Is anyone familiar with the various electromagnetic theories of consciousness? Which do you think are the best? What are some of the problems facing these interpretations?
electromagnetic theories of consciousness
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There are probably hundreds of variations on the general theme that consciousness is a product of electrochemical activity in the brain. They are based on the Physical Hypothesis that holds there is only physical reality and that mind is physical and a product of electrochemical brain activity.
Recently concocted variations I have seen lean on the microtubules and quantum principles. See Why a “genius” scientist thinks our consciousness originates at the quantum level. All such theories I have considered have in common the failure of the theoretician to consider Psi Field research. (For instance Psychokinesis Research) In other words, they are trying to explain a nonphysical phenomenon with only physical principles. That is a little like trying to model earth's shape with only what can be seen on the horizon. In parapsychology, Anomalistic Psychologists refuse to include Psi Field research in their calculations, which means they necessarily decide psi-related experiences are imagined. (Ignoring that which disagrees with favored theories seems to be a mainstream thing.) As witness the research done with remote viewing and evidential mediumship, the hypothesis that best explains the psi field is that it is nonlocal, meaning it has no apparent distance ... everywhere is everywhere. While that may be a description of quantum effects, it rules out electromagnetic phenomena. From our work with Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) and other forms of transcommunication, we know that the apparently paranormal voices can be recorded in a shielded chamber such as a Faraday Cage inside of a sound isolation chamber. A simple test for this is explained in Eliminating Radio Frequency Contamination for EVP. Psi is an effect of mind. It does not matter if you accept the Survival Hypothesis, but in that, still sentient, interactive, discarnate personality requires the concept that mind is independent of brain. A lot of human experience can be better explain if duality is included in the calculation. While most reported psi-related experiences can be explained with the Physical Hypothesis and some are better explained with what parapsychologists refer to as the Super-Psi Hypothesis, some seem to require the Survival Hypothesis for their explanation. I am an electrical and electronics engineer(BSEEE) and everything I know about electromagnetism tells me that that concept fails to explain what we know about mind and its functioning. I have quite a bit of physics training, albeit pre-1970 and what I have read since. What I know about quantum principles suggests that most attempts to apply them to the Psi Field really do earn the title of quantum mysticism. With that said, we have a problem explaining how brain interfaces with mind. We know that psi functioning influences random processes. This is shown in the REG research (Exploratory Study: The Random Number Generator and Group Meditation) and the way we think EVP are formed (A Model for EVP). EVP appear to be easiest formed when there is a chaotic signal interrupted with chaotic perturbations. It seems reasonable to speculate that the fields of neuron activity we see in the brain might act as a receptor for intended order introduced by the psi functioning of the mind. The problem we have now is to come up with a plausible model for how brain translates body sense signal into psi. We know of no physical process that does that. It may be that quantum processes in microtubules provide the physical-psi interface we are looking for, As an aside, it happens I expect to publish an essay related to this subject titled Avatar. It should be out in the next day or so at (2018-10-07, 06:23 PM)Tom Butler Wrote: From our work with Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) and other forms of transcommunication, we know that the apparently paranormal voices can be recorded in a shielded chamber such as a Faraday Cage inside of a sound isolation chamber. A simple test for this is explained in Eliminating Radio Frequency Contamination for EVP.Thanks for the long and informative post Tom. I have a few questions if you have the time. Are the faraday experiments credible when considering that a faraday cage can only block electromagnetic waves within frequencies its designed to repel? Are you familiar with the work of Mcfadden or Susan Pockett who have proposed electromagnetic theories of consciousness? If consciousness is not electromagnetic in nature then why does it seem to be altered by Trans cranial magnetic stimulation? ( (2018-10-08, 07:50 AM)letseat Wrote: If consciousness is not electromagnetic in nature then why does it seem to be altered by Trans cranial magnetic stimulation?The brain is physical. It responds to all sorts of physical influences, ranging from simple dehydration to nutrients to drugs to electric shock treatment. What is so different about magnetism - should the brain be immune to it? (2018-10-08, 09:12 AM)Typoz Wrote: The brain is physical. It responds to all sorts of physical influences, ranging from simple dehydration to nutrients to drugs to electric shock treatment. What is so different about magnetism - should the brain be immune to it? IIRC From the mainstream perspective the brain is considered to be very good at filtering out the various electromagnetic frequencies we're constantly submerged in, hence why its unusual that they seem to do anything when using transcranial magnetic stimulation. It's not understood why TMS is effective biologically. (2018-10-09, 11:47 PM)letseat Wrote: IIRC From the mainstream perspective the brain is considered to be very good at filtering out the various electromagnetic frequencies we're constantly submerged in, hence why its unusual that they seem to do anything when using transcranial magnetic stimulation. It's not understood why TMS is effective biologically. Andrija Puharich, reported an increace in micro PK. When subjects where inside a Faraday cage. Apparently the opposite of the result he was anticipating. Also Ted Serioes, was able to perform thoughtogrophy from inside a faraday cage, while the camera was located on the outside.
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(2018-10-08, 07:50 AM)letseat Wrote: Thanks for the long and informative post Tom. I have a few questions if you have the time. I am familiar with some of the EMF theories. I am also familiar with some of the work conducted using EMF to induce mental imagery. A Faraday Cage used by MacRae will stop the frequency ranges I think these theories are concerned with. The link I included, Eliminating Radio Frequency Contamination for EVP, is concerned with a makeshift approach to EMF elimination using a buried metal can. That is a pretty effective EMF eliminator. Phenomena tend to inherit credibility from other phenomena described in the same model. For instance, if it can be shown that intention can have a physical influence locally and at a distance, and if there appears to be no time dependency in those demonstrations, the EMF hypothesis become less likely while the Psi Field hypothesis begins to make better sense. Psychokinetic influence has been demonstrated in many different venues, some under strict controls, some witnessed by trained observers. For instance, I have witnessed many physical seances in which physical phenomena occurred. Some of the seances were in facilities for which I had complete control before and after, including a strip search of the medium. I am not arguing that these accounts are proof. They do contribute to the body of information that supports the Psi Field Hypothesis. Physical scientists have argued that such reports are evidence of fraud, delusion or mistaken identity. Of course, those are very unscientific arguments unless a mechanism can be proposed for how they are true. To their credit, scientists have been trying all sorts of known physical principles to explain. So far, they are only simulating and not replicating. (2018-10-10, 09:56 PM)Max_B Wrote: Enormous subject... but yes, good evidence now that EM fields, particularly hyper-weak, patterned magnetic fields affect individual cells, and affect the behavior of organisms in a reproducible way that is not currently understood. What are the stand out pieces of evidence, in your opinion?
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