"It was crawling - at the back end of the corridor...."

40 Replies, 6190 Views

(2019-01-02, 12:05 PM)Typoz Wrote: If filming locations are changed, and the people's parts played by actors, are any purported phenomena also staged? (That seems the logical conclusion.)

My problem with all of this is that I don't doubt that people do indeed experience inexplicable events, but I'm much less sure that they can be captured on camera, any more than we can photograph our dreams or OOBEs or NDEs. All of these are known to occur, that is not disputed, but putting them on film is something which is not possible.

Not with that attitude.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
(2019-01-02, 03:56 PM)Mediochre Wrote: Not with that attitude.

I have not attempted it. My observation is based on results (or lack thereof) achieved by others. I don't know what attitude they hold.
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(2019-01-01, 10:15 AM)Chris Wrote: Perhaps it's not entirely clear that the movement has stopped before the thing is obscured by the presenter, but it looks like it to me. Certainly it seems to be stationary for quite a long time before the movement.

I dont know how large screen you use for your PC. I use a 37 inch screen. If you look at the clip here in full-screen >> https://streamable.com/idi7b ,you see that it is in motion all the time. If you also look at Katrinas face, you see that it goes in & out of focus when Rob tries to find the right balance of zoom on the object. When he gets it fairly well at the end you see the limbs of this humanoid clearer when it is in its highest position.

It is not like its "walking" along like a dog on its four limbs, and its not like it slitters either. Its more like a soldier in a trench, trying to keep as low as he can - but also move forward - so you get that up & down movement.

When Rob tries to zoom in at first it is in its "collapsed part" (lowest to the ground), therefore it looks like a "mass with a tail". And if you look you can see that it is so low that you see the part - at the end of the corridor a few meter behind it - where the dark part of the floor meets the white wall.  And you see it once again, for a short bit at the end of the clip, when it "collapses" its body down to the floor in its cycle of movement.

I made a GIF of the movie-clip, but it takes away much of the little clarity we have from the original clip, but maybe you can get a better sense of the movement it makes. when you see a loop of it.

[Image: EYsYQSH.gif]

If you look at the still shots, and the head of this humanoid-object you see that it is clearly (with reference to the window above) is in a constant motion forward.

[Image: nylNbLXl.jpg]

[Image: pMMZum2l.jpg]

[Image: hvPpPB0l.jpg]

[Image: oEOl5B3l.jpg]

[Image: ZvRyntql.jpg]

[Image: EShQgDYl.jpg]
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(2019-01-02, 09:57 PM)Pollux Wrote: I dont know how large screen you use for your PC. I use a 37 inch screen. If you look at the clip here in full-screen >> https://streamable.com/idi7b ,you see that it is in motion all the time.
That clip is only about seven seconds long. The object is in view for nearly 30 seconds in total. I'm saying it's stationary in the earlier section, before your clip.
(2019-01-02, 05:01 PM)Typoz Wrote: I have not attempted it. My observation is based on results (or lack thereof) achieved by others. I don't know what attitude they hold.

All I mean is it's defeatist to say it's impossible to record. If it can be observed, it can be recorded, since recording is just observation with an extra step.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
To clarify what Chris was asking for; here is the whole sequence of what they filmed up in that corridor when Rob caught this on camera. This is the raw footage, without the brightness and the blue-filter added. It's about a 30 seconds piece of what he filmed, but I also kept the whole aftermath-part, and their reactions and added commentary of the clip, so you can see how they reacted, responded, and investigated the area, and made a summary of it.

They are handling 2 cameras there. Rob has the big shoulder-camera (with the slightly blue-tinted night vision on it), which are commonly used for the best close-up footage for recording the show). The reason why Rob doesn't use  the "bright" night-vision camera is because all the footage, when filming Nick & Katrina in the close-ups, would make their faces over-exposed, and bright white. And Rob is there to film the episode, and the investigation primarily, and get the best footage of Nick & Katrina. Nick on the other hand has a hand-held camera with a "grey black&white" night vision on it (which you see later on when they switch between camera-views in the clip). Katrina didn't carried a camera.; (watch in full-screen)

EIDT: If the embedded video below doesn't work, here is the direct-link to it >> http://dai.ly/x70567g

Since its a bit hard to hear what they say I add the subtitle-transcript of their whole conversation in the clip. It is taken from the subtitle-part of the episode, so there isn't specified exactly who said what in it (except from Rob, from time to time). It is the three of them talking back and forth here.
But if you watch the clip, and read at the same time, you'll get it anyway.;

Quote:Rob: Hold on a sec. What is that?
- Ssh, you hear that?
- What?
- Hold on.
- Where are you hearing it from,Rob?
- What?
- Where are you looking at, Rob? What's the matter?
- I  swear I just saw something dark.
- Where? Where?
- Where? What?
- Back there.
- I can't see. What?
- I thought I saw something move across that back wall.
- It was like a globe.
- I can't see shit.
- It was shady.
- Show us.
- Show us where.
- Come here.
- Keep going.

-My heart's racing right now.
Rob: I don't even know what that was, man.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah. I'm all right. It's just...

Nick's added commentary; - Seeing Rob shaking, telling me what he's seeing on the camera, it's literally freaking me out because I can't see it with my own eyes. We're in pitch darkness,but only Rob can see it on these high-definition cameras.

- Where did you see it, Rob?
- Point out...
Rob: Kind of like...If I'm it.....around here
- Yeah.
Rob: Like, right there....
Nick: I'm looking.....I'm right here.
- Katrina?

Rob: - God. It had shape....It wasn't just, like, a mist._
- But it wasn't human?
- It didn't have, like, a figure?

Rob: I'm shaking right now....I don't know what I just saw. I don't know.
- Talk -- talk to us.
- What are you talking about?
- So we were looking down that way. I thought I heard something in my ear-piece,...footsteps back there. And then as I zoomed in on you guys, my focus went to that back wall. And at that very last second,it's like I thought....like, almost like a large snake or lizard or something...just kind of slithered past.

- Do you have the monitor on you?

- Can we play it back?
- Yeah. Let's play it back.

- Watch.

- Watch back here.
- And that's when I heard something....
- Cause you can tell....the focus is all over the place.
- I don't even know what I'm doing.
- Now, watch.....right there!!
[ Gasps ]
- What the fuck is that!?!?
- It's, like...
- Oh, my god!
- That's why I said...it's like a snake.
- Yeah.
- I'm shaking right now, just looking at that....
- Here...
- So we'll watch it again.
- See, here we are....
- And it's right here...that I notice that it's moving.
- It's sliding right across,...right to left.
- And now it's gone.
- What is that!?!?
- Whatever shape that was that I first saw --
- I didn't know what the hell you were talking about...
- Yeah. I was like; What was that?
- There it goes...
- Oh, my god!!!
- Whoa!!!
- It just, like --it literally -- it slithers.
- What's weird, too,is that it's, like --it's there the whole time. It's just "hanging out".
- And then it was like... `Shoop´!

Rob:, I've never seen anything like that.
- So there's something in the middle of the floor, right?
- Is that what I'm seeing?
- That's what it looks like. There's some white blob.
- And then when he gets close on me,he's focusing on me.
- And then, like, right after that, it starts to move.
- It's just, like, a shadow hanging out behind us,and then it slithers away.
- It's definitely not an animal, right?
- No, 'cause, we would've heard it.
- It's -- yeah, exactly.
- It can't be an animal.

- We would've heard it.
- We weren't that far away from it.
- And even if it was an animal, what kind of animal is that huge?...That slithers? With no sound?
- That, whatever that is,is something --...something else.

Here is my poor attempt of making that whole 30-seconds sequence a bit clearer.
I tried with both red, yellow, and green filters, but the blue-filter is the one that really shows the object best - and then just added some brightness and enhancements. And I can see why they used the blue-filter themself when they tried to optimize the footage afterwards, since the red, green, and yellow didn't pick it up as good as the blue one does. My piece-of-shit video-editing software doesn't, obviously, match what they probably are using, but I made an attempt with what I got- (watch in full-screen);

(This post was last modified: 2019-01-24, 12:38 PM by Pollux.)
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Thanks. But I don't think I actually asked for anything. I was just pointing out that the white shape appears to be stationary for quite a long time before it begins to move. Perhaps for the first five seconds of the second clip you've just posted (there seems to be a problem with the first clip). But more importantly, for perhaps twelve seconds before that clips starts - from about 1.21 in the video you posted at the start of this thread. The clip you've just posted goes from the point where the camera zooms in, but the white shape is visible in the middle of the corridor right from the start of the shot.

It's almost as though it's waiting for a cue before it starts moving.
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(2019-01-06, 09:18 AM)Chris Wrote: Pollux

Thanks. But I don't think I actually asked for anything. I was just pointing out that the white shape appears to be stationary for quite a long time before it begins to move. Perhaps for the first five seconds of the second clip you've just posted (there seems to be a problem with the first clip). But more importantly, for perhaps twelve seconds before that clips starts - from about 1.21 in the video you posted at the start of this thread. The clip you've just posted goes from the point where the camera zooms in, but the white shape is visible in the middle of the corridor right from the start of the shot.

It's almost as though it's waiting for a cue before it starts moving.

Regarding the validity of the clip one has always take into account that things like this can be faked. But there is a few things that make it a bit more reliable, but NOT conclusive, but kinda indicative in favour of a real phenomenon.;
  • For example, Rob Saffi, the cameraman, is not part of the group in the manner of an investigator. He isn't even with them for the whole 72-hours (days) investigation they do. He films with them for most of the evening and part of the night, but as Nick & Katrina they do a full sleep-over in these locations. Rob leaves and sleep off-site, since he is a "hired-gun" as cameraman and nothing else. He has been a cameraman for lots of different TV-shows that aren't of paranormal nature, so he hasn't a "have a dog in the fight" for the outcome of the show.

  • Another aspect is that they really look surprised & shocked of what they saw. Yeah, I know, one can fake that if you are a somewhat good liar & actor, but I didn't get that vibe here. I can say that I have watched just about every paranormal show out there, and I can get the feel when some of the investigators try to embellish something they come across, and they try to make a whole drama-spectacle of it. But that's just a gut-feeling I have here - that it was genuine reactions - but I can't know.

  • The third thing is that if you look at the original footage (the one without the blue-filtered enhanced image) there isn't just much visible beyond Nick & Katrina there. The only thing is that the back wall is white tiles, and the floor i black. So when they stand there (in that clip Chris refer to) and Rob films Nick&Katrina for a period of 15-20 seconds before he alerts them that he sees movement, he really doesn't see anything that would alert him to react. (I'm gonna post that part, where I have done a brightness enhancement and blue-filter of it). So this object is in the middle of the back-end of the corridor, and it looks like a "white" blob really, but then it starts to expand, and when it does it rises that short bit that makes it stands out a bit from the sight-line of Rob when it "breaks" that line of dark floor and white tile wall behind it. And I think its here, when Rob sees that "breaking" he notice movement. And as he alerts them, and tries to focus, the "object", whatever it is, also seems to be aware of what happening. It is then you see it stretches out, and starts to move along the floor, and after a few feet it stretches out and raises its back and you see the obvious crawling-movement of a human figure. And as I said; Rob doesn't have the full enhanced view of it there. He just has that kind of grey/blue tainted image of his night vision, and not the brightness we see in the enhanced video. He sees the movement when something darker breaks against the white wall.

  • Another aspect is that the first clip I posted is the enhancement that Nick Groff made of the footage and was showed a few weeks later after the airing of the show. So one might think that he might have added some extra "ghost-images" into the footage there when he enhanced the original footage, to make a fake. But the clips I added later on, where I added blue-filter, brightness and enhancements are from the original dark footage of the first episode, and it shows the exact same thing as it does in their enhanced video.

Sure, one can argue that Nick had `planned´ all this beforehand, and "hid" the object in the original dark-clip, and let the suspense brew, and then later on, a few months later,  show the clip with blue-filter enhancements, knowing that many people would have a look at the original footage and try to enhance it for themselves to see if something is there, in an effort to debunk him. Yeah, sure, everything is possible, if one is a cynic and die-hard sceptic.
  • Another thing is that; if you watch some of these shows with Nick&Katrina, when Rob films, you have lots of footage when they are far away from the camera (around the same distance as this crawling figure) and if one make a blue-filter and brightness enhancement their bodies does in no shape or form look as the figure on the floor. Their contour are sharper and outlined with details, as it would be with a person. The figure on the floor doesn't show that.

But of course a sceptic can then argue that they would have had an gymnast there, who were dressed in a black/grey slim body-suit, that first is laying rolled up into a ball on the floor, and "then on cue" (as Chris proposed) would have stretched out from his "ball-position", and Rob would ("on cue/script") shouted out that he sees something, and then the gymnast started to snake along the floor, and then stretch out and made the last bit crawling on his arms and legs, and they get their "money-shot". Yeah, I guess one can try to "disassemble" this with all kinds of `Brian Dunning-debunking`-methods/arguments...or, maybe, perhaps,.......maybe, they actually caught something paranormal on camera, that looked freakishly surreal.

PS: I will upload the few seconds of "non movement", that Chris refereed to, tomorrow. It is my own "blue-filtered" clip, with some enhancement. But what it shows is that it was, as I said above, a 10-15 seconds before Rob see that "it" moves, and then you have seen the rest of it"

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Thanks for your further thoughts. I think we'll have to agree to differ about this.

But from what I read, it's certainly not only die-hard sceptics who are suspicious about the content of Nick Groff's TV shows.
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(2019-01-09, 08:37 AM)Chris Wrote: Pollux

Thanks for your further thoughts. I think we'll have to agree to differ about this.

But from what I read, it's certainly not only die-hard sceptics who are suspicious about the content of Nick Groff's TV shows.

Yeah, OK, but what do you think is happening here?

I'm really interested to hear.

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