Discussion on the concept of Parallel Lives

8 Replies, 615 Views

This is a subject that there seems to be very little information on... or maybe I just don't know the name for it.

Either way... after my rather profound Ayahuasca experience, and experiencing contact with another self, I started thinking, and it was even suggested by the psychic I see semi-regularly that it could be a case of a parallel life. Not a past-life so much as one happening in parallel to this one.

So... what resources are there on this sort of phenomena? (Nevermind the case of one involving real-time communication between those selves... that seems even more peculiar than just parallel lives...)

Besides that, any general discussion is also welcome. Smile
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
~ Carl Jung

(This post was last modified: 2024-02-16, 07:50 AM by Valmar. Edited 1 time in total.)
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(2024-02-16, 07:49 AM)Valmar Wrote: This is a subject that there seems to be very little information on... or maybe I just don't know the name for it.

Either way... after my rather profound Ayahuasca experience, and experiencing contact with another self, I started thinking, and it was even suggested by the psychic I see semi-regularly that it could be a case of a parallel life. Not a past-life so much as one happening in parallel to this one.

So... what resources are there on this sort of phenomena? (Nevermind the case of one involving real-time communication between those selves... that seems even more peculiar than just parallel lives...)

Besides that, any general discussion is also welcome. Smile

This might be interpreted along the lines of the various multiverse theories and of Everett's multiple worlds solution in quantum mechanics. In these concepts there exist countless other universe realities in addition to our own, in which some contain perfect duplicates of ourselves living the same lives, along with other universes with all possible differences from this. I know, this is perhaps the maximum possible violation of the Occam's Razor principle of parsimony, but Everett's concept has been seriously proposed as a better quantum mechanics resolution than Heisenberg's.

The idea would be that perhaps these other parallel Universes can sometimes be sensed psychically to the point of actually focusing in on one of these parallel personal existences in another Universe reality.
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(2024-02-16, 05:57 PM)nbtruthman Wrote: This might be interpreted along the lines of the various multiverse theories and of Everett's multiple worlds solution in quantum mechanics. In these concepts there exist countless other universe realities in addition to our own, in which some contain perfect duplicates of ourselves living the same lives, along with other universes with all possible differences from this. I know, this is perhaps the maximum possible violation of the Occam's Razor principle of parsimony, but Everett's concept has been seriously proposed as a better quantum mechanics resolution than Heisenberg's.

Would never have imagined this as being possible without having experienced it... though it doesn't seem to be the same as multiverse theory, though, which is conjectured almost primarily to dismiss fine-tuning.

(2024-02-16, 05:57 PM)nbtruthman Wrote: The idea would be that perhaps these other parallel Universes can sometimes be sensed psychically to the point of actually focusing in on one of these parallel personal existences in another Universe reality.

How it is possible still escapes my comprehension at the moment. But maybe I can't know the answer to that from this down-here perspective.
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
~ Carl Jung

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In a computer the output of multiple programs requires some switching at very high speeds.

This *might* help explain how such a thing could work, especially when one notes the perception of time in a dream can vary from the actual experience. It is an interesting conjecture, that one lives lifetimes somewhere else in the blink of an eye on this world...

I am not sure any conscious entity can have separate streams of experience occur simultaneously, for reasons laid out by @Laird & Titus Rivas regarding the idea of One True Subject that the Absolute Idealists (wrongly IMO) say is the only true experiencer.
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

(2024-02-17, 04:31 PM)Sciborg_S_Patel Wrote: In a computer the output of multiple programs requires some switching at very high speeds.

This *might* help explain how such a thing could work, especially when one notes the perception of time in a dream can vary from the actual experience. It is an interesting conjecture, that one lives lifetimes somewhere else in the blink of an eye on this world...

I am not sure any conscious entity can have separate streams of experience occur simultaneously, for reasons laid out by @Laird & Titus Rivas regarding the idea of One True Subject that the Absolute Idealists (wrongly IMO) say is the only true experiencer.

The Everett multiple worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics envisions inconceivable numbers of alternate parallel realities/Universes, some virtually identical with our own. In these parallel Universe realities there would be multiple perfect duplicate You human conscious entities having the same experiences, not a single central You somehow having simultaneous separate experiences.
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(2024-02-17, 04:31 PM)Sciborg_S_Patel Wrote: In a computer the output of multiple programs requires some switching at very high speeds.

This *might* help explain how such a thing could work, especially when one notes the perception of time in a dream can vary from the actual experience. It is an interesting conjecture, that one lives lifetimes somewhere else in the blink of an eye on this world...

I am not sure any conscious entity can have separate streams of experience occur simultaneously, for reasons laid out by @Laird & Titus Rivas regarding the idea of One True Subject that the Absolute Idealists (wrongly IMO) say is the only true experiencer.

If there is only one conscious entity... that means that souls could logically only incarnate into one body and life at a time, yet we have no idea what the actual capabilities or limits of a soul are. If my experience was anything to go by... then yes, it would seem possible for a soul to experience multiple realities and lives simultaneously.
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
~ Carl Jung

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(2024-02-17, 05:46 PM)nbtruthman Wrote: The Everett multiple worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics envisions inconceivable numbers of alternate parallel realities/Universes, some virtually identical with our own. In these parallel Universe realities there would be multiple perfect duplicate You human conscious entities having the same experiences, not a single central You somehow having simultaneous separate experiences.

You know, I wonder how exactly Everett came up with his concept ~ did he have a dream or experience of his own that sparked the inspiration for it?
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
~ Carl Jung

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Unfortunately, the quantum-mechanically generated multiple worlds (or parallel universes of a Multiverse) explanations for the psychic sensing of the existence of parallel lives entails some disturbing materialist implications. If this is true then there would exist a Multiverse of every possible physical and non-physical reality schemes or Universes, and the well-established "fine tuning" of the laws of physics for life would be easily explained - we just happen to be in a lucky(?) Universe where the laws of physics just happen to be intricately compatible with life. This explanation is commonly adopted by materialists in order to deny Intelligent Design of the laws of physics and of life itself, and Teleology in general - the existence of a creative God or ultimate spiritual Intelligence. And the actual origin of life within this by chance life-friendly Universe, despite it being beyond even astronomical odds against having happened by chance, would again be just due to our being lucky in the Universe we happen to inhabit, not intelligent design by a higher and inconceivably intelligent power or powers.
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(2024-02-18, 06:13 PM)nbtruthman Wrote: Unfortunately, the quantum-mechanically generated multiple worlds (or parallel universes of a Multiverse) explanations for the psychic sensing of the existence of parallel lives entails some disturbing materialist implications. If this is true then there would exist a Multiverse of every possible physical and non-physical reality schemes or Universes, and the well-established "fine tuning" of the laws of physics for life would be easily explained - we just happen to be in a lucky(?) Universe where the laws of physics just happen to be intricately compatible with life. This explanation is commonly adopted by materialists in order to deny Intelligent Design of the laws of physics and of life itself, and Teleology in general - the existence of a creative God or ultimate spiritual Intelligence. And the actual origin of life within this by chance life-friendly Universe, despite it being beyond even astronomical odds against having happened by chance, would again be just due to our being lucky in the Universe we happen to inhabit, not intelligent design by a higher and inconceivably intelligent power or powers.

Agreed, though Causation, Subjectivity, and the Mathematical/Logical Universals would still cry out for a proper explanation.

To say nothing of the paranormal evidence...
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

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