Good day all!
One day, whilst browsing for information on Telekinesis (TK), I came across a fellow named Sean McNamara who had some interesting videos to show people on the subject.
If you have a look at his channel, he has some quite fascinating demonstrations of TK.Â
So, being inspired and also sceptical, I gave it a go. I rigged up a rubber (an eraser for you American folks Â
 ) at the bottom, a paper clip bent straight and inserted into the top of the rubber, and a very small piece of paper folded in half and balanced on top of the paperclip. Also, a glass was placed over this setup to prevent any air movement. This was all placed on a wooden table.
My method was to concentrate on the piece of paper and to have the intention of moving it, somehow. Not much happened for a few days, although it was quite a calming experience in the meantime as it was a bit meditative too. One day, my friend came in to where I was doing this and it was around 11 PM. He is of the 'spiritual' type, being aware of subtle energies and the like, so was curious as to what I was doing. I explained honestly that I was experimenting with TK and he seemed neutral about that fact, so he asked if he could give it a go himself.Â
He sat down where I was sitting and I sat down next to him. We both had the intention to move the piece of paper. About 5 minutes went by and nothing happened. As I was quite tired, I was going to bed at this point, so I stood up and wished him good luck as he seemed fascinated by it and wanted to continue. I said something along the lines of " Oh I give up, I'm going to bed now Mr Paper!", in part jest at the absurdity of the experiment and low and behold - the piece of paper spun on its own.Â
It spun quite rapidly around 2-3 revolutions. We both looked at each other in amazement and quickly went about asking if each other had just seen that! I tried to find out what could have caused it, so I shook the table it was on and it did not cause that kind of spin. I tried to wave my hand around it to create air movement (even though there was a glass over it....) and it did not cause the same spin. I thought that maybe by 'giving up' that it caused a release of some kind of 'psychic' tension and that this was what caused it to spin, so I tried that again. I did not work.
Whatever it was, I couldn't find an immediate and obvious physical causation. The room temperature was stable at around 18-21 C. I had performed this experiment before, in total for around perhaps an hour, and never witnessed this type of spin, so I figured that probably, it had a low likelihood of it being a temperature related movement.Â
In the end, I'm not a scientist. I don't know what caused this. What I found fascinating was that exactly as I was about to leave the room and had said good night (literally) to the piece of paper, that it spun. I tried repeating that chain of events and could not replicate it. I haven't really bothered to do it since, but it certainly left me a little spooked in the weeks afterwards and caused me to spend days researching the scientific studies for PSI. I honestly became a little ungrounded too, so that is part of why I stopped as it left me unbalanced. I know that is also a part of the phenomenon, people losing their minds over this stuff, which is fascinating in and of itself, albiet unfortunate!Â
Anyway, anyone else have any personal experience with this 'stuff'?
(This post was last modified: 2017-08-14, 09:59 AM by diverdown.)
One day, whilst browsing for information on Telekinesis (TK), I came across a fellow named Sean McNamara who had some interesting videos to show people on the subject.
If you have a look at his channel, he has some quite fascinating demonstrations of TK.Â
So, being inspired and also sceptical, I gave it a go. I rigged up a rubber (an eraser for you American folks Â

My method was to concentrate on the piece of paper and to have the intention of moving it, somehow. Not much happened for a few days, although it was quite a calming experience in the meantime as it was a bit meditative too. One day, my friend came in to where I was doing this and it was around 11 PM. He is of the 'spiritual' type, being aware of subtle energies and the like, so was curious as to what I was doing. I explained honestly that I was experimenting with TK and he seemed neutral about that fact, so he asked if he could give it a go himself.Â
He sat down where I was sitting and I sat down next to him. We both had the intention to move the piece of paper. About 5 minutes went by and nothing happened. As I was quite tired, I was going to bed at this point, so I stood up and wished him good luck as he seemed fascinated by it and wanted to continue. I said something along the lines of " Oh I give up, I'm going to bed now Mr Paper!", in part jest at the absurdity of the experiment and low and behold - the piece of paper spun on its own.Â
It spun quite rapidly around 2-3 revolutions. We both looked at each other in amazement and quickly went about asking if each other had just seen that! I tried to find out what could have caused it, so I shook the table it was on and it did not cause that kind of spin. I tried to wave my hand around it to create air movement (even though there was a glass over it....) and it did not cause the same spin. I thought that maybe by 'giving up' that it caused a release of some kind of 'psychic' tension and that this was what caused it to spin, so I tried that again. I did not work.
Whatever it was, I couldn't find an immediate and obvious physical causation. The room temperature was stable at around 18-21 C. I had performed this experiment before, in total for around perhaps an hour, and never witnessed this type of spin, so I figured that probably, it had a low likelihood of it being a temperature related movement.Â
In the end, I'm not a scientist. I don't know what caused this. What I found fascinating was that exactly as I was about to leave the room and had said good night (literally) to the piece of paper, that it spun. I tried repeating that chain of events and could not replicate it. I haven't really bothered to do it since, but it certainly left me a little spooked in the weeks afterwards and caused me to spend days researching the scientific studies for PSI. I honestly became a little ungrounded too, so that is part of why I stopped as it left me unbalanced. I know that is also a part of the phenomenon, people losing their minds over this stuff, which is fascinating in and of itself, albiet unfortunate!Â
Anyway, anyone else have any personal experience with this 'stuff'?