
I do not make any clear distinction between mind and God. God is what mind becomes when it has passed beyond the scale of our comprehension.
Freeman Dyson
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(2023-12-03, 01:15 AM)Kamarling Wrote: I'm sorry to be the sole negative voice but I feel the need to relate the circumstances of my own reasons for abandoning Skeptiko and becoming one of the founders (albeit non-administrative) of this forum. 

Obviously the most compelling reason was the direction that Skeptiko was heading and the fact that Alex was driving that push towards conspiracy-related issues rather than the Psi focused discussions which were the attraction for me in the first place. Almost as importantly, the words and actions of some of the membership there were so objectionable to me that I became convinced that I did not want to be associated with those characters nor the views they were promoting. 

I am sad to see that some of those people are now here and that means that I will have to review my own status as a contributor once again. Perhaps I am not as tolerant as tim so those bygones are still painful memories for me. But the internet is so crammed with talking shops eager to promote misinformation, disinformation, hatred and division that I refuse to be part of anything that seems headed that way or likely to become dominated by such.

I am aware that political differences are not to be aired here, more aware because I was one of those who insisted on those restrictions - I even objected to the introduction of those opt-in forums. But the Skeptiko experience left me in no doubt about the political motivations of those I wanted to distance myself from so I have some difficult decisions to make.
1. I am not motivated by politics -- left, right or centre, I think the vast majority of politicians are only interested in themselves. I don't even vote any more.

2. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. Matter of fact, I disapproved of Alex's leaning in that direction and said as much.

3. I haven't ever consciously posted (mis/dis)information at Skeptiko or anywhere else.

So quite what it was I said that irked you -- and I may have done that in some way -- it can have had nothing to do with politics, support for conspiracy theories or spreading information I knew to be false. I'm pretty meticulous about checking my facts, particularly in scientific matters.

If you still have the offending posts, by all means show them to me and tell me how you think they leave no doubt as to my political motivations (what do you imagine those are, btw?). I'm quite baffled as to how you came to such a conclusion.

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