How I learned how to Poltergeist

3 Replies, 1253 Views

I’m posting this now because I just want it out even in this incomplete form. I just don’t have the time I used to to be involved in this forum. I do want to add to and refine it, or at least answer questions, but I won’t deny it will take awhile.

Back in autumn 2010, shortly after I’d fried my entire chakra network but before I’d truly experienced how much damage I’d done if I remember correctly. I was hearing a lot about the concept of ‘density’ and how the physical world is ‘low vibrational’ and how the spirit world is all ‘high vibrational’. Y’know, standard new age lightworker stuff.

Well I’d already had a decent degree of projection results and I thought to myself “Hey, let’s test that, let’s find out if there really is a ‘density’ difference between here and there.” So I designed a simple experiment.

If it’s true that:

1- the spirit world is “less dense” than the physical world
2- “vibrations” refers to something that is functionally if not literally similar to EMF waveforms
3- projections happen in the spirit world
4- reality is singular and contiguous, consisting of a spectrum of phase states*
5- the spirit world is one of those phase states and not a virtual space created through telepathy
*I.E if reality works the way it’s described in my past life memories, a sort of multiverse.

Then it should be possible to shift a projection into the physical world by making it “more like” like physical world. Meaning shoving as much energy as possible into my spirit body until it “sunk” down to the physical world.

If true it could lead to remote viewing, something I wasn’t even aware was already a known thing at the time. But to really test if the whole density thing is true I’d need to take it a lot further. After all, if it were true that changing density let you come down here enough to see, then if you push a little bit more you should be able to touch things too.

I would test for it by attempting to project to someone I knew, without their knowledge, and move things around in a specific way and order. Preferably with them present or otherwise easily able to learn what happened and that it couldn’t have been anything normal. If it really happened, I’d expect said person to tell me about the event spontaneously. If what they describe happening matches what I did, then I’d know I was successful.

Long story short, I was eventually successful, and Poltergeisting was born. Becoming the backbone of my quest to regain my magic. It also opened up the possibility for better projection experiments. Since now I didn’t need to verify with another person, I could do things like set up a camera. Prompting series of experiments I called “the youtube series” that I launched in maybe december 2010 if I remember correctly. Basically, I would try to poltergeist somewhere out in the world, because I had little control where or when I'd end up If I remember correctly. I would try to get someone to get whatever I was doing on camera and leave myself "calling cards" to the best of my ability. Things that, even if seen years later, would prove to me that it was one of my experiments.

I did get a small amount of positive results back from that starting January 2011. Only one of which I still consider any good. Though naturally, due to their nature, they prove nothing to anyone but me as there's nothing about the video that independently links it to me or my experiments. At least as far as I’m concerned, though I am going to refrain from posting the one best video because I, quite frankly, don’t want to get sued. 

What I will say is I found myself in the somewhat accidental possession of a cat’s body at one point and took that opportunity to put on a show for a guy with camera. So I made it bark like a dog. Something that I learned cat vocal chords really don't like to do. Though it was very interesting seeing through cat eyes, everything seemed more or less black and white or at least really muted but anything that was an "edge" was super high contrast to everything else. Really hard to describe.

From all that I developed something I call the "theory of inertial density" which posits that the reason physics is the same for everything is because it all shares the same inherent inertial density, which is similar but not the same concept as regular density. And that things like the "spirit world" are just a different density and so don't interact.

Since then I’ve been trying to adapt poltergeisting into direct telekinesis and thus magic.

Best as I can tell, the mathematical relationship behind why my energy could interact with objects goes like this:

A is inversely related to B which is inversely related to C which is inversely related to A

In other words if A moves up, B moves down, which means C moves up, which means A moves... down. Which move B up, C down, A up... etc. In other words, the system is internally locked and can only be changed from an outside influence. That’s called inertia kids!

I originally thought I achieved this through spin, but now I’m not so sure. Cramming a bunch of energy into one space seems to be all it takes to get inertia to happen. The more energy, the more influence. And if you cram enough in the spot will actually distort light, becoming visible. Though the sheer amount it feels like I have to use makes it exceedingly hard to do. It’s very draining, like muscle strain but, well, without muscles, I don’t know how else to explain it right now.

The fact that there is any way whatsoever to use raw energy to interact with the physical world is a pretty huge deal. It’s why I refuse to give up on my training, there is literally no limit to what this could be used for. Still more to say of course but wanted to at least add this one little tidbit of an update.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
(This post was last modified: 2019-03-29, 04:07 AM by Mediochre.)
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Thank you for posting this, Mediochre. I am always interested in actual experiences and yours do open up new ideas and areas to consider, for some of us who perhaps have not learned to control phenomena so much.
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(2019-03-09, 10:10 AM)Typoz Wrote: Thank you for posting this, Mediochre. I am always interested in actual experiences and yours do open up new ideas and areas to consider, for some of us who perhaps have not learned to control phenomena so much.

Thank you, though I wouldn't say I have control yet. All I know is that control is possible. I think it would be quite easy for people to attain high levels of magic here but the biggest issue is everyone treats it religiously, like it's  special and distinct from reality. They don’t try to figure out the underlying mechanics behind the ideas. So they come up with bizzare rituals who's components have nothing to do with anything. But because they get some results with it they assume it's how it really works and stop thinking. My favourite are salt rings for dealing with ghosts. Why salt? Why not pottasium or graphite or something? What is it about salt that makes it work? Or certain coloured candles having certain effects in some wiccan spells. Or targeting things with love and compassion. Same thing. 

If people remove all the spirituality out of it and just treat it like another form of engineering operating under the same physics as everything else they'll get more results faster. They'd probably learn that none of the specifics matter at all. It's more about mental focus among other things, and it's just that those specifics can help do that.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
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Added this small update to the OP:

Quote:Best as I can tell, the mathematical relationship behind why my energy could interact with objects goes like this:

A is inversely related to B which is inversely related to C which is inversely related to A

In other words if A moves up, B moves down, which means C moves up, which means A moves... down. Which move B up, C down, A up... etc. In other words, the system is internally locked and can only be changed from an outside influence. That’s called inertia kids!

I originally thought I achieved this through spin, but now I’m not so sure. Cramming a bunch of energy into one space seems to be all it takes to get inertia to happen. The more energy, the more influence. And if you cram enough in the spot will actually distort light, becoming visible. Though the sheer amount it feels like I have to use makes it exceedingly hard to do. It’s very draining, like muscle strain but, well, without muscles, I don’t know how else to explain it right now.

The fact that there is any way whatsoever to use raw energy to interact with the physical world is a pretty huge deal. It’s why I refuse to give up on my training, there is literally no limit to what this could be used for. Still more to say of course but wanted to at least add this one little tidbit of an update.

Still so much more to add, though I think I might start the Weaver System thread before that, don't know.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
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