Waking up in different 'reality'

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Has anyone ever experienced this?

I had a dream about a week and a half ago, can't remember exactly what it was, but when I woke up, I felt like I was really in a different 'me', than the guy who'd gone to sleep the previous night. My reactions to things were not what I'd been consciously trying to practice in my day to day life, and I had different 'mind patterns', as in not even caring about what I was interested in previously, as much or not at all even. It was a distinct feeling of loss too, as if I knew I had work to do, to get back to the desirable state of being previously (at least that is something I was thinking about). It may be more accurate to say that overall, I woke up a stranger to myself. Not completely drastically of course, but a definite sense of 'something isn't quite right'.

Any thoughts? Or am I just going a bit loopy!
(This post was last modified: 2018-01-17, 10:51 PM by diverdown.)
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We create physical reality by projecting it through our consciousness. We perform this feat of 'frame selection' from an infinite number of sources (parallel realities) billions times/sec and we are, literally, new after each change. Two things occur.

One is that we select frames that are so alike that we don't notice the change or the new You. Just not enough contrast. Then we have what happened to you.

You made a profound change that you are finding easily recognizable vs. your 'old' world. Contrast was noted. There you are, somewhere, literally, else. Now the fun begins. See who has not changed, or what has not, your room? House? Car? Friend(s)? Your or their physical appearances? I like to write this down which reinforces the fact of the change.

Enjoy and congratulations!
(This post was last modified: 2018-01-17, 11:44 PM by Pssst.)
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(2018-01-17, 10:45 PM)diverdown Wrote: Any thoughts? Or am I just going a bit loopy!

Sounds like you've been on a journey.

If one ignores the circumstances you described, and focus only on the outcome, those sorts of changes can and do happen after real-world experiences, whether going on holiday, or going to visit someone, or going on some work- or education-related trip. On returning to one's previous existence, the after-effects of various excursions can have either a temporary, or sometimes a permanent effect on our existence. Thus one might infer that something similar occurred during your 'dream'. Whether one should consider this as a 'real' excursion, or as one of the imagination only, may be a matter of interpretation - perhaps there is no difference in any case.
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(2018-01-17, 10:45 PM)diverdown Wrote: Has anyone ever experienced this?

I had a dream about a week and a half ago, can't remember exactly what it was, but when I woke up, I felt like I was really in a different 'me', than the guy who'd gone to sleep the previous night. My reactions to things were not what I'd been consciously trying to practice in my day to day life, and I had different 'mind patterns', as in not even caring about what I was interested in previously, as much or not at all even. It was a distinct feeling of loss too, as if I knew I had work to do, to get back to the desirable state of being previously (at least that is something I was thinking about). It may be more accurate to say that overall, I woke up a stranger to myself. Not completely drastically of course, but a definite sense of 'something isn't quite right'.

Any thoughts? Or am I just going a bit loopy!
I had a somewhat parallel experience. I once woke up feeling I was in a different life and briefly I could access the memories from that life which were extensive, full and vivid and completely different than my present waking life.
It faded quickly.
Also I can recall whole dream series from this life and when I'm in the right state they seem to extend back through all the dreams I have ever had like a file drawer that opens up 
yeah we are probably a bit loopy Smile
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(2018-01-17, 10:45 PM)diverdown Wrote: Has anyone ever experienced this?

I had a dream about a week and a half ago, can't remember exactly what it was, but when I woke up, I felt like I was really in a different 'me', than the guy who'd gone to sleep the previous night. My reactions to things were not what I'd been consciously trying to practice in my day to day life, and I had different 'mind patterns', as in not even caring about what I was interested in previously, as much or not at all even. It was a distinct feeling of loss too, as if I knew I had work to do, to get back to the desirable state of being previously (at least that is something I was thinking about). It may be more accurate to say that overall, I woke up a stranger to myself. Not completely drastically of course, but a definite sense of 'something isn't quite right'.

Any thoughts? Or am I just going a bit loopy!

Did this feeling go away and if so how long did it take?
"The cure for bad information is more information."
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(2018-01-18, 02:39 AM)Mediochre Wrote: Did this feeling go away and if so how long did it take?

As of today, it is not really noticeable. I suppose it took a week for it to not negatively affect me at all. It was mainly the suddenness and contrasting difference in my experience of reality, to a depth that made me question reality itself. It really did feel like a shift into a parallel reality. I guess you could say that now, it has become normal and I've forgot the 'patterns of reality' that my mind identified with previously.

As an aside, I've found that sometimes alternate personalities can come through suddenly, as if a switch has been thrown on, when in select circumstances. For example, a certain bunch of people together and their dynamic, along with a song, can shift one into a different place. 


You made a profound change that you are finding easily recognizable vs. your 'old' world. Contrast was noted. There you are, somewhere, literally, else. Now the fun begins. See who has not changed, or what has not, your room? House? Car? Friend(s)? Your or their physical appearances? I like to write this down which reinforces the fact of the change.

Not particularly! Actually, if they did, I don't remember now! I wonder if that is typical, as per your explanation? Maybe I'll remember something later.

I did have an experience a couple of years ago that was interesting to me. I was reading about something called dimensional jumping, and I found it all quite exciting if not absurd at the same time. The basic premise is that everything exterior to you is an imagination space, and you can pattern it to your liking. For example, I tried an experiment which the group recommends if you are skeptical. I can't remember exactly how I done it, but the results were very interesting. The simplest way of describing the technique was that you imagine that you will see something in the 'decision space' around you, and then you go about your day, not even thinking about it, when it will start to 'appear' in your life, as a pattern.

I basically didn't believe that there was anything to it, what ever 'it' was. So in doing my own experimentation into it, I choose a ridiculous and highly unlikely thing . I choose a dinosaur. So having done this and went about my day clearly not believing that a dinosaur would just randomly start to appear in my reality, I sat down in my own leisure time to watch the movie 'Inception' (quite apt actually!). I'm sure most of you have seen this movie because the subject matter is all about reality.

Well, we got to the last scene. The one where the totem is spinning. And remember the totem is the thing that the protagonist uses to determine if he is dreaming or if he is actually awake in reality. I'm watching the totem spin in this specific scene with a specific context and meaning and what do I see to the left of the totem? A bloody T-Rex dinosaur toy! Of all the scenes in the movie for that to happen, it was that specific scene, because it was the end of the movie and we never got to see the totem stop spinning to determine if he was really dreaming or not!

Now, whether that was really a 'hit' or not, it did make me gasp at the time. I'm not quite sure what to think of it now, other than another fascinating experience that I've had in my life so far.
(This post was last modified: 2018-01-19, 10:15 PM by diverdown.)
Recently have been going through the same phenomena. I woke up a few days ago after having felt connected with everything and feeling clarity and awareness of the 'right' thing to do in every situation for a few weeks, to feeling like I've woken up in a different reality.

I had a terrible dream about a plane crash that was way beyond the sadness you might feel for a such an event if you had viewed it in real life. I was viewing this plane come into land and I could 'see' the passengers and what they were thinking, their thoughts and what they were looking forward to. Some were desperate to see their loved ones and others were just sitting there, waiting to land. It was if I was the total combination of all of the passengers 'being'; the 'feeling' is hard to put into words. But something went wrong as they got close to the runway and they plunged into the ground. I suddenly could feel with absolute clarity, the terror of everyone on board as the plane exploded into a ball of flame. I tell you, this was not a normal dream in the sense that I woke up feeling and knowing that ' it was just a dream'. The godawful emotion I experienced goes beyond any meaningful single word that could describe it. It was as if life and existence itself, had been destroyed, and I was witnessing all that was good and pure in the universe, be crushed and burned alive. 

I'm still feeling the effects from that 'dream'. So I find it hard to make a rational materialistic explanation for this. Why do I feel like I've woken up in a different reality? Why can't I 'access' the state of being and mind/consciousness that I was enjoying for weeks previously? Why a sudden depression? There seems to be a pattern of a low state of being, to 'building' my way up again through lots of thinking and feeling about things, to 'remembering' the insight I had previously, and then enjoying the benefits from that for a decent while, to then 'reset' and wake up back at square one. What gives?

I do apologise if this account comes across as some kind of personal diary, but I do so that others can see what another human being can experience; it gives more data so that others can possibly make use of it (in a non egotistical way of course; I'm not a special snowflake! Big Grin   Thumbs Up )
(This post was last modified: 2018-05-11, 05:24 PM by diverdown.)
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(2018-05-11, 05:19 PM)diverdown Wrote: I'm still feeling the effects from that 'dream'. So I find it hard to make a rational materialistic explanation for this. Why do I feel like I've woken up in a different reality? 

What would you expect to feel like when you change realities?  Tongue   You do this all the time, automatically, it's how we lace together physical reality. Billions of changes from one parallel reality to the next...each second...also creates space-time experience.

Quote:Why can't I 'access' the state of being and mind/consciousness that I was enjoying for weeks previously?

You can. You create your physical reality any way that you want. If you cannot find that previous vibration, it is only b/c you don't believe you can. Find that belief, the one that suggests you are not an infinite, eternal powerful being and get rid of it simply by digging it out and exposing it. When it makes no sense to you, it will evaporate.

Quote:Why a sudden depression?

Why not? You chose it. You don't have to wait be happy just be happy because you prefer it.

Quote:There seems to be a pattern of a low state of being, to 'building' my way up again through lots of thinking and feeling about things, to 'remembering' the insight I had previously, and then enjoying the benefits from that for a decent while, to then 'reset' and wake up back at square one. What gives?


Enjoy it.  Thumbs Up
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This discussion does remind me a little of something which happened to me not so long ago.

I'd been in a somewhat gloomy state of mind for a number of days. One day I found myself out of it, in a more carefree and joyful state. But soon afterwards, a fairly trivial train of thought took me back into the gloom.

I realised then that if a simple thought could lead into darkness then another, different simple thought could lead out again. After a little while I was free again.

I asked myself what was the secret, the knack of doing this, of finding the doorway out of the darkness. The answer came to me instantly, as a reply, "The doorway is always directly in front of you".
(This post was last modified: 2018-05-14, 12:28 AM by Typoz.)
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(2018-05-14, 12:25 AM)Typoz Wrote: This discussion does remind me a little of something which happened to me not so long ago.

I'd been in a somewhat gloomy state of mind for a number of days. One day I found myself out of it, in a more carefree and joyful state. But soon afterwards, a fairly trivial train of thought took me back into the gloom.

I realised then that if a simple thought could lead into darkness then another, different simple thought could lead out again. After a little while I was free again.

I asked myself what was the secret, the knack of doing this, of finding the doorway out of the darkness. The answer came to me instantly, as a reply, "The doorway is always directly in front of you".

Changing your state of being can be either a process or instantaneous. You have come to the belief, rightly so, that you can determine your state of being as quickly as you wish. This has also, simultaneously, allowed you to experience your state of Spirit, where thought is immediate manifestation. You have chosen to cross two worlds, two dimensions, two realms.

Physical reality is fun.
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