Parapsychological Research into Psi Phenomena (ESP, PK, Remote Viewing, etc.)

Concerning some of the mainstays of parapsychology: scientific research into those psi phenomena included in the general categories of extra-sensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (PK) aka telekinesis, including the more specific categories of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, remote viewing, precognition, telepathy, micro-PK, and macro-PK.
Started by laborde, last post by jkmac 2017-09-15, 12:28 PM 1 2 3
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Started by E. Flowers, last post by Ninshub 2017-09-07, 01:32 AM
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Started by k9!, last post by iPsoFacTo 2017-08-25, 03:48 PM 1 2 3
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Started by k9!, last post by Jim_Smith 2017-08-16, 06:22 AM
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