@Mediochre. I don't know where you are in Canada but if you're anywhere near me I wouldn't mind being part of your group! (I think you're not allowing PMs, but you can respond to me in private if you wish.)
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(2023-07-28, 06:59 PM)Ninshub Wrote: @Mediochre. I don't know where you are in Canada but if you're anywhere near me I wouldn't mind being part of your group! (I think you're not allowing PMs, but you can respond to me in private if you wish.)I should be allowing PM's, if I'm not that's news to me.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
(2023-07-27, 11:21 PM)Mediochre Wrote: Yeah, I reject spiritual and religious people, I'm entirely done dealing with their nonsense. That's why I don't want to set my group up to cater to them in any way shape or form. Certainly some will join and that's fine, but I'm not pandering to them in any way. I'm trying to mkae magic real, I don't need the hand wringers worrying about how siddhis will turn them away from enlightenment, or worrying about contracts and black vs white magic or what god will think of them or any of the rest of it. I want results, and I mean actual results, not Ramsay Dukes or arguably Gordon White style "Oh lets just redefine what our goal was so we can tell ourselves we didn't fail" sort of results. Everyone is entitled to their preferences and I don't expect to change your mind, but I would like to correct a misimpression you are creating with this post that could be unhelpful to other readers. When I started going to a Spiritualist church I discovered I had found a place were magic was real. And they offered classes. In those classes I found out that I could learn to do magic too. I was able to perceive verifiable information from my classmate's deceased relatives and my classmates could do the same for me. I found the best psychics are not the professionals. In class we also practiced other forms of psychic perception such as remote viewing and psychometry. And I learned that spiritual healing is something everyone can do. You can feel the "energy" coming from you when giving healing and you can feel it penetrating your body when you receive healing. And the effects are real. When I trained for the certification in Spiritual Healing I obtained seven sworn affidavits from people who felt a benefit from my healing work. This healing works on infants and animals who don't have "faith". (Modern medicine has limits and so does spiritual healing, and Spiritualists do not use spiritual healing in place of modern medicine we use it in conjunction with modern medicine or where modern medicine cannot help. It doesn't produce a miracle every session which is the strawman doubters measure it against but that is no reason it should not be used where it can have a beneficial effect.) I never found a group of people where everyone was perfect according to my tastes. Spiritualists are no different, but I didn't let that stop me from having several of the most important experiences of my life. While most of society has been either denying that paranormal phenomena exist or debating whether parapsychologist have proven tiny effects, Spiritualists have been living with psychic phenomena, using it in practical ways, as part of their daily lives for over a century. When you live with a phenomena every day you experience many effects and nuances that scientists never notice. And Spiritualists have been providing demonstrations, psychic readings, and public education for much less than the cost of a professional psychic. When I took classes they were $5 per session for beginner's classes. For anyone who is interested, I have described some of my experiences here: My experiences taking classes: https://sites.google.com/site/chs4o8pt/psi_experience What it is like to communicate with spirits: https://ncu9nc.blogspot.com/2012/10/what...-with.html I have written about spiritual healing here: http://sites.google.com/site/chs4o8pt/spiritual_healing The art of qigong has developed "energy" healing to a very high level: https://ncu9nc.blogspot.com/2009/06/sens...of-qi.html
The first gulp from the glass of science will make you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you - Werner Heisenberg. (More at my Blog & Website)
(This post was last modified: 2023-07-30, 03:24 AM by Jim_Smith. Edited 12 times in total.)
I posted about this in another thread today but it might be useful to readers here also:
Psychic development should be part of spiritual development. You should be doing it for good ends, for the benefit of others. Whatever your motivations, you will attract like minded spirits and spirit guides. You will want to have guides who want to help you, not guides and spirits who think it's fun to play games or who have selfish motivations.
The first gulp from the glass of science will make you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you - Werner Heisenberg. (More at my Blog & Website)
(This post was last modified: 2023-07-30, 01:20 AM by Jim_Smith. Edited 1 time in total.)
(2023-07-27, 11:21 PM)Mediochre Wrote: Yeah, I reject spiritual and religious people, I'm entirely done dealing with their nonsense. That's why I don't want to set my group up to cater to them in any way shape or form. Certainly some will join and that's fine, but I'm not pandering to them in any way. I'm trying to mkae magic real, I don't need the hand wringers worrying about how siddhis will turn them away from enlightenment, or worrying about contracts and black vs white magic or what god will think of them or any of the rest of it. I want results, and I mean actual results, not Ramsay Dukes or arguably Gordon White style "Oh lets just redefine what our goal was so we can tell ourselves we didn't fail" sort of results. It looks to me like you are applying stereotypical characteristics of a few people to entire groups. I know many spiritual and religious people and the vast majority of them do not fit your stereotypes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fallacy_of_composition Quote:The fallacy of composition is an informal fallacy that arises when one infers that something is true of the whole from the fact that it is true of some part of the whole. If someone made remarks like yours targeting a race, ethnicity, or nationality, it would not be tolerated, everyone would recognize it as shameful bigoted behavior. I'm surprised that anyone would make this mistake, not recognizing their error, not being ashamed, and believing it is socially acceptable to brand as fools entire groups of people most of whom they never met. You are certainly entitled to your own personal beliefs, but when you express hurtful remarks like these on the forum, you make the forum an unpleasant place for people like me and other readers who you know nothing about, who have spiritual or religious beliefs, to participate in. I had hoped the personal experiences forum would be a place where people can feel comfortable expressing their beliefs, where everyone would be welcome and find the other members friendly and tolerant even if they didn't share those beliefs.
The first gulp from the glass of science will make you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you - Werner Heisenberg. (More at my Blog & Website)
(This post was last modified: 2023-07-30, 03:22 PM by Jim_Smith. Edited 2 times in total.)
Jim, I'll repeat here what I posted to you in PM, Mediochre was posting in a thread that he started about his own training updates re: psi. It's not as if he was harassing you as you posted your own experiences elsewhere on the forum.
If anything, he has the right to ask us to move all these posts that are off-topic elsewhere on this forum. (2023-07-30, 03:15 PM)Jim_Smith Wrote: It looks to me like you are applying stereotypical characteristics of a few people to entire groups.Whereas I've yet to meet even one person who espouses such beliefs who does not eventually go down such a path with their opinions on magic. I don't care if such people join my group, but the fact is if I'm putting together a team of people with a project in mind, such people will never make the cut. Not simply because they're spiritual, but because their spiritual beliefs seem to put them at odds with the very idea of attempting to train and develop magic in a serious way. Its no different than if I wanted to put together a team of programmers for a project, people who hate math will never make the cut for that team. Not because I'd be bigoted against people who hate math, but because math is an integral part of the project. Those who hate it probably aren't going to be very good at it, because they probably never wanted to learn, and won't be interested in the project anyways. Where it gets especially annoying with spiritual and religious people, as I keep finding, is that they will then go and tell you not to pursue your project because of some religious dogma bullshit that's empirically based on nothing if not outright false but which they believe anyways. And it gets really annoying and disruptive when those are the only people you can ever seem to find who even remotely talk about things like magic let alone practice it. So I need my own group, my own community, catered towards the people who want to train this stuff in a serious way with the goal of getting practical, reliable, macro scale results and are equally tired of all the spiritual nonsense or otherwise lack of rigour. I actually do see Jeffery Martin's work on fundamental wellbeing as a good example of that. In less than 20 years he has largely succeeded where pretty well all the religions of the world have failed for thousands. He's put together a protocol that reliably transitions something in the area of 70% or more people to a state of fundamental wellbeing, Why is his so effective and the others aren't? Probably because he used the scientific method and empiricism to figure out what actually works and what doesn't, rather than faith or whatever else religions and other spiritual traditions use. Hence why his first targeted group for the protocol were spiritual seekers, because he was realizing that such people would probably never transition if they kept doing what they were doing and he wanted to help them. So I'm sorry if, at this point, I pretty much blanket disregard the value of all spirituality and religion when there's a very clear pattern of what works and what doesn't. Especially when someone, using a non spiritual method, can do their claimed job better than them in a tiny fraction of the time they've spent on it. Based on what I've learned with magic, the same is very likely true for it. And I am very sure that large scale macro effects like full on levitation and flight, condensing energy into visible tangible forms for myriad uses, and so much more can become very common place if the right training protocols are developed. Because all the puzzle pieces are there, they just need to be brought together. I do this entire thread and much of the posting I've ever done on this site for the people out there who are trying to learn, so that I can hand them what I've been trying and how its been going. And if they want to ask me questions or have a discussion about it so we can swap ideas and methods and reasoning and experiments and et al more one on one, great. They might teach me something I didn't know, or correct a mistake I was making, and I might do the same for them.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
(This post was last modified: 2023-08-01, 12:31 AM by Mediochre. Edited 3 times in total.
Edit Reason: Added last paragraph
Alrighty, with that taken care of, I do have an actual update. After going through a few days of energy instability seemingly brought on from training as per normal, I decided I would experiment and try switching to a pure channelling method for energy use. The reason I tend to not is because I find that I don’t have as much control of the energy seemingly because its not mine. I can direct it but its a lot more like directing a garden hose rather than manipulating the water itself. I also find that the pressure is less than what I can achieve on my own. But it does seem to have the advantage, generally, of not wearing me out so much. And for the simple tasks I’m trying to do currently I don’t think I need any more precision than a garden hose. I’m prtty sure I’ve said all this before somewhere but I do tend to forget things I’ve tried in teh past pretty often if I don’t do them enough.
However I layered on another experiment, in which I attempt to channel energy from “me”, which I’m interpreting as my spirit body, or, well, I don’t know what else. For a long time I’ve felt that I have two pools of energy built up. The one that belongs to my physical body, and a much larger one that seems to belong to what is either my spirit body or just the general collection of “me” that I guess exists out there or something. The two pools are tagged differently in that the energy seems to have two different signatures, yet I have access to both since I hold both of the keys. Yes, if you want to think of it like encryption I don’t think that’s a bad analogy. Both pools are finite and I have less control or connection to the larger one which makes channeling the only real way I can access it at the moment. It seems like it can recharge just like my physical energy. The idea I’ve been going with, is that if I channel my own energy, it might jog something instinctual in me over time. Or maybe help connect me better with myself and allow a merge to happen over time and thus get direct access to that pool. I’m not sure how I’d measure that, but regardless if I’m right it should also help me get pk effects faster too. So that’s one thing I’m trying. It certainly feels very different pulling from that pool rather than channelling energy from the environment, its a much more intense feeling. Whether that adds up to anything I don’t know yet, but its been enough to warrant further work on it. Like normal, it seems most of my progress is coming from meditation and balancing internal issues rather than rote training at the moment. Its pretty clear that getting reliable pk effects will basially be the indicator light telling me that I’ve healed from all the stuff I’ve been working on most of this life, as it seems that stuff makes my energy too unstable to properly use. As such my focus is mostly on dealing with various layers of that as they come up, most of it is dealt with but not quite all. And most of my direct training with this is in the form of trying to condense energy as that feels most natural to do with channeling. My hope is to bring back recursive projections at some point, projecting on top of my own body. But those still seem far too intense for my system to handle for any amount of time. Seems to be getting better though so I’ll keep plugging away at it.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
Real interesting to hear about the different sources of energy. I started another thread about meditation - when you say meditation, what is your meditation like (if you don't mind answering)?
(2023-08-01, 01:11 AM)Ninshub Wrote: Real interesting to hear about the different sources of energy. I started another thread about meditation - when you say meditation, what is your meditation like (if you don't mind answering)? For the most part its a continuation of the blank body meditation that I think I mentioned in my first post. It opened me up before and I can feel that there's more blocks that it can clear, but I'm being careful with it since it seems like going too fast could be really bad. I don't think people should think of that as a standard meditation that they should also use. I developed it to target specific conditioning that I have around magic. Or more accurately, to get me back to a state that I got in semi spontaneously a couple years ago which was the only state ever to actually work on any of the blocks I have around magic. But because I had so much the state wasn't stable and I got kicked out of it and couldn't get into it the same way since.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
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