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Michel H's Most Liked Post
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RE: A simple telepathy test: which word did I write? 2023-06-18, 11:35 AM 3
Thread Subject Forum Name
A simple telepathy test: which word did I write? Extended Consciousness Phenomena
Parapsychological Research into Psi Phenomena (ESP, PK, Remote Viewing, etc.)
Post Message
Typoz Wrote: (2023-06-18, 10:30 AM) -- I wrote the following some days ago, but withheld from posting as I didn't want to engage in a long debate during an ongoing test. I'm now able to add that my answer would have been "Pegasus" - a winged horse. Halfway between a bird and a horse, I would have claimed half a hit had the answer been either horse or bird. But since I didn't post it there is no way to verify my choice. -- Your comment is still of interest, Typoz, even though it is posted after the end of the test. Saying "the correct answer is either bird or horse" is clearly more accurate than just stating "the correct answer is either dog, or cat, or bird, or horse", it does bring some information. However, such answers can be a headache to analyse statistically, even if people understand what you mean (to say nothing about the fact it was posted post hoc). I believe our brains have some remarkable abilities, which are very poorly understood or (sometimes) even recognized.

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