Psi journals

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Volume 82, number 1 (January 2018) of the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research has appeared. Here is the contents list:

Stress Sensitivity and Minimal-Self Dysfunction as Predictors of Anomalous Experiences and Paranormal Attributions......Harvey J. Irwin 1 
Criticisms Raised Against the Investigation of Purportedly Anomalous Telephone Occurences...........Callum E. Cooper 15 

The Case of Colonel Henderson and The Apparition of Captain Hinchliffe Revisited — A Crisis Apparition?......Robert A Charman & Steve Hume 28 

An Atheist in Heaven: The Ultimate Evidence for Life After Death? by Paul J. Davids and Gary E. Schwartz......Robert A Charman 43 
The Illusion of Will, Self, and Time: William James’s Reluctant Guide to Enlightenment by Jonathan Bricklin......John Poynton 49 
Ghost Hunting: A Practical Guide by Andrew Green......Roger Clarke 52 
No Time And Nowhere: A Non-Physical World Behind This One by Fergus Hinds .................... Christian Jensen Romer 56 
What Is Consciousness? Three Sages Look Behind the Veil by Ervin Laszlo, Jean Houston and Larry Dossey......Michael Potts 59 

Notices: Survival Research Fund and Research Grants Committee 64
The Society for Psychical Research also produces a magazine entitled Paranormal Review, which is sent to members with the journal. Here are the contents of issue 85 (Winter 2018):

[Image: ParanormalReview85.jpg]
[-] The following 2 users Like Guest's post:
  • Ninshub, Oleo
I really wish that I didn’t cringe every time I read anything from the SPR for public consumption...
(2018-03-27, 07:08 AM)Iyace Wrote: I really wish that I didn’t cringe every time I read anything from the SPR for public consumption...

I'm curious about what made you cringe. I find that not much of it arouses my interest, but that seems like a different problem.
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  • Laird
Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page, here are links to past issues of the defunct European Journal of Parapsychology and Research Letter of the Parapsychology Laboratory at the University of Utrecht, which have been made available by Michael Tremmel and Paul Stevens.

European Journal of Parapsychology, volumes 2-18 (1977-2003)
European Journal of Parapsychology, volumes 10-25 (1995-2010)

Research Letter, volumes 1-12 (1971-1984)
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  • Kamarling
On the SPR website there is a huge section entitled "Research Catalogue 1884-2011", organised by subject, which lists papers in the Society's Journal and Proceedings, with a indication of the contents of each (sometimes quite detailed):

Unfortunately, despite the description it doesn't seem to be complete. I've looked at several pages, but haven't yet found one that goes up to 2011.
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  • Doug
Do the SPR ever question whether something really is paranormal or do they always start from the assumption that it is?
(2018-05-11, 07:43 PM)Brian Wrote: Do the SPR ever question whether something really is paranormal or do they always start from the assumption that it is?

The principle is that it questions rather than assuming. The Society's website says:
"The Society for Psychical Research was set up in London in 1882, the first scientific organisation ever to examine claims of psychic and paranormal phenomena. We hold no corporate view about their existence or meaning; rather, our purpose is to gather information and foster understanding through research and education."
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  • Obiwan, Ninshub
Here's an outline of the contents of the SPR's Paranormal Review number 86 (Spring 2018):
Number 34 of EdgeScience, the online magazine of the Society for Scientific Exploration, is available here:

Contents include:

Perceiving Murder: Tales from a Psychic Detective
Pam Coronado

The Department of Defense and UFOs Redux
John Alexander

Mystical World: The Increasing Acceptance of Ancient Mysticism by Modern Science
Kenneth Smith

The Windbridge Institute: Ten Years Working at the Cutting Edge of Science 
Mark Boccuzzi and Julie Beischel

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