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Swiss bike builder and rider, Livio Kägi, was in Spain (at Christmas) training for the winter superbike races. During high speed braking, his tyres unfortunately hit an oil patch, which catapulted him over the handle bars, sixty metres into the air. This mishap known as a "highsider", is obviously potentially fatal.  

Kägi landed on his head, smashing his helmet and then experienced an aspect of 'existence' that he'd never previously been interested in.

With thanks to Empirische Jenseitsforschung
This is an interesting verified* veridical case (he claims*). Frédéric Medina was admitted to hospital (April 2009 in an emergency) to deal with a critical problem with his heart, which was surrounded by a large sack of fluid (apparently).

He describes leaving his body in the operating room and going through the wall into a kitchen/dining area, where he was able to see the remnants of a chicken meal and bottles of wine left on a table. Feeling he could instantly be anywhere he wanted to be (and travelling there) he then reports going to his home where he saw his family sitting at the dining table in the dark, due to a blackout caused by an electrical storm. He tried to tell them where the key to the drawer was that the candles and matches were kept in and to reassure them that he was okay, but of course without success.

I didn't originally know that he'd put his experience up on NDERF which is translated here (obviously not perfectly even though I can't say exactly why)

My short summary and the NDERF translation are the only accessible sources (for us English speakers) but this man has obviously experienced something very profound as he gives frequent talks and lectures about what happened to him.

In a video (which I can't seem to find but which I have definitely seen) he interviews a nurse who works in the hospital where he had his experience and she confirmed that indeed there was a kitchen next to the operating room (where he left his body) which I find interesting. For the sceptics of course, that won't mean anything (as usual)

However, this seems to be another example of instantaneous OBE/NDE travelling with verified information, to add to the many others already in the literature.
I don't know how many members are aware of Brazilian physicist Carlos Mendes and Dr Edson Amancio's you tube Channel, AFTER ALL, WHAT ARE WE?

There are now a large number of retrospective interviews with NDErs conducted in that country by Mendes (mostly) and Amancio occasionally.

This is the most recent interview which is the report from a young woman who tried to commit suicide (by swallowing pills). Her out of body experiences are remarkable (if correct). We must be wary of course of just accepting what someone says happened but it appears to be an honest account and I have seen many others like this. I would add that Carlos does his utmost to check them out before recording. And for those that may have already seen it, apologies. 

Just out of interest, the young woman (Rafaella) describes encountering an all knowing presence/voice. Nadia McCaffrey (in her suicide caused second NDE) reports something very similar here (@ 23.00).

[Image: th?id=OVF.EKroQ%2f5HiC9dfgRfpFO1cQ&pid=Api]

8 year old Frau Isabel Waller-Rigo was performing some after school gymnastics (vaulting) when she fell and banged her head on the floor.

In her desire to summon help (from an adult) during the first part of her out of body experience, she describes her hand (astral ?) passing through the door handle (which is not uncommonly reported). Sceptics consider these memories to be simply confabulations of some type... she only imagined she was out of her body but wasn't really, of course...basically a mind model. Why then did her mind create a model where her hand couldn't interact with the door handle ? It seems illogical. 

This is a summary of what she experienced:
I fell to the ground from a 160-cm-high vaulting box and struck my head violently on the ground. When it happened, from above, I saw myself lying on the ground and saw the reaction of my friends to the incident.

 At that time, I was about 8 or 9 years old, and my view of life changed 360 degrees since that moment.

I didn't know what was happening to me. I knew I (my body) was on the ground, but I was flying! My body was down on the ground and I (my consciousness) flew to the ceiling! I felt light...I didn't feel the impact of my head on the ground ! 'Was I dead now?' I asked myself.   Then I got a bit panicky and wanted to get help from an adult, but there were none around as this happened in the afternoon after lessons in a hallway of the school.

We had been waiting for our music/trumpet lesson teacher. Closely attached to the school was a gym and only a big wooden door separated the hallway and gym from each other, I deliberately flew there, but when I tried to open the door, my hand slid  through the door handle and then I realized that I didn't have a physical body anymore! But as I wanted help, I thought I would try to get through the wooden door, maybe someone might be there in the gym! I deliberately walked through the door with my body but when I entered (the gym) there was nobody there.

Then I went back through the door again back to the corridor where my body was. I called out to my friends but they didn't see or hear me! At that moment, I looked up to the ceiling and there was a long dark tunnel that had a bright, shining light at the end, brighter than the sun, it was crystal clear. It pulled me (toward it) and when I arrived at the end, there was a female spiritual person that I didn't know! She asked me if I wanted to go back in my body and continue with my life or would I like to stay in the astral world. Well...I stood and thought (about it) while I saw a fast-moving movie of my future and I decided I would go back into my body, to make that life (I had just seen) possible for all involved !

The moment I decided to return, I flew back down through the tunnel. Before I went back into my physical body (with my astral energy body)  I stood next to my physical body lying flat on the ground and looked at it ( I had no pain in the astral body) and then I let my astral body down (into the physical body) My physical body and my astral body joined and from then on I began to feel all the pain that I had suffered from the impact. And it was sickeningly bad for me. I opened my eyes and I could only vaguely recognize my friends who were with me and wanted to help.  I went to the bathroom and vomited. (Soon) I was picked up by my parents and after a few days I was able to recover.

But this experience did not leave my mind and I was so preoccupied with it that I told my parents. But they and all the others I told didn't believe that what I experienced was real. Today, I can understand very well that this (experience) was incomprehensible to someone who hasn't experienced it. For years I carried it in my heart like a great treasure and kept it to myself.  I searched for explanations in books, thinking maybe there are other people who have experienced something similar. And in fact, I did come across some books that dealt with the subject. That calmed me down a lot so I could spend my youth in a reasonably normal way. 

With thanks to Empirische Jenseitsforschung
A short piece on the experiences of dying patients (near death in hospital) from hospital Chaplain, David Harrison.

As usual, it attracted quite a bit of attention, with over two hundred comments (in four days) from the usual mix of atheists, sceptics (some phoney), believers, experiencers, bible thumpers and crackpots.....   

"Im sorry to tell you Mr Harrison - hospital chaplain - there is no proven afterlife, no heaven or hell, there certainly is no existence of a god and/or a supernatural state in our human existance. Underlying your article is your implicit belief in this mumbo jumbo. We have in all of our existence uncovered no scientific confirmation of a god or a supernatural state. The Randi one million dollar reward for proof of this remains unclaimed. It includes the proof of the existence of goblins, fairies, ufos, invisible beings etc etc even water diving is on the list. None of it is real only the belief. That belief exists only in the human mind....."

"Sad to say it is more likely just the brain playing tricks on you. I am not doubting for one second that people have these experiences, but it is about understanding the causes.
You see the thing is, only people who are still alive can report them, the dead can't. What does this tell us? It tells us the brain at that point is still active, there is the clue.....

"My granddad, probably the least spiritual man every to walk the earth had an experience shortly before he died. He felt that he floated out of his body, outside the hospital window and went up to the roof. He didn't find it a comfort though, it seemed to scare him."

"He needs to read the bible.
Gen 3:15 In the Sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken . For dust you are and to dust you will return."

"My grandfather told me that he'd had an experience like this, not so long before he died. I cannot stress enough that he was a lifelong atheist, and had been hostile to religion of any kind following a traumatic experience when he was younger.
He'd been diagnosed with cancer in his 80s and decided to let nature run its course rather than put himself through debilitating, life-extending treatment. He had a comfortable year and a half before he gradually became bed-ridden, before he lost all of his strength and most of his motor functions.
The last time I saw him, he told me that a week before he'd found himself drifting into death. He said it was warm, and lovely, and that there was nothing to be afraid of. He knew that if he let himself succumb, he'd be going somewhere wonderful...…

"I had a very real dream about Elvis once. He was just there , appearing before me. I was quite annoyed because it was a nice dream and I've never been into Elvis. But then it stuck me , millions must fall asleep hoping to dream of Elvis , and here he was in my dream ! I've never touched alcohol since."
This NDE video from Empirische Jenseitsforschung is related by a young Muslim woman who has subsequently started her own you tube channel, specifically aimed at trying to get the 'message' of NDE's through to Muslim countries where orthodox 'dogma' prevails.

Frau Amal Binz was flying to Morocco to receive some kind of medical treatment but appears to have collapsed on the plane. She describes feeling very ill and holding a Koran (reading for comfort?) which slipped out of her hands...and then when she leant down to retrieve it, her body "fell off her" (she said) whereupon she found herself at the back of the plane (observing).

It's a bit confusing because she describes hearing an explosion and smelling smoke (without an explanation) but the most important point is her apparent success (to whatever degree) in some Islamic countries at bringing to light the positive, non religious nature and themes contained in NDE reports (in general) and thereby eliciting many previous NDE's kept secret (in those countries) via her channel. 

Don't know how others feel, but I've always hoped that the phenomenon of NDE's (investigated by science), would eventually bring to an end? the conflict blighting the world (suicide bombers etc) and rooted in the absurdities and practices of religion(s).

Link to Frau Binz's channel
(Summary) In June 2016,  René Volken (a German driver by 'profession') and his son were attending a graduation ceremony for his daughter. Just two days previously, René's wife had been buried, after finally succumbing to a terminal brain tumour. Their mood was understandably very low and on top of that, Herr Volken was experiencing violent stomach pains which didn't respond to attempts to alleviate them.

After the three of them arrived at his mother's house for lunch, and he was unable to eat anything (because of the agonising pain), his son drove him to the local emergency room where he had a heart attack and lost consciousness. His condition worsened and he was driven by emergency blue light to another hospital, where his heart stopped (cardiac arrest) for nearly ten minutes.

During that time, he found himself in a bright, white environment 'talking' with his deceased wife, who told him that she was fine and that he must meet/find somebody else (to be with). Two days later he woke up at 12.30 in a recovery room to find "a woman" he vaguely knew, standing over him touching his forehead. This woman simply disappeared and then a nurse standing to the side of him explained what had happened to him.

Volken was bewildered by this encounter. He had previously believed when you're dead, you're dead and that's it. Furthermore, who was the woman he had briefly seen standing over him in the hospital ? He knew that he'd seen her before in a restaurant near to the town where he lived, but no more than that. He then (as he explained) started to put two and two together and began to visit the restaurant where this woman worked, without saying anything.

After several visits, he eventually plucked up the courage to talk to her and tell her about his experience. She was shocked (understandably). Evelynne A (her name) elaborates.

"When René regained consciousness at the hospital on Sunday, I was at Antalya airport in Turkey at the same time (12.30), waiting for my suitcase in the airport building. Suddenly someone touched my shoulder, and when I turned around, René, whom I only knew fleetingly, was behind me. At the same time a woman's voice whispered to me: "He has arrived."

So it appears that Herr Volken simultaneously saw the doppleganger of his future companion ( Frau Evelynne A) while she similarly  saw 'his' (doppleganger) at the airport.

Sceptics of course will advance any number of 'explanations' to discount this event but unless it's all an elaborate hoax, it's rather remarkable by anybody's standards.

Newspaper article (in German)

[Image: photo.jpg]  

René Volken8 months ago
As I said in the interview, I was in extreme doubt (about this subject) before my near death experience. But it (life after death) really does exist. And since the 2nd of June 2018 I have been engaged to the woman who I "appeared" to in Turkey.

With thanks to Empirische Jenseitsforschung
I've posted this Italian documentary before but the producer has subsequently (very kindly) provided English subtitles. The translation is not perfect (nor should we expect it to be). There are instances where he should be she for example but it's perfectly good enough to get the drift. 

All in all, a good documentary with some very pleasant scenery. I personally found the information provided by Anna Siboni, very compelling and David Vaccarin's subsequent "conversion" but others, of course may disagree.
Seeing as we are so short of NDE material at the moment, I thought I'd post this. Not because it isn't interesting, it is. It's the NDE of a Brazilian neurologist, yet another high ranking medic to have one of these experiences. However, there isn't a great deal of detail. Nonetheless ….. 

In August 2016, Brazilian neurologist, Dr Joel Paulo Veiga, was due to go on a short trip with his wife and grandson. At about five thirty in the morning, he was awakened by an excruciating pain in his chest. Dr Veiga had a history of medication controlled hypertension and knew (by the severity of the pain) that he had likely suffered an aortic aneurysm.

He told his wife to drive him to the hospital where he worked but she missed the turning and he (fortunately) ended up in a nearby cardiology institute. On arrival he was immediately put on a stretcher and taken for a cat scan which proved him right. He did have an aortic dissection, which carries about a ten per cent chance of survival (apparently)

After the lengthy operation, he unfortunately contracted pneumonia and an antibiotic resistant bacteria during his time in the ICU where he lay intubated and unconscious on a respirator.

His NDE began with the observation of the room and the medics who were there. He was able to comprehend everything they were thinking/read their thoughts. He saw the cardiologist (Dr Junqueira) enter the room and shake his head whilst thinking..... (note not speaking, though)


Meaning, If the infection gets into the prosthesis (the artificial patch), Bye Bye ! 

Later when he recovered, the cardiologist confirmed that he had indeed thought this (but not expressed it verbally, naturally)

Veiga was also totally dependent on the respirator  but he also saw the doctors debating when they were going to withdraw it etc. his experience starts at about 21 minutes but of course it can only be partially understood with auto -translate.

[Image: th?id=OVP.jeU7osqnyHVFD1Yd3L1cZAEsDh&pid=Api]

Joel Veiga - EQM - Minha Experiência de Vida
Relato de um médico que passa por uma Experiência de Quase Morte - EQM - evidenciando a continuidade da vida depois da vida!
Dr Jean Pierre Jourdan is a French investigator into the phenomenon of NDE's and also a former president of IANDS France. He published a book analysing the subject in 2007, entitled 'Deadline', which as far as I know, hasn't been translated into English yet.

This paper published in the controversial Journal of Cosmology in 2011, contains fascinating information from 70 retrospective cases of NDE which reportedly occurred during cardiac arrests and other various life threatening situations. This sample seems to contain a lot of cases where 360 degree penetrative vision (through objects, walls, ceilings etc) seems to have occurred, which ties in well with many reports away from this sample, such as the well known case of truck driver Al Sullivan, for example (Greyson, Kelly and Williams) 

"The perceptions we are going to study here come from persons who, having survived a cardiac arrest or some other life-threatening circumstances, report a Near-Death-Experience (NDE). Although they were totally unconscious for any witness around them, these patients frequently report clear memories and can describe accurately their vicinity, including details that can be checked afterwards and scenes that allow clarifying the "moment" of the experience, all that seemingly perceived from a point external to their body."

The paper is on line, so I'm assuming there isn't a problem with sticking it up here, but if there is, please feel free to delete it. It is, however a very interesting read for those with half an hour to spare. Max in particular will take comfort from small portions of it.

Lastly, a member of the forum (some time ago) enquired into which NDE contained the observation of a lipstick in pocket. That NDE (Jean Morzelle) is referred to here.
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