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iPsoFacTo's Most Liked Post
Post Subject Post Date/Time Numbers of Likes
Exile From Groupthink 2017-08-25, 03:10 PM 10
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Exile From Groupthink Psience Quest Specific
Member Introductions
Post Message
I'm a geezer. Yes, my humor strays very easily towards sarcasm. I hope this forum takes off. I hope this forum stays away from politics or politicized topics because that is asking for trouble. I kicked skeptiko forum to the curb because not kowtowing to its politics gets you labeled as a troublemaker or troll. And I hate that because then you're essentially calling me a liar... and no one likes being called that... because I don't troll, nor do I purposely try to piss anyone off. I do speak as if I was in a room hanging out with a group of friends who enjoy giving each other the business and having a good laugh doing it. Admittedly, it gets me in trouble in forums that have sticks up their asses. :dodgy: I play guitar, I mow the lawn, I drive a car. :)

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Sciborg_S_Patel 30 15%
Ninshub 26 13%
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Typoz 12 6%
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Sciborg_S_Patel 28 17%
Kamarling 21 13%
malf 17 10%
E. Flowers 14 8%
Steve001 9 5%

