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RE: Hello from Stan Woolley 2017-08-14, 08:13 PM 7
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Hello from Stan Woolley Psience Quest Specific
Member Introductions
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Typoz Wrote: (2017-08-14, 03:46 PM) -- Welcome Stan! Incidentally I never explained the significance of my username. I used a program to generate random characters and this was the first that turned up that was both pronounceable and not too offensive ;) -- I thought`typos´ was the phrase for a print-error/misspelling?? I think you sell yourself short as a `type-error´ m8. ;) j/k The "deep meaning" for my silly pseudonym was that when I was in the exact moment of creating an account on the Skeptiko Forum back in 2007 I was at the same time watching a Natural Geographic astronomy documentary on TV about the stars Pollux & Castor. Pollux they said (and the spectrum of this star),`serves as one of the stable anchor points by which other stars are classified´. So it stood between Pollux or Castor - but since I'm a "star" and an "anchor", and that Pollux was the son of Zeus, the choice was easy... ;) *humble me* Its a silly-ass name, but I'm stuck with it... PS: I hate to think what my pseudonym might have been if I had been watching a documentary about latrine-duty in the military at the time of creating the account....

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