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In 2015, Dave M from Colorado, USA, was relaxing at home when he suddenly developed severe heartburn, tightness in his chest and extreme numbness in both arms. He (of course) realised he was probably having a heart attack (It turned out to be the deadly left anterior descending widow maker).

He called 911 twice, the first time he didn't get through but after the second time of trying, within five minutes the paramedics arrived. (Dave had manged to open the door so they wouldn't have to smash it down). I contacted him and he was happy to give me permission to publish (on here), indeed he said he loves talking about it.

(Note: There is no veridical content but the report demonstrates the enormous reality (realness) of these experiences for those that have them). 

The paramedics had arrived...

I had chest pain, tightness, really bad heartburn and both my arms were numb above the elbows. Then everything started to get dark and I fell unconscious. After what felt like a few seconds I found myself on the 'other side' or what seemed like another dimension, feeling perfectly fine.

It was amazing !  I was in no pain and I found myself sitting in a green mist, totally conscious, maybe even more conscious than I was in life. At first I was in awe  at where I found myself but after a few seconds realized I had died. I had this feeling as though I was wrapped in a warm blanket and in a higher state of consciousness and although I felt this great sense of peace and joy, I wasn't ready (to die) and didn't feel as though it was my time.

I was only there for about a minute (or so) because the paramedics told me my heart had stopped for one minute, but what is really strange to me is that it felt more like twenty minutes had passed, like time was stretched. 

I found myself in this really surreal greenish blue mist that was all around me, 360 degrees.  When I fell unconscious, I could feel my spirit fall out of my physical body. It felt like two pieces of Velcro pulling apart, then I woke up there (in a new place) just seconds later. It was an entirely different world or like another dimension. I always knew we didn't just die; I've never been a religious person but I've always felt that this can't be all there is, now I'm 110% sure of an afterlife.  I don't believe there is one I know there is, no fear of it now !

I was thinking (later) this was due to how intense the experience was. It was a strange feeling being between life and death in this weird state, I actually felt myself coming back and I woke up on my bed surrounded by paramedics. The paramedic sitting next to me told me my heart had stopped for about one minute. I was kind of shocked because it felt like so much longer than that. I didn't see or hear anyone, but my body  (astral, soul?) was transparent and I was in a sitting position (when I found myself on the other side). It was a pretty amazing experience and although I almost died, I know there's nothing to worry about (when we eventually die). I think the worst part is here on earth and the pain of dying.

It was a very strange position I found myself in (when I went unconscious), my legs were sideways and I don't think I could sit that way with my physical body. The surface felt like a floor, a flat surface. The ground or area I was sitting on was also green and blended into the green all around me, it was actually a greenish/blue colour. There was a low level of light coming from behind this mist, it was like being in a fog or mist, the mist was more in the distance, though. 

[*]It kind of looked like it was maybe 15 to 20 feet all around me, it was really beautiful ! When I found myself there (not realising yet that I had died), I said wow! Cool! Then after a few seconds I was like uh oh...then I knew exactly where I was, I even said,  "I'm dead!" It was amazing how conscious I felt, not that much different from being alive but more conscious.  I did feel like I was wrapped in a warm blanket, it's so hard for me to explain, it wasn't scary except for the finality of it and a little apprehension of where I was going to go from there? Very surreal.

(further thoughts) I caught a glimpse of the other side. I was only there for just a brief moment but I took in as much as I possibly could. I like sharing my experience, I know there is so much more but just knowing we continue on is very comforting. I've always felt that this life we have, couldn't be all there is, that we just don't only turn to dust.

I was at the entry to the afterlife. We definitely go to a different plane of existence; it wasn't a dream or a hallucination, I was as conscious as I am sitting here typing this post to you. I don't have any profound things to say about my experience except that there is an afterlife. Thinking about it I suppose that might be a pretty profound statement, lol ! It's kind of what mankind has always wanted to know.

I'm not trying to embellish or make more out of it than what it was, though. I'm still agnostic but now I know we have a spirit. I've always been a science guy. I need to actually experience something to believe it. When I had that heart attack and found myself in this other world I was totally blown away. I didn't see god or angels or a white light, I just sat there in awe of my surroundings and of what I (my spirit/astral body soul?) looked like, pretty much in shock. I would say it was a pretty humbling experience. And I find it very comforting. I used to think we just ceased to exist when we died, kind of like going unconscious and you never wake up, you just die. I was totally wrong.

I remember every second of my experience even though it was close to 5 years ago. I was taken to the hospital and they put two stents in my heart (I take medication, watch my diet and I haven't had any problems since then..I changed my previous lifestyle of eating fast/junk food. They told me my heart was 95% blocked.

Earlier, when I woke up (after the arrest)  I wasn't in any pain but once I sat up, after a few seconds the chest pain came back even worse. They rushed me to the hospital and I underwent surgery.  I was there for a week, but it took a couple months to get my strength back and I'm very lucky to be alive. They told me I had a blockage of the left anterior descending, the widow maker !
I just caught a glimpse of the afterlife and the intensity of it can't really be put into words, I know there is so much more ! I just sat there hoping the paramedics would bring me back (wasn't ready to die yet), I knew they were working on me I just couldn't see them. It was comforting to catch a glimpse of where we go. When I popped over I immediately let out a "Wow"! "Cool"! Not realizing I had died. It only took me a few seconds to figure it out, I even said "I'm dead" I swear I heard a girls voice say, "Yes" but it was pretty faint so I'm not quite sure if that's what I heard.

I'm glad I didn't but I'm not worried (about it) now. I want to stick around (because)I have two pets, a cat and a puppy to take care of. I got a puppy figuring I have to have at least a dogs life left in me. I have had many pets in my life and I'm hoping to meet up with them again, it will be quite the reunionSmile lots of friends and family also have passed on. I'm the last man standing in my family so they are all waiting for me.

The strangest thing was the way my body looked, I found myself in a sitting position, I wasn't hot or cold, it was like the perfect temperature and there was no pain.  I could feel my body, or spirit body, it was transparent.  I moved my arms and hands and checked myself out a little and I didn't look anything like my physical body, everything worked just fine. I moved my arms and hands, it was so strange, so peaceful, but I didn't want to stay, I was totally fine but not ready to leave the physical world.

Even though it's not like I have the most exciting life I didn't want to stay (there). It was great to get a glimpse of the hereafter, absolutely amazing and  when my time comes I'll be ready. I guess we don't have any choice in the matter. We will all die but at least I know we really don't die.  I wish I had seen more but I was just sitting there frozen, I didn't want to move from that spot where I found myself, I knew the paramedics were probably working on me even though I couldn't see them.

There were quite a few paramedics and they were all freaked out, one of them thought I was (had overdosed) overdosing and kept asking what I took ?  I got mad and yelled, " I'm having a heart attack" and about a minute later my heart stopped. When I woke up I could tell they (the other paramedics) were annoyed with him; one of the women even asked him why he was so sure he thought I had taken something.
In 1976, Lynne H had a veridical near death experience when her heart stopped during the time she was trying to give birth to a daughter. Apparently, the baby's head was quite large and the child didn't make an appearance until her mother was surgically assisted (shall we say).  

I asked her if she would be willing to provide more details, after she posted a short summary of her experience in a comments section on YouTube. She kindly agreed and provided some very interesting insights/perceptions on what dying is actually like. It seems to me that if one accepts testimonies like this as being sincere and honest accounts, then it's looking more and more likely (arguably) that our physical bodies may be comparable to a vehicle, rather than being solely our real selves.   

Hello. Thank you for your message. Here goes: It was 21 January 1976 when I was admitted to hospital because I was in labour with my first child. On arrival I was put on a monitor and left in a room on my own. Everyone went home and I was left with a trainee midwife who kept looking at the printout every couple of hours and then leaving to ask someone what it meant. I had arrived at 4pm when my contractions were every 5 minutes. 

By 9pm they were (occurring) every three minutes. It was painfully long and slow. By 11pm I was wanting to push. For four hours I pushed and pushed. I was in severe distress and extremely exhausted. I told the midwife time and time again that the head was too big. She said it is a 6lb baby and I should have no trouble giving birth. Eventually she gave in at 2.45am. She cut me and the baby shot out like a bullet. 

They just caught her before she fell off the end of the table. She had a huge head and weighed 8lb.  I tore inside and out and lost a lot of blood. I went into immediate shock and my heart stopped beating. It was pandemonium. A nurse rushed in to pump my heart (CPR).  Someone else rushed in with frozen blood and put it on the radiator. A junior doctor was reading my notes in a panic. He was just turning pages and pacing (around). He just didn’t know what to do. 

Another nurse yelled for a mask. She couldn’t give me oxygen because the mask was missing the oxygen tube. A doctor asked for a mobile x-ray machine to see if it was an embolism. Then he asked a nurse to empty my bladder. (After she accomplished that) She threw the contents away and the doctor went mad at her because he had wanted a sample of urine. A female doctor started shouting at me saying "wake up"! 

How do I know all this? (Because) I watched it ! The pain after giving birth was so bad that I decided to leave my body. I knew I was not supposed to, but I said (thought), (I'll do it) just for a minute to get away from the pain. I sat up (in spirit or consciousness) and the top half of my spirit was at the head and my legs were still inside (the physical body). I was being warned in my (spiritual consciousness) "no more", but I ignored it and headed for the ceiling. I was going backwards and there was a kind of misty tunnel which I went up. 

I landed on something firm, but I was (also) in a doorway looking out at the mist. Someone was behind me stopping me from going further. I imaged it to be Jesus due to the compassion that flowed from him. He said telepathically, "What do you want to do?" I said I wanted to stay. He said, "What about your daughter?" I immediately got a picture of her life without me. I saw my husband in a sports car with a gold watch on his wrist, driving west down a straight motorway to go visit his daughter. When he got there his elderly parents were sitting on a sofa, and the baby was sitting on the floor looking dreadfully unhappy. 

I immediately decided I would go back. While out of my body I had no negativity at all. I was pure compassion. I could only think of what was best for others. At that moment there was a wave of approval ( from the beings) I then realised there were hundreds of angels behind the man. They were flapping their wings and it sounded like applause. I was immediately rushed back to my body, and I have to say it was the worst experience of my life. Getting back inside the body was awful. 

I was overcome by pain as I slid in, and it felt as though I was too big to fit. It was like being squeezed into an iron lung. I immediately regretted my decision. I was so depressed. I was sewn up and that was awful too. The pain was as bad as the labour. I suffered for months and months with the effects of the tearing. I was unconscious for some time. When I woke up my husband was by my bed. I was in intensive care. He had left the hospital and was phoned immediately to come back as "your wife is dying". He looked shocked but was pleased to see me coming round. I was too weak to even wash myself and the nurses had to do it. 

After some time, I went onto a ward and I could finally meet my daughter. Before I was discharged a consultant came to see me. I asked him what happened. He said, "Oh you lost some blood so we had to give you a transfusion". Everything is okay now, though". 

That was a lie. The blood loss was minimal. He never mentioned my heart stopping, being resuscitated, the pandemonium. As you can imagine, I try to stay away from hospitals and doctors now. I don't trust them at all. 

Thanks, Lynne !  When you were 'leaving' your body, is this something that you expected to happen ? And when it did happen, can you recall what it felt like (to leave your physical body behind) ?  Did you feel that you were still entirely yourself (your whole thinking self) just maybe lighter or more free, perhaps ? How would you describe it ?

Hiya. Well once I was suffering, it was as if my body allowed my spirit to take a break. The minute the top half of me (the spirit me or consciousness whatever it was) was out, I knew everything. I just knew that if I slid out, I would not be popular (because I was then dying on them--the nurses etc), but I just wanted some respite. Once out, it was bliss ! I had no body, but it was as if I was exactly the same. The difference was the fact that I knew things and could communicate telepathically. It was all so right. I did not want to go back. It was sheer bliss out there. 

I was obviously being controlled in some way because of the way that "master" (Jesus?) blocked me from going too far. I knew I could (just) think something and it would happen, but he read my mind and gently stopped me. He didn't tell me anything, just got me to see what would happen if I stayed (there). I saw such clear pictures. Because you are total compassion when not in a body, you only make decisions that are positive. 

Once in the body again, I was full of pain, hurt, depression, fear - all the negative emotions that are obviously only part of the body and not the spirit. The bit I didn't say was that, not long afterward my husband's parents moved to Wales. We used to drive down the M4 to visit them. I soon realised this was the motorway (I'd seen) and the house they bought was the one I saw. Even the carpet was the same. It was so spooky to realise this, at a later date. Seeing my daughter in this house was a premonition. However, if I had not been here, my daughter would only see her father now and again.

Can I just press you a little bit more with respect to when you left your body ?  How did you actually know you could do that (leave your body ) in the first place ? Was it just obvious or did it become obvious ?

I see what you mean now.  What happened is that I was dying and my (spiritual) body started to leave.  Once my (spiritual) head started to rise I suddenly knew everything.  I knew I must not leave entirely.  Sitting up was (a) relieving (of) the pain while they pumped my heart.  However, once you are out, the desire is to leave.  Which I did.  If my heart hadn't stopped, I don't think I would know how to leave (my body), even if I wanted to.  It is obviously the first thing the spirit does as you die, it starts to leave the body.  As I said, as soon as my head 'left', I knew things.  I knew not to leave entirely but I ignored that.  It was just so pain-free and peaceful out of the body.

No-one made me come back.  It was my choice.  However, you become so unselfish and pure when you are not in the body that you only make the best decisions.  The child was the important thing which overrode my feelings.  I desperately wished I hadn't decided to come back, once I was actually back in the body, but that is because all the negative emotions were back.  I have been constantly shocked at how toxic the body must be, to feel so different when you are in it, to how you feel when you are out of it !

Thanks for those interesting details ! The bit I'm particularly curious about is this >  "Once my head started to rise ". What you are actually describing here is of course impossible !  Your head is lying on a hospital gurney. It can't rise unless the nurse lifts it up, do you see what I mean?  So you are basically describing "something else" leaving your physical head ...let's say your mind (your self, whatever you want to call it).  So, is that what you are saying ?   

Sorry, what I meant was that my 'spirit head' rose out of my actual head. This happens when you die. At once I could sense and see everything spiritually. As the rest of me rose up, I could watch what was going on. 

Thinking that Lynne had prior expectations because of her informing me this is what happens when you die, I asked her if she therefore did have them (prior expectations) ?   

No ! I had no idea (that this would happen). I tried to tell my husband about it, once I was(back) home, but the look on his face made me think he thought I was mad. I immediately clammed up and never told another soul. Then my boss, who is a nurse, brought the subject up once, and I told her my story (in response). She believed me and was fascinated. She was the only person I ever told. 

Unfortunately, she told a reporter friend of hers who was interested in this stuff. I received a phone call from her so I told her the basics. Next thing I am in the Daily Express! Very disconcerting that was. Still didn't tell anyone else though. I don't usually read about other people's experiences now, because the two I read were nothing like mine. I decided everyone must have their own experience and not all are necessarily the same.

Many thanks to Lynne H ! 
Helen M is a registered nurse in Scotland. She posted this experience with her mother on a Youtube comments section and I contacted her to ask permission to publish it here. She very kindly agreed.
Her mother was not a believer in post mortem survival and what occurred was spontaneous and unexpected, including a Peak in Darien encounter with her own deceased daughter.

Hi, my name is Helen, I’m a sixty year old registered nurse from Scotland. In 2008 my mother who was then 80, had gone through major bowel surgery which then became septic afterwards, due to an infection which started in the wound. Her and I discussed death prior to this many times, as I believed there was something after death. 

As a nurse, I had seen things throughout my life to form this opinion. My Dad had died suddenly at only 40 years old from a cardiac arrest and it has recently become obvious to me now that MI's (myocardial infarctions) were probably missed.  I think this maybe fuelled Mum's belief that we die and we're gone and that's it! The November day my father died,  the temperature had suddenly plummeted and snow was falling heavily. 

Mum told me years later that she felt the snow falling was almost like tears (for some reason) and quite concerned, she called his place of work, who then told her he'd felt unwell and was now on his way home. In fact he was actually dead in his car outside the house and was found by a passing policeman. 

Forwarding on from 2008, Mum was very unwell, now in heart failure--basically she was dying. I was closest to her and the doctor asked what her wishes would be regarding resuscitation. My Mum, quite a character always said to me, "Do not let anyone jump on my chest; I don’t want heroics I want to go peacefully!"

The doctor agreed but said he would try CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure) as a last resort and if it didn’t work, he would help her pass peacefully. Mum being the stubborn wee Glasgow survivor of WW2 did survive. 

It took a couple of days for her to come round, but she said she knew she was dying, because she could see all of her (deceased) family, but off in the shadows almost like silhouettes, except for her own mother who was very clear and standing with her. She said, "Jessie (my mum) you are not coming yet, it is not your time, you must go back!" Mum was pretty amazed, she said to me, "You were right (about life after death) Helen! 

Forward to 2017, Mum was terminally unwell and I knew her time was pretty close. My oldest sister who had been a medical doctor, but who was now in a care facility due to brain injuries (following a catastrophic fall down an escalator some years before) died suddenly in June of that year.  Mum had dementia, she could remember the war and growing up, that kind of thing, but not what happened days or months before. 

She was not used to seeing my sister too frequently.  I managed to get them together as much as possible but I couldn’t do that very often. I decided not to tell Mum that my sister (her daughter) had died, because I knew due to her condition, she would then have to bear that pain (of knowing) daily and as she was dying herself, I thought that was the right (humane) decision. 

Christmas Day 2017. 

I'd slept in a chair beside Mum on the Christmas Eve, as I knew the end was imminent. However, on that Christmas morning, she said she felt better and told me all her family were there (again), all the deceased. She said her sister Charlotte (my Aunty) who had died 9 years previously had sat on the end of her bed all week, and she told my Mum she could have Christmas Day, but then it was time to come with her.  

Suddenly Mum looked puzzled, she said, "Helen (my name) is our Liz dead? My automatic reply immediately was no! She said hmm...Helen, are you telling me the truth?" I lied and said, "Mum, she isn’t dead!" Mum was looking around the room, smiling, totally at peace, but kept looking at my left side. I knew she could see Liz but I didn’t want Mum's last day on earth to be full of heartbreak.

Mum passed away peacefully that night in her sleep. 8 weeks ago my oldest son only 35 years old, my best friend and confidant, was found dead and as yet we have no answers (as to why), but then I knew without a doubt I had done the right thing not telling Mum her first born had died (the pain of it) because I did struggle with that. I just pray they were there to meet my boy and I’m sure in my heart they were. 

I offered my sincere condolences and thanked her (Helen) very much for allowing me to publish it here.
My goodness! The appearance of this forum has changed all of a sudden (for me, that is).
But... it looks great!

(2023-02-07, 02:56 PM)Smithy Wrote: [ -> ]My goodness! The appearance of this forum has changed all of a sudden (for me, that is).
But... it looks great!


Me too !  The format has changed and massively expanded.
(2023-02-07, 03:03 PM)tim Wrote: [ -> ]Me too !  The format has changed and massively expanded.

At the bottom of the page you can find the 'Theme Selector'. The new default is 'Roundo Light'. You can switch back to the old theme there.

The intention is to better cater for visitors using mobile devices. It is still a work in progress.
                                                  NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE(S) IN CASE OF SEVERE OBSTETRICS SHOCK

                                                                                                           Dubravko Habek* & Ingrid Marton 
                                                                           University Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinical Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia,

The 28 - year - old healthy primiparas developed peracute severe postpartum haemorrhage after spontaneous singleton delivery due to atony of the uterus with disseminated intra-vascular coagulopathy and severe obstetric hypovolemic shock IV. degree with loss of consciousness. Just before losing consciousness, she said she would die.

 All resuscitation measureswere promptly taken: endotracheal intubation with assisted breathing and oxygenation, intravascular volume replacement with crystalloids, colloids and blood derivatives with inotropic drugs, atropine, adrenaline, dopamine, dobutamine, and manual exploration and compression of the uterus by an anesthesiologist and two gynecologists and three midwifes. 

Another senior consultant was called in who performed hemostatic sutures and uterine thamponade after which the bleeding stopped and the blood loss was estimated at more than 3500 mL which was consistent with a state of severe OS. Treatment was continued at the intensive care unit with respiratory support, intensive therapy and monitoring. Throughout the resuscitation procedure in the delivery room, the mother was unconscious and was not sedated or anesthetized. Her personal and family history was without psychiatric or religious fanatic data. After two days of treatment in the intensive care unit, in contact with the doctors, she told in detail what happened to her in the delivery room: 
"I saw a bright light and from above I watched all the events that were very dramatic, but I was not embarrassed. I saw my pale body lying with a tube in its mouth and a doctor blowing an artificial respiration balloon; I had bloody legs spread and the floor was covered in blood. Another doctor came, put on an apron, sat between her (my) legs, (and) vigorously pushed large pieces of gauze into her(this woman below--herself in fact) uterus, and said that a hysterectomy on a dying woman should be avoided as much as possible.
He asked what the findings were, and the doctor who inflated the balloon said that she was not coagulating and that she was bleeding, that there was no blood pressure or pulse. Nurses and doctors pumped blood and infusions from plastic bags that hung on a stand.
After the bleeding stopped and I was transferred from the delivery room to the ICU transport cart, the whole room was covered with my blood and sheets soaked in blood, and the knowledge of out-of-body experiences disappeared. You are the doctor who saved my life, thank you ! " (telling the doctors) turning to a senior consultant whom she could not see (could not have seen)  because she had already lost consciousness and was intubated
Nice find tim!

It's surprising to me to get such an open-minded article in a psychiatric journal.

The conclusion:

Quote:Certainly there have been NDEs in obstetric cases of cardiac
arrest, obstetric embolisms, severe forms of obstetric shock, or
sudden clinical deaths, but we have not found a similar
description in the literature, and we have not personally had
contact with such experiences in clinical practice. Our review is
a contribution to the obvious existence of this non-delusional
phenomenon in the specific case of the association of severe
obstetric shock IV. degree with insufficient multiorgans and brain
perfusion and NDE. Thus, in fact, the original translation of the
word resuscitation, re + anima (repeated return of the soul or
spiritual spirit according to the ancient medicine of Hippocrates,
especially Galen) will have a realistic interprettation of the
described phenomenon in this case.
(2023-03-12, 01:05 PM)tim Wrote: [ -> ]                                                  NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE(S) IN CASE OF SEVERE OBSTETRICS SHOCK

                                                                                                           Dubravko Habek* & Ingrid Marton 
                                                                           University Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinical Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia,

The 28 - year - old healthy primiparas developed peracute severe postpartum haemorrhage after spontaneous singleton delivery due to atony of the uterus with disseminated intra-vascular coagulopathy and severe obstetric hypovolemic shock IV. degree with loss of consciousness. Just before losing consciousness, she said she would die.

 All resuscitation measureswere promptly taken: endotracheal intubation with assisted breathing and oxygenation, intravascular volume replacement with crystalloids, colloids and blood derivatives with inotropic drugs, atropine, adrenaline, dopamine, dobutamine, and manual exploration and compression of the uterus by an anesthesiologist and two gynecologists and three midwifes. 

Another senior consultant was called in who performed hemostatic sutures and uterine thamponade after which the bleeding stopped and the blood loss was estimated at more than 3500 mL which was consistent with a state of severe OS. Treatment was continued at the intensive care unit with respiratory support, intensive therapy and monitoring. Throughout the resuscitation procedure in the delivery room, the mother was unconscious and was not sedated or anesthetized. Her personal and family history was without psychiatric or religious fanatic data. After two days of treatment in the intensive care unit, in contact with the doctors, she told in detail what happened to her in the delivery room: 
"I saw a bright light and from above I watched all the events that were very dramatic, but I was not embarrassed. I saw my pale body lying with a tube in its mouth and a doctor blowing an artificial respiration balloon; I had bloody legs spread and the floor was covered in blood. Another doctor came, put on an apron, sat between her (my) legs, (and) vigorously pushed large pieces of gauze into her(this woman below--herself in fact) uterus, and said that a hysterectomy on a dying woman should be avoided as much as possible.
He asked what the findings were, and the doctor who inflated the balloon said that she was not coagulating and that she was bleeding, that there was no blood pressure or pulse. Nurses and doctors pumped blood and infusions from plastic bags that hung on a stand.
After the bleeding stopped and I was transferred from the delivery room to the ICU transport cart, the whole room was covered with my blood and sheets soaked in blood, and the knowledge of out-of-body experiences disappeared. You are the doctor who saved my life, thank you ! " (telling the doctors) turning to a senior consultant whom she could not see (could not have seen)  because she had already lost consciousness and was intubated

Reading and digesting this paper was an exercise in deciphering a specialized medical jargon unfamiliar to me. One thing was especially striking - the completely ideologically open-minded position of the paper's authors regarding the likely true nature of this occurence, as probably what it clearly appeared to be from the patient's own description of the experience combined with the medical details. This being an example of the temporary separation from and then rejoining of the spirit to the physical body during extreme trauma to the body and temporary cessation of life processes.

It is amazing that the editors of this journal would have allowed such a conclusion to be published, in the face of the strong prevailing materialist paradigm. A clue to this would probably be that this journal is apparently an obscure Eastern European publication evidently not a part of the rigid materialist groupthink afflicting the mainline American and UK journals. In the very unlikely case that one of the mainline journals would have actually published the paper, it would certainly have been modified at least to carefully tiptoe around such a conclusion, ignoring the independently verified veridical details in the patient account, and faithfully repeating the mantra that (in the minds of the editors) the most likely explanation was hallucination of some sort.
(2023-03-12, 03:38 PM)Ninshub Wrote: [ -> ]It's surprising to me to get such an open-minded article in a psychiatric journal.

It certainly is, Ian ! I would like sceptics to address this case and advance an explanation? Because it's clearly evidence that her consciousness (mind,psyche, soul, spirit, whatever) separated and continued to function when the brain was disconnected. 

The alternative is that they're lying. In fact it's basically the same as the recent cases from Bettina Peyton and Stephanie Arnold and many others that I don't have to hand.
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