The amazing parallels between the Kabbalah and physics

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Quote:In this interview, Natalia Vorontsova discusses consciousness and science from the perspective of Kabbalistic Panpsychism with Prof. Dr. Hyman Schipper. The parallels between quantum physics and the ancient Kabbalah are astonishing. Having studied the Kabbalah for many years, Dr Schipper also explains how this knowledge is applicable to many areas of thought and how it has impacted his life. It's a frank and heart-warming conversation. This video has human-created English subtitles, so don't forget to click the 'CC' button below the video to enable them.

Intro: Kabbalistic insights and contemporary science
00:04:42 Kaballah: a personal story
00:07:34 What is Kabbalah actually?
The Origins of Kaballah
00:12:40 Ancient Kabbalah vs. Quantum Physics
00:14:05 Kabbalistic theology
00:15:47 Kabbalah: fundamental principles
00:18:30 Is Kabbalah a science?
00:22:50 The cosmology of Kabbalah
Interinclusion: fractal and holographic design of the cosmos
Interpenetration and quantum entanglement
Paradox of hierarchy and unity
00:57:44 Light and darkness
Kabbalistic Panpsychic ontology or how God runs the universe
01:07:25 The blueprint for the creation or 'shattering the vessels'
01:09:21 Kabbalistic Panpsychist domains and the 'spark of God'
01:16:09 The 'Unknowable Head', Heisenberg's uncertainty principle & free will
01:25:14 Kabbalah and ontic paradoxes
Kabbalah, Cosmopsychism & Psi phenomena
The book: Kabbalistic Panpsychism
01:35:00 The Big Bang cosmology and Kabbalah
01:39:18 Consciousness: what can we measure and study?
Science & its soul?
01:48:25 Is Divine Mind corroborated by science?
01:50:57 Kabbalah: personal impact
The future of science, advice to young scientists
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

We are very good at seeing patterns - even if they are not there.
(2024-04-08, 03:01 PM)Brian Wrote: We are very good at seeing patterns - even if they are not there.

Not sure what you mean - what part of the talk are you taking issue with?
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

Quote:Dr Hyman Schipper is a Professor of Neurology and Medicine (Geriatrics) at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, a clinical neurologist at Montreal’s Jewish General Hospital and the director of a neuroscience laboratory in the hospital’s affiliated Lady Davis Institute for biomedical research. His research focuses on degenerative diseases affecting the brain and mind, and he is the author of over 200 peer-reviewed papers on these and related topics. Prof. Schipper has long been interested in the interface between contemporary science and the Jewish mystical tradition (Kabbalah). His work in this area was initially published in Yeshiva University’s Torah u-Madda Journal (2012-13) and more recently in Unified Field Mechanics II (RL Amoroso et al. eds., World Scientific 2018) and Bar-Ilan University’s DAAT: Journal of Jewish Philosophy & Kabbalah (2019). Dr. Schipper is also a member of the @essentiafoundation Academic Advisory Board.


0:00 - Introduction (Kabbalah and The Mind-Body Problem)
0:33 - The Enigma of Consciousness
6:00 - What is the Kabbalah?
11:24 - Ten Sefirot Explained
37:17 - Subjective vs Objective
41:50 - Interinclusion (Indra's Net, Fractals Geometry, Holographism)
- Interinclusion (Quntum Entangelment)
- Governance
- Wisdom vs Understanding
1:14:50 - The Unknowable Head
- Summary: Kabbalistic Panpsychism is Panentheist, Hierarchical, Holographic & Relativistic
- Post-lecture Discussion
- What drew Hyman to the link between Kabbalah and Consciousness
- Universal Mind (Dual-aspect Monism)
1:40:01 - The "Mesianic Millennium" (a Teleology)
1:43:25 - AI & its implications
1:48:12 - Mysticism & Scientism
- Alternative methods gaining knowledge & Wisdom
- Hyman's final thoughts
2:09:50 - Conclusion
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

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