Physical identifiers of consciousness

2 Replies, 251 Views

I hope this is the correct forum to post . It’s more NDE related but an anecdote and discussion of related phenomena as well but anyway..

Years ago, a loved one passed away in an accident . At the time, my uncle, the boy’s father, mentioned that he saw him smile, when later looking at his body. 

I think this was at the hospital, after death,  within hours , but I can’t be more specific , because I don’t know .

But for the point of my question, let’s by pass the possibility it was imagined or whatever , and just for the sake of argument assume it happened .

Wouldn’t that lend more support towards NDE’s and similar experience r brain based?

I guess I am making an assumption that If my cousin actually smiled , he was having an NDE , experiencing happiness or something positive , and his body reacted .

After all this latest research with Sam Parnia, reading aware of aware blog , latest articles ; etc … about how the body has signs of Eeg Potentially , or maybe Parnias theory is “on the right track,” either way …

I’m combining various things in my memory. Articles about people In coma having more awareness than previously thought , and other related phenomena that just make me wonder if , when looked at combined , it paints to a physical cause …or maybe the physical is just the intercessor

Who knows

Just trying to generate some thoughts and dialogue . 
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Thanks for posting this incident.

Peter Fenwick was discussed very recently, and I think a lot of what he discusses is relevant to this subject:

I have only seen two dead bodies, and neither was smiling - so I don't people would get this impression by mistake. However note that a lot of the death-related phenomena reported by PF seem to defy normal logic.

BTW, It would help if possible, if you could avoid posting formatted text. Raw unformatted text works best. I had to copy/paste your message into a text editor to read it because the front was so small!


Thanks for posting this incident.

Peter Fenwick was discussed very recently, and I think a lot of what he discusses is relevant to this subject:

I have only seen two dead bodies, and neither was smiling - so I don't people would get this impression by mistake. However note that a lot of the death-related phenomena reported by PF seem to defy normal logic.

BTW, It would help if possible, if you could avoid posting formatted text. Raw unformatted text works best. I had to copy/paste your message into a text editor to read it because the front was so small!


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