Tom Campbell - escaping the simulation

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This is a more in-depth interview with Darius.

Tom Campbell is mentioned early in the interview. The host sees similarities in the information they're sharing.

No small praise... In this hour plus interview, I had the honor of having on Darius J Wright. Darius is a spiritual teacher who has been going out of body for most of his life. In his journeys, he's been exposed to some incredible information. He shares that knowledge here in what could be the best interview I've ever conducted for the channel.
(This post was last modified: 2023-10-02, 12:10 AM by Ninshub. Edited 1 time in total.)
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(2023-10-02, 12:09 AM)Ninshub Wrote: No small praise... In this hour plus interview, I had the honor of having on Darius J Wright. Darius is a spiritual teacher who has been going out of body for most of his life. In his journeys, he's been exposed to some incredible information. He shares that knowledge here in what could be the best interview I've ever conducted for the channel.

Darius seems down to earth but talking a language that I honestly do not understand. He uses a lot of terms like "dimensional space" that have a mathematical meaning, but I'm pretty sure he is not discussing maths.

I get that there are a series of 'constructs' which are animated by souls, but I don't get much more. Does our current construct consist of the visible universe?

I think it would be great if you could provide a translation of a small part of this video into language that we can all understand - perhaps even including a glossary of terms.

Am I asking too much?

(This post was last modified: 2023-10-05, 04:17 PM by David001. Edited 1 time in total.)

This is just a quick reminder, I was hoping to get some sort of discussion as sto what Darius' video means!

It's hard for me to engage but I don't have any idea of what you're struggling with. I don't find myself needing to have explanations for these words or wondering how they relate to mathematics for example. He seems to be using words that seem to naturally fit what he's experienced and seen. Why make a thing out of his using the words "dimensional space", for example? Hard for me to relate to that need - but that's just me. It seems like over-intellectualizing.
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I've been listening to a lot of his interviews. At 40:53 in this one, he gives his own advice on how to go out of body.

(This post was last modified: 2023-10-05, 11:26 PM by Ninshub.)
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0:00 – Introduction
– Matter is Information, Consciousness is Awareness
– Materialism & Dogmatism
26:17 – Consciousness is Fundamental, Reality is Simulated
33:00 – Tom’s Theory of Everything (TOE) explained via Paradoxes
50:19 – This Virtual Reality only exists in the Minds of the Players
1:05:15 – Realism vs Idealism
– Why is the Universe?
1:11:25 – Evolution of Complexity & Meaning
– Cooperation is the driving force
– Why do people use Tom’s work as proof for God when Tom is an Atheist?
– What do other scientists think of Tom’s work?
1:46:20 – Tom on Bernardo Kastrup & Donald Hoffman
– Is this virtual reality also expanding?
– Healthy mind, healthy body
– What happens after death?
– How does Tom access metaphysical information?
– Metavirtual reality, artificial intelligence & conscious computers
– Solution to The Fermi Paradox
– Tom’s tools
– Conclusion


Quote:00:00 Introduction
Summary of Tom's Theory of Everything (TOE)
14:00 Logical Consequences of Consciousness as Fundamental
22:29 Reincarnation
44:09 Reaching Your Highest Evolutionary State (Lowest Entropic State)
53:40 Near Death Experiences (NDEs)
Accessing Information in the Data Base of Reality
Psychic Mediums & Telepathy ("Paranormal)
1:47:15 Déjà vu Explained
Out of Body Experiences (OBEs) & Remote Viewing
Testing OBEs with The Monroe Institute
Tom's next book ("Primal Man, Primal Woman")
From Materialism to Idealism via Transcendental Meditation
2:45:59 Developing Binaural Beats with Bob Monroe & Dennis Mennerich
2:52:52 Binaural Beats & Base Frequencies
Recap and Plans for Round 3
3:14:40 Conclusion
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

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My thoughts/notes from Part 1:

The podcast took a weird turn at the end where Campbell hawks some products, which contrasted with him saying earlier people would be more likely to believe him because he's not selling anything...I've noticed a lot of persons in Parapsychology hawking products of questionable repute recently. Of course there are materialists doing similar stuff - arguably to the tune of trillions of dollars if you include Big Pharma - but this still seems like a bad path to me.

Maybe if we had some really good open accounting from Tom's team that showed the money funds experiments to test his ideas I'd feel more comfortable with it.

All that said, there was a lot to like or at least consider ->

- The Conscious Designer is, in Tom's view, much more limited than any Omni-God. This at least helps makes sense of the Problem of Evil to some degree, and Tom insists he doesn't think of this Designer-Mind as God. It actually recalls something - IIRC! - Prescott wrote about ID, that God is a limited entity searching through a problem space. (Trying to find this article from his old blog with little luck...) Also made me think of Faggin's Seities.

But Tom also mentions the Conscious Designer is learning about morality, that forceful control doesn't work to generate experiences that are novel and thus allowing it to learn. He mentions one theist brought up this matches the contrast of the Old & New Testament. It also made me think of how Peter Sjöstedt-H argued Whitehead's God was an amoral entity interested in Novelty that was better described as akin to the Greek God Pan.

- Regarding the idea of the physical reality as "Information", not sure about how Tom uses information. He seems to, as I understood it, use information when referring to physical entities as Shannon Information. This runs into the same issues Peter Sjöstedt-H mentioned in his criticism of the similar Alien Information Theory.

- He mentions some issues relating to the oddities of the physical world, such as the continued expansion, the "fudge factor" of Dark Matter, and some QM oddities. Reminds me I need to go through the Physics to God podcast.

- I'm glad he shut down the "Simulations All the Way Down" idea on the basis I saw it as flawed - that you degrade performance for every dependent simulation. He doesn't explicitly note that infinitely dependent simulations would mean change cannot happen but I feel like his computational argument is equivalent to my philosophical one...

...Or at least I'll choose that interpretation because it makes me look smart. Wink

- He said he and Hoffman disagreed because Hoffman wanted to have more grounding in maths, and Tom mentioned that biology is not overly mathematical. Chaitin said the same thing recently in a Curt Jaimungal podcast episode I will post soon, though here's the preview for those interested. I can see both sides here, with Hoffman trying to show how to derive the fundamentals of the physical world being a worthwhile endeavor but limiting in that if his particular model is falsified the philosophy will be chucked out with it.

 On a more general note, I think the Philosophy of Mathematics does give us some reason to think Mind is at least one of the fundamentals, as per Peter Sas' arguments about the One generating the Many by contemplation of Numbers. (Not saying this is the ultimately correct metaphysics, just that it might ground some of what Tom is saying.)

 I would lean toward Tom's approach that Math models Reality, and while I do believe in Mathematical Universals (see here & here) I agree with Whitehead that thinking Math *is* Reality is Misplaced Concreteness. Even this idea of rules, while made more tractable for modern people familiar with video games & the Matrix movies is something I think is better generalized by Aquinas' 5th Way. (I do think the God-as-Absolute argued for in that thread is admittedly distinct from the lesser Demiurge Tom argues for.)

- Tom's disagreements with Kastrup weren't completely clear to me, though it seems to be based around Kastrup's idea of a dashboard/interface that cannot be pierced through. Tom feels we can see beyond the seemingly physical, and this may be an issue because Kastrup only seems to accept Psi as it relates to Super-Psi. Though Kastrup's dashboard idea has some oddities as noted by Peter Sjöstedt-H's review of Analytic Idealism in a Nutshell.

- Where I think there is more common ground for Hoffman and Tom is that Hoffman also thinks the material brains is just a phenomenological brain, though the stark difference seems to be that Hoffman does belief the brain is an icon pointing to reality while Tom thinks the brain is no more real than blood in a video game is really there inside a graphical enemy's body.

 This is probably one of the biggest concerns of the talk, where he suggests it's more difficult to psychically heal if you get checked out and find out you have issues internally. Given Naidu is a medical doctor I was surprised he didn't push back on this more.

- While I am wary of anyone making claims about psychic healing that contravene sane medical advice, I did find it interesting that Tom contrasted intellect & intuition. Tom feels the latter is where the paranormal lies. Made me think of McGilchrist's Left Brain vs Right Brain ideas.  Him mentioning how you could over time share consciousness with animals, and that animals have natural telepathy, made me think of Sheldrake's work.

- Tom also mentions that he, as part of his spiritual experience, worked to aid transitioning souls. He means both that he had Shared Death Experiences (see here) but also that he seems to have left his body to work with higher entities to help souls in their journey. (He himself notes you should be skeptical of this claim.)

  Tom notes that it is the transitioning soul, rather than some genuine aspect of reality, that creates the Tunnel effect in NDEs. This made think of something Shushan said (see here), that Indigenous Peoples around the world have walking along a dirt road as part of their NDE.

- While I did agree that reincarnation usually doesn't allow us access to past-life memories but still gives us some personality aspects, I didn't fully get the argument that when we reincarnate we have to lose our memories or it would mess everything up? 
  He did mention that some souls have an earlier creation date than others, which made me think of Faggin's Seities yet again.

- Tom seems to believe the physical body is just an avatar made interesting by being complex enough via the brain & body to have the Conscious Designer put old or new souls into. This is akin to something Gossinger says in Dark Pool of Light. Tom also notes that perhaps Neural Nets will attain the level complexity necessary to have a soul put into them as well.

- Tom thinks memory limits are the answer to Fermi's Paradox. So we might be the only sentient life in this universe, since the vastness of the void is an illusion anyway. Just as you only get your internal organs rendered when someone actually tries to look inside, the vastness of space is an illusion. However Tom mentions other realities he's seen via OOBE that have different parameters.
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

Notes on Part 2:

I am not sure why Tom thinks a series of 1 and 0 by the Designer makes Time. He says Time already existed by this allows for a particular reality to have a more organized temporal arrow...I feel like his point is that the Designer is a limited but very powerful entity that organizes Itself in a way that is akin to a computer game/simulation.

Some of what he says reminds me of Haisch's own Digital Idealist arguments:

Quote:We can think of no way to hardwire the behavior of photons in the glass reflection or the two-slit experiments into a physical law, or explain things in terms of particles coming in touch with each other...

Quote:...On the other hand, writing a bit of software – an algorithm – that would yield the desired result is really simple. For example, in the case of the four percent reflection, every time a photon is emitted from the laser, let a random number generator select a number between one and 100. Then specify that if the number turns out to be 25, 50, 75 or 100 the photon that triggered the random number will become one of the "reflected four...

The paper goes on to note the Hard Problem, and the necessity of the simulation running within some Ur-Mind.

Tom reiterates the Designer would then continually shift the rule sets of the reality It creates to develop an interesting enough simulation. I sort of get this, and I assume at some point this learning-on-the-fly Designer eventually realizes it needs to "lower entropy" with Love. I'm not sure I fully grasp this idea in context of the Simulation but it does recall Hermetic ideas.

Perhaps one way to look at this is that because - in a way I am unclear about - the Designer Mind shares in our existence, and as we make more moral choices the Designer Itself becomes more moral. I am unsure if this is what Tom means though.

It's still not completely clear to me what "lowering entropy" means, though I think I understand Tom's basic idea - 

We reincarnate to become better people, and since in this Digital Idealism we - along with the Designer - are the ultimate co-Creators our improvement improves reality.

This helps make sense of what Tom says about Reincarnation, at least partly. For Tom immortals would calcify in their personalities, and wouldn't have the continual shift in experience via different lives to learn to be better. He also notes that if you keep your memories across lives, rather than just your personality, you would try to game the system - to paraphrase you would "game the system" and thus only "act kind" rather than "be kind".

(A lot of similarities to Faggin's ideas, really think these two should talk!)

Also the idea of a Higher Frame / Lower Frame distinction made me think of Arvan's Peer to Peer Simulation Theory.

A bit odd to me that Tom believes in immortal selves that continuously reincarnate, but also in a kind of Super Psi drawing from a Cosmic Database. OTOH I do sort of see what he's getting at - if your loved one has reincarnated how can they be around for a medium to talk to?

Also unclear to me if he was joking about individuals getting absorbed back into the Designer's consciousness because there are too many people in the system for our reality. I think this may have just been speculation to accommodate certain Buddhist/Jain ideas?

He also doesn't think there is an Platonic Evil or just Evil entities like in horror movies. He thinks there may be cases where Psi ends up accidentally leading to a bad end but not due to evil spirits or evil magic.

I got the feeling Tom is couching these ideas in terms of a Simulation but like his use of silly names - the Designer as the "Big Cheese" - he is seeking to avoid any theological implications.

I did like him pointing out the danger of egotistical gurus who believe they have lowered their personal entropy, as it seemed to me this might be the most realistic scenario. At some point we ideally have reduced suffering, but this is more a journey toward an impossible state of total perfection. Instead we can approach, akin to an asymptote in maths, but not achieve the ideal. And it is likely we will falter collectively, but we can strive to at least not have our Falls be catastrophic like we see with all our wars, modern slavery, etc.
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

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