Share your experiences with your Spirit Guides / Guardian Angels

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I'll start off with answering Sciborg_S_Patel's question from another thread. Smile

(2019-08-19, 03:43 PM)Sciborg_S_Patel Wrote: Curious - could you say more about this experience with your spirit guides, either in this thread or the personal exploration one?

Just trying to expand my own seeking practice so this is of great interest to me, thanks!

My Spirit Guides, along with the local psychic lady I've been seeing on and off, have told me that my overall goal at the end of this lifetime is to become a Spirit Guide like them.

I've tried understanding what that even means, from my current perspective, but I have no reference point, really. My perceptions of what their roles entail are pretty dim and vague, and I'm not really sure what it really means to be a Spirit Guide. I had vague flashbacks that I may have been a Shaman in my past life, which would explain my seemingly deja vu experience of having taken Ayahuasca before, even though I hadn't yet taken it in this lifetime. Mother Ayahuasca also seemed... familiar with me. Like she knew all of this was going to happen.

My Spirit Guides also drop pieces of advice here and there, and remind me that they indeed exist, even though my often stress, anxiety, and depression-ridden thoughts screw me up, and make me despair and doubt that they really are there.

All part of the journey, I suppose, however it will go...
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
~ Carl Jung

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It sounds like you have a really close connection to your Guides, I'm jealous! I have always had a lingering doubt as to whether or not Spirit Guides are truly real. I've been suffering from an existential crisis for quite a while and no matter how many times I ask for help/guidance, my pleas seem to fall on deaf ears. Now, it could be that I'm oblivious to any sign they may give. I have however experienced something a few months ago that left me speechless.

One night I became incredibly frustrated with life. I believed it to be meaningless. In a drunken fit of despair I begged and pleaded to God/my Spirit Guides/the Universe/or whatever could hear me (if such a thing existed) to give me a sign. The next day at work, a van with an LED sign on top (which is the first I and my coworkers have ever seen in my city) pulled up outside my office window. The LED sign was displaying an advertisement for a church with text saying "Love each and every being." as well as "All will be alright." Now I don't know if this was a message from some higher being, a case of synchronicity, or just a coincidence; but it amazes me that I asked for a sign, and I got a sign.
What is my purpose in life de geso...?
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Was at my grandmother's memorial service this Saturday and the reverend told this story that she had confided in him.

When she was a small girl, perhaps 6 years old or so (around 1930), she was walking the mile or so to a local store to get something that her mother needed. She met a man on the dirt road who asked where she was going and would she mind if he walked with her. She said that would be fine and the two began walking together. They crested a hill and after a while a car came out of control over the same hill, whipping from side to side and heading in their direction. Then man grabbed the girl and tumbled into a field, out of the path of the vehicle. After that they continued walking and entered the store together. When she approached the store clerk she started to tell the story of the nice man who had accompanied her into the store that she had walked with and what had happened. The store clerk told her that she entered the store alone. That there was no one with her. 

I wasn't particularly close to this grandmother and I'm not sure if she had ever told anyone else in the family this story. But I was pleasantly surprised to hear it. Thanks, Guardian Angel Man!
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(2019-08-20, 05:10 PM)Ika Musume Wrote: It sounds like you have a really close connection to your Guides, I'm jealous! I have always had a lingering doubt as to whether or not Spirit Guides are truly real. I've been suffering from an existential crisis for quite a while and no matter how many times I ask for help/guidance, my pleas seem to fall on deaf ears. Now, it could be that I'm oblivious to any sign they may give.

I'm not entirely sure why I have a clearer, and thus closer, more dependent connection to my Guides. My past lives related to Shamanism probably play a major role.

Indeed, it was through Ayahuasca that the door to my being able to meet and perceive my Guides was opened. So that might have triggered what laid dormant in me.

I would suggest practices that are spiritual in nature ~ Reiki attunements, amusingly, are known for making it easier to sense your Spirit Guides. Practices like meditation can help, if you focus the meditation on a certain idea, and then perhaps try to focus on making it visually-orientated with your imagination, albeit eyes closed. Your Guides, if your mind is in a state of calm and receptiveness, may be able to show themselves to you if ask them to.

I need to learn how to do this myself, even though I can sense them without much trouble if my mind is in the right frame.

(2019-08-20, 05:10 PM)Ika Musume Wrote: I have however experienced something a few months ago that left me speechless.

One night I became incredibly frustrated with life. I believed it to be meaningless. In a drunken fit of despair I begged and pleaded to God/my Spirit Guides/the Universe/or whatever could hear me (if such a thing existed) to give me a sign. The next day at work, a van with an LED sign on top (which is the first I and my coworkers have ever seen in my city) pulled up outside my office window. The LED sign was displaying an advertisement for a church with text saying "Love each and every being." as well as "All will be alright." Now I don't know if this was a message from some higher being, a case of synchronicity, or just a coincidence; but it amazes me that I asked for a sign, and I got a sign.

Indeed sounds like a sign from your Guides. Must be synchronicity, considering the events you mentioned. Smile
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
~ Carl Jung

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(2019-08-20, 05:18 PM)chuck Wrote: Was at my grandmother's memorial service this Saturday and the reverend told this story that she had confided in him.

When she was a small girl, perhaps 6 years old or so (around 1930), she was walking the mile or so to a local store to get something that her mother needed. She met a man on the dirt road who asked where she was going and would she mind if he walked with her. She said that would be fine and the two began walking together. They crested a hill and after a while a car came out of control over the same hill, whipping from side to side and heading in their direction. Then man grabbed the girl and tumbled into a field, out of the path of the vehicle. After that they continued walking and entered the store together. When she approached the store clerk she started to tell the story of the nice man who had accompanied her into the store that she had walked with and what had happened. The store clerk told her that she entered the store alone. That there was no one with her. 

I wasn't particularly close to this grandmother and I'm not sure if she had ever told anyone else in the family this story. But I was pleasantly surprised to hear it. Thanks, Guardian Angel Man!

Beautiful. Smile
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
~ Carl Jung

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I have not had experiences of direct communication with my Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels, but I did have a number of readings with the gifted psychic medium Ron Scolastico, the author of many books on his vision of life, including The Earth Adventure. He would go into an altered state and exist somewhere but unaware, while his powerful Guides would then commune with my Guides and with other sources of information or help needed by me. His speakings would then communicate this guidance to me. This was how he described his way of working. 

He helped me through a lot of bad times. This was almost despite myself - unfortunately, my doubts, my skeptical rational scientific/engineering mindset, sabotaged many benefits that I could have otherwise enjoyed from our relationship. That was the cost of my dedication to uncovering the truth of things rather than just what would make me feel better. I am not a "true believer" type. Unfortunately I never got rid of the feeling that much of this was well meaning but being generated by Ron's subconscious mind and based on his years of metaphysical study and his background in psychology. New Age ideas that have crept into the collective psyche. 

None of my supposed past lives that his Guides described have resonated with me as being real glimpses of truths about my former existences on Earth. I even had a session with a past life hypnotherapist trained by Michael Newton, looking to find out about between-lives choices I may have made as a soul. To continue the pattern, nothing of consequence emerged - but I was acutely aware of much effort going on under the surface, my subconscious trying to come up with confabulated stories to fulfill the suggestions of the therapist.  

From an early stage the only real anchor for my spiritual belief system has been the study of the extensive empirical evidence for paranormal phenomena, in particular for survival. My belief in the reality of that has long been in the 98% region, just based on the evidence. But concerning the actual nature of the next life and especially of the reincarnational system whatever it is, New Age channeling simply can't be relied upon in my opinion.    

However, in my later years age and experience have mellowed my skepticism, and there are some intuitions and feelings of truth coming in that I can sometimes allow to overcome my natural doubts.
(This post was last modified: 2019-08-21, 03:08 AM by nbtruthman.)
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(2019-08-21, 02:55 AM)nbtruthman Wrote: I have not had experiences of direct communication with my Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels, but I did have a number of readings with the gifted psychic medium Ron Scolastico, the author of many books on his vision of life, including The Earth Adventure. He would go into an altered state and exist somewhere but unaware, while his powerful Guides would then commune with my Guides and with other sources of information or help needed by me. His speakings would then communicate this guidance to me. This was how he described his way of working.

This makes sense to me.

In order to ease my doubts about their reality, or at least some of them, one of my Guides gave me a lecture of sorts, and then directed me to see the local psychic the next day. Without me telling her anything, she proceeded to more-or-less mirror what my Guide had told me.

It suggested to me that my Guides communicate with her Guides, who then give that information to her to tell to me. She didn't need to go into a trance, but would get flashes of information she would piece together. It's a useful means for them to communicate things to me that they otherwise couldn't, due to my mental barriers that sometimes get in the way.
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
~ Carl Jung

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(2019-08-20, 05:10 PM)Ika Musume Wrote: One night I became incredibly frustrated with life. I believed it to be meaningless. In a drunken fit of despair I begged and pleaded to God/my Spirit Guides/the Universe/or whatever could hear me (if such a thing existed) to give me a sign. The next day at work, a van with an LED sign on top (which is the first I and my coworkers have ever seen in my city) pulled up outside my office window. The LED sign was displaying an advertisement for a church with text saying "Love each and every being." as well as "All will be alright." Now I don't know if this was a message from some higher being, a case of synchronicity, or just a coincidence; but it amazes me that I asked for a sign, and I got a sign.

In my opinion, at such times of despair, there is a kind of sincerity as well as intensity which is a powerful thing. I've tended to get some sort of response too, though I can't think of the exact form it has taken.

What I liked about your experience is the somewhat witty play on words, you asked for a sign, and very literally got one, as well as the message conveyed which one way or another seems a proper response, in that it was probably able to reach you and mean something.
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(2019-08-22, 11:40 AM)Typoz Wrote: In my opinion, at such times of despair, there is a kind of sincerity as well as intensity which is a powerful thing. I've tended to get some sort of response too, though I can't think of the exact form it has taken.

What I liked about your experience is the somewhat witty play on words, you asked for a sign, and very literally got one, as well as the message conveyed which one way or another seems a proper response, in that it was probably able to reach you and mean something.
It didn't dawn on me what I had experienced until I got home. That's one reason why I believe that if I am receiving signs, I'm too dense to recognize them. On top of that experience, I have witnessed a couple more of what I hope are also witty signs. Signs such as turning the radio on and immediately hearing (Don't Fear) The Reaper by Blue Oyster Cult right after thinking about what happens after death. Or thinking about the same topic only to turn the TV on and have the first thing shown be a scene from Family Guy where Brian tells Stewie death is nothing to fear. What I find amazing about such experiences is how impossible they are, and yet they happened. If I had so much as waited a few seconds to turn the radio or TV on, or had decided to do something else altogether, I would have witnessed something irrelevant and would not be posting this comment now.
What is my purpose in life de geso...?
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(2019-08-21, 12:12 AM)Valmar Wrote: I'm not entirely sure why I have a clearer, and thus closer, more dependent connection to my Guides. My past lives related to Shamanism probably play a major role.

Indeed, it was through Ayahuasca that the door to my being able to meet and perceive my Guides was opened. So that might have triggered what laid dormant in me.

I would suggest practices that are spiritual in nature ~ Reiki attunements, amusingly, are known for making it easier to sense your Spirit Guides. Practices like meditation can help, if you focus the meditation on a certain idea, and then perhaps try to focus on making it visually-orientated with your imagination, albeit eyes closed. Your Guides, if your mind is in a state of calm and receptiveness, may be able to show themselves to you if ask them to.

I need to learn how to do this myself, even though I can sense them without much trouble if my mind is in the right frame.
After looking more into Astral Projectors such as Cyrus Kirkpatrick, Robert Monroe, and Jurgen Ziewe, I decided to try my hand at it. Many nights went by without experiencing an OBE. I just couldn't clear my mind enough or I would fall asleep instead. One night though I experienced what I think was a very short OBE, but I'm not entirely sure. A few minutes after turning in for the day, I felt a weird sensation followed by what seemed like a dream yet I was aware throughout it. I was floating above my bed and noticed my cat sleeping beside me. I floated over to him and quickly poked him. He immediately jumped and stared in the location I was floating. His jump quickly woke me up and I turned to see if he was truly there and sure enough he was. He was sitting where I saw him, wide awake looking around the room with eyes as wide as saucers. I haven't been able to experience anything like it since. I believe you are right. I may need to start meditating with hopes of calming my mind.
What is my purpose in life de geso...?
(This post was last modified: 2019-08-22, 02:10 PM by Ika Musume.)
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