Questions for Cyrus Kirkpatrick

20 Replies, 6065 Views

Hello still beautiful people! 

I have an interview organised with Cyrus Kirkpatrick (written again) and was wondering if anyone had any questions for him? 

He's an OBE'r/astral projecter - but very credible, challenges a lot of classic new age notions he feels there is no evidence for,  he hosts a Facebook group called 'Afterlife Topics' and has written a book. 

Below is a short summary about himself he sent to me -

'Cyrus Kirkpatrick is a paranormal researcher who wrote the 2015 book "Understanding Life After Death." He began practicing out-of-body experiences in 2014 which led to the ability to meet and interview the deceased in a direct fashion. He continues trying to piece together the big puzzle of our relationships with parallel dimensions. He lives in Culver City, California and often spends large amounts of time traveling to distant countries and working off his laptop.' 

Please comment with your questions!
(This post was last modified: 2017-09-06, 10:06 AM by Roberta.)
[-] The following 10 users Like Roberta's post:
  • Brian, Sciborg_S_Patel, Bucky, laborde, DaveB, tim, Laird, Vortex, Doug, Ninshub
Super work organising this, Robbie! I'm thinking I need to read at least a part of Cyrus's book before being ready to offer questions - how long do I have? How much am I going to need to speed-read?!
[-] The following 2 users Like Laird's post:
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(2017-09-06, 06:28 AM)Laird Wrote: Super work organising this, Robbie! I'm thinking I need to read at least a part of Cyrus's book before being ready to offer questions - how long do I have? How much am I going to need to speed-read?!

I said I'd send him questions in the next few days so get reading Wink. You can check out his FB group, he's guestposted on Prescott's blog and done other interview so google is your friend too!
[-] The following 1 user Likes Roberta's post:
  • Laird
I just want to chime in on behalf of potentially just myself, but I'm guessing a number of others. (At the risk of offending these "others".)

Please do not take my lack of input as a lack of interest. I realize we are a fledgling community here and I am hopeful these types of interviews with quality guests becomes mainstay. I fear that folks like Robbie (and others) might become discouraged if feedback isn't robust. For me, at least, its simply because I don't feel I have any valuable suggestions for your interview.

I do, however, look forward to reading/listening to it!!
[-] The following 4 users Like Silence's post:
  • Brian, Bucky, Roberta, Typoz
I agree. Super interested in this interview. No time to participate. Looking forward to it.
[-] The following 1 user Likes chuck's post:
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No worries to you guys above - more important that you comment when the actual interview comes (and ask him stuff if he joins Big Grin)

If anyone can suggest some questions it'd be helpful though!
[-] The following 1 user Likes Roberta's post:
  • Silence
I think we should be very grateful to and supportive of anyone willing to go to the trouble of organising an interview.

I can't offer an informed question, but based on the summary, if he can "interview the deceased in a direct fashion" I'd be curious about whether he can get verifiable information from them. Also whether one could nominate a deceased person - perhaps an obscure one or someone who had been dead a long time. Sorry if that makes me too much of a Doubting Thomas.
[-] The following 2 users Like Guest's post:
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(2017-09-06, 05:12 PM)Chris Wrote: I think we should be very grateful to and supportive of anyone willing to go to the trouble of organising an interview.

I can't offer an informed question, but based on the summary, if he can "interview the deceased in a direct fashion" I'd be curious about whether he can get verifiable information from them. Also whether one could nominate a deceased person - perhaps an obscure one or someone who had been dead a long time. Sorry if that makes me too much of a Doubting Thomas.

Will ask that question and will think of how to ask your second point as well!
[-] The following 1 user Likes Roberta's post:
  • Brian
Great interview choice!
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

[-] The following 2 users Like Sciborg_S_Patel's post:
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Thanks Sci!

UPDATE: Have sent Cyrus the questions so shouldn't be long till I post them guys.

Mods - Can you move this thread to a different part of the forum? Probably will look better if we just have the interviews themselves in this section.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Roberta's post:
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