Time - some personal experiences

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(this is a repost of material I previously shared a number of years ago)    

Many years ago, I was going through a period when I seemed to be open to a variety of experiences including telepathy, oobes etc. Around that time, I had two separate experiences, both around the time of waking in the morning.

I was very much interested in technology, though my funds were very limited and most of it was out of reach. My latest purchase was a multi-band radio, which was placed on a cupboard by the side of my bed. As I was gradually waking up one morning, I could hear the occasional sharp sound, a bit like tapping the surface of a loudspeaker cone with a pencil. I thought that the radio must have been left switched on overnight, but was tuned to an empty space between stations, and was picking up an occasional electrical spike, such as may be caused by the electrical activity of a distant thunderstorm. Every few minutes there came another sharp sound. I was vaguely mulling over possible causes. The sounds seemed to be coming at closer intervals, it seemed very odd. After some time, the separate taps became a regular sequence, tap, tap, tap, getting gradually faster and faster. Then I was fully awake and the sound I was hearing was readily identified. It was the mechanical alarm clock on the bedside table, which ticked at the usual rate, I think about five ticks per second.

The second experience was several weeks later. One morning, I awoke to a series of loud, ear-piercing beeps. I woke up, startled - what the hell was that!? Then I relaxed. It's just the alarm of the digital alarm clock I realised. I turned over and went back to sleep for a while longer. When I woke properly a little later, I was deeply puzzled. I didn't own such a clock, no-one else in the house had anything which made a sound of that nature. This was the days of cassette tapes and vinyl records. Digital technology was still a great novelty, and there was nothing at all in the house of that nature.

Some months later, fascinated by the LCD display, another great novelty, I in fact bought a digital stopwatch which also happened to have an alarm. When I got it home and unpacked it from the box, on first hearing the alarm I was shocked. The sound it made was exactly like the one which had awakened me months before. For a while I was determined to never use the alarm feature, in order that I could avoid generating the actual event responsible for my earlier apparent precognition. But eventually I became bored with the idea, and did in fact use it as an alarm clock.

So there it is. Several experiences which seem now with hindsight to be a kind of educational message about the nature of time, though not one that I necessarily understand.
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