New developments on the UAP disclosure battle

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Premier UFO/UAP whistleblower and insider David Grusch was recently interviewed by Joe Rogan, and in a short segment of the interview made some interesting remarks about what he learned as to what is really going on, the driving factors of the current disclosure battle in Congress. According to Grusch it's primarily very prosaic, fear of prosecutions and endless lawsuits. Fear of societal impact especially on the economy, and of turmoil related to religious impacts like on the Catholic Church appear to be second-level concerns.

This is at

Some apropos and and I think reasonable quotes from Reddit on this:

Quote:"If Grusch's info. is true it’s flipping depressing that disclosure was stopped because some rich dudes were worried about white collar crime and consequences like criminal charges and massive civil and government litigation they probably wouldn’t have ever seen and worried about without the threat of disclosure.
They’ve been improperly hiding programs from Congress. As well as essentially awarding assumingly extremely lucrative contracts to companies with no bid process. This would leave individuals not only open to prosecution, but companies and the government both open to possible civil lawsuits from competitors who weren’t given this opportunity.

Additionally, Grusch himself claims to have been intimidated and retaliated against, so if disclosure happens people might be coming out of the woodwork claiming something similar. Which could lead to an avalanche of different investigations and lawsuits.
Endless lawsuits - this is what they are really afraid of.
It's not just white collar crime - think of the religious impact on the powers-that-be.  Who is going to follow Catholicism when they find out the reality of millions of advanced civilisations across the universe? Somehow, Mother Mary starts to look a bit silly.
It’s of course hard to know the extent of everything or what exactly happened as far as legal malfeasance, but if what Grusch says is true and it’s the main reason it stopped disclosure last time I would assume it’s a rather sizable can of worms.
If we’re realistic about this the general populace will never care or act on the fact that billions of dollars of tax payer money was spent without oversight or accountability. They will get away with the major problem with all that has occurred. People don’t do anything about the pentagon’s failed audits every year or literal conman and corruption in government. Remember the Panama papers. Nothing happened. Plus everyone will be so enamored with the substance of the disclosure that their illegality for decades will at most result in congressional hearings followed by maybe a slap on the wrist.
They’re not scared of the public reaction, they’re scared of other big corporations reaction
Of course it boils down to self preservation and money."
As someone who's worked in several politically sensitive government departments (not DoD). I completely agree. The number of decisions or actions I've seen be rejected, ignored or just left to die because of the hassle primarily of continued litigation, hell I've done it myself. It's the main reason I left govt work."
(This post was last modified: 2023-11-23, 04:17 PM by nbtruthman. Edited 1 time in total.)
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The latest:

The word is out that in addition to Rep. Mike Rogers and Rep. Mike Turner (especially corrupt), Senate Leader McConnell and the new House Speaker Johnson are now trying to squash the Schumer amendment focused on UAP / NHI transparency.

If it doesn’t pass then it kind of confirms UAPs are non-human. Very much the most likely reason for this ultra secrecy.
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Another news flash:

Investigative journalist Ross Coulthart suggests that an extremely powerful Defense Aerospace lobby is pushing key politicians in Congress to block the Schumer Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

That amendment is about exposing overly-classified NHI beyond top secret black projects (the bill is written in a way that really, really points to non-human intelligence). If there are no such secrets, why all the hullabaloo? If someone finds proof that an aerospace/defense lobbying agency is doing this, that's pretty much game-set-point on how real the UAP crash debris retrieval/reverse engineering black project issue is.
(This post was last modified: 2023-11-26, 02:49 AM by nbtruthman. Edited 1 time in total.)
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(2023-11-26, 02:46 AM)nbtruthman Wrote: Another news flash:

Investigative journalist Ross Coulthart suggests that an extremely powerful Defense Aerospace lobby is pushing key politicians in Congress to block the Schumer Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

That amendment is about exposing overly-classified NHI beyond top secret black projects (the bill is written in a way that really, really points to non-human intelligence). If there are no such secrets, why all the hullabaloo? If someone finds proof that an aerospace/defense lobbying agency is doing this, that's pretty much game-set-point on how real the UAP crash debris retrieval/reverse engineering black project issue is.

Surely you are aware that you are recycling the same two sources in all these UFO posts? You have consistenly brought up Ross Coulthart who is a known "UFO believer" and David Grusch. I'm sure these two will keep saying the same forever...but it doesn't really make the case any stronger that they now have told the same story 5-10-20 times.
But what if it's just straightforward engineering, not reverse engineering? There could be legitimate defence concerns over leaking of information to other world powers. Often in the military field a main aim is to keep a potential opponent guessing about what capabilities you might have.
(2023-11-26, 10:03 AM)sbu Wrote: Surely you are aware that you are recycling the same two sources in all these UFO posts? You have consistenly brought up Ross Coulthart who is a known "UFO believer" and David Grusch. I'm sure these two will keep saying the same forever...but it doesn't really make the case any stronger that they now have told the same story 5-10-20 times.

According to all reports at least four high-profile Congressional representatives and senators have been trying to quash the Schumer amendment which was written in such a way as to single out UAP related black projects. These politicians are definitely influenced by lobbying by the defense/aerospace industry. It seems that somebody is very much afraid of disclosing information about such projects (which heretofore have not been under Congressional oversight).

Please explain that in some plausible way as not being due to there really being extremely sensitive special access beyond top secret black projects probably involving NHIs and crashed UAPs.

Addendum edit: There is no reason to stop this legislation if there is nothing to disclose. Where there's smoke there's fire. This is a whole lot of smoke.
(This post was last modified: 2023-11-27, 01:55 AM by nbtruthman. Edited 2 times in total.)
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More important new developments coming to light as this matter evolves. For those few here interested or concerned over this I feel important topic:

It looks like the House and Senate conflict over clandestine UAP/UFO project disclosure legislation is coming to a head, with the winner by no means predetermined.

There is now an excellent detailed political analysis piece on the turmoil and infighting over this proposed legislation, clearly showing a very large amount of smoke and consequently clearly indicating a lot of fire. Why else such infighting over an obscure bill?

Washington politics is generally far from a topic covered in Psiencequest, but in this particular case it is important as greatly affecting one of the more important issues involving one type of anomalous and possibly paranormal phenomena.

From Liberation Times, Nov. 24 2023

Quote:Black Friday: Republican Leadership Takes Axe To UFO Transparency Legislation

Written by Christopher Sharp - 24 November 2023

Multiple sources have told Liberation Times that the Schumer-Rounds Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Disclosure Act is under severe threat from Republican leaders within the U.S. House and Senate.

Liberation Times has learned that this week, two influential Republicans, namely Rep. Mike Rogers, Chair of the House Armed Services Committee, and Rep. Mike Turner, Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, have escalated their efforts to eliminate the UAP Disclosure Act from the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2024.

The two representatives have successfully garnered support from Senate Minority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell and the new Speaker of the House, Rep. Mike Johnson, who are now backing their endeavors to either remove or significantly weaken the UAP Disclosure Act.

The news came during the Thanksgiving holiday when representatives and senators were at home with their families. It comes two years after the Department of Defense and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence thwarted extensive UAP language proposed by Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Marco Rubio.

It is understood that the four powerful Republicans are prepared to ‘compromise’ by amending language contained in the Act, although that would involve stripping it of its key provisions and crippling the Act of any meaningful power.

One source familiar with the current NDAA conference process, which reconciles differences between House and Senate versions through negotiation, told Liberation Times:

"It's a shame that such monumental legislation is the victim of political brinkmanship.  Neither of the detractors gives a hoot about serving the public interest and instead wants to use this amendment as leverage to get their own political interests codified. 

“When supposed "leaders" like this use the American people's interests as their fodder, we should be reminded of what sparked the American Revolution in the first place.  These individuals would be wise to remember that."

Sources suggest that despite the current challenges, allies within the Senate, House, and White House are gearing up to resist Republicans.

It's worth noting that despite opposition from Republican leadership, numerous figures within the party, such as Senate Intelligence Committee Vice Chair Senator Marco Rubio, Representatives Anna Paulina Luna and Tim Burchett, and House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party Chairman Rep Mike Gallagher, are likely to counter any attempts to exclude or soften the UAP language.

Additionally, Liberation Times sources indicate that President Biden’s National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, and Senior Presidential Advisor on Clean Energy Innovation, John Podesta, could lead White House efforts to resist Republican leadership's attempts against the UAP Disclosure Act.

The news indicates that three out of the four Republican members of the Gang of Eight, a group privy to classified intelligence briefings from the executive branch, oppose additional oversight and public transparency regarding the UAP issue.

Liberation Times currently understands that separate UAP language, drafted for the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 by the Senate's Intelligence Committee, remains intact. Noteworthy elements of that language include the suspension of U.S. government funding for illicit UAP programs and the provision of legal amnesty to defense contractors suspected of possessing non-human craft or materials.

The alleged stance of Republican leaders towards the UAP Disclosure Act comes amidst allegations of cover-ups and potentially illegal activities related to retrieval and reverse engineering programs linked to craft of non-human origin, raising concerns about the participation of defense contractors and elements within the U.S. government.

There is growing concern among insiders that suppressing UAP-related communication could potentially give an edge to adversaries possessing comparable information and evidence regarding the purported existence of non-human intelligence on Earth.

Another source with knowledge of the current situation regarding the NDAA negotiations told Liberation Times:

“We’ve got a problem. Russia or China may beat the United States to disclosing the facts around a non-human intelligence if we don’t get our act together fast. This should be motivation enough for Republican leadership to fight for the UAP Disclosure Act.

“They should be doing everything in their power to get it passed expeditiously. I’m baffled.”

Unveiled publicly in July 2023 by Senate Majority Leader and Democrat Chuck Schumer, the UAP Disclosure Act proposes the creation of a Review Board dedicated to disclosing information and materials related to UAP.

The Review Board would be composed of nine U.S. citizens nominated by President Biden and would have had the authority to assess and advise on the release of UAP information and records. Additionally, any potential biological evidence indicating non-human intelligence and the craft they operate would be disclosed to the public.

Under the plan, any materials or biological evidence of unknown origin or non-human origin would be subject to the power of eminent domain exercised by the U.S. Federal Government, meaning Lockheed Martin or any other aerospace company that might be in possession would be required to surrender them to the Government.

Liberation Times has learned of widespread concerns surrounding eminent domain language, posing a risk of aerospace companies losing invaluable materials. It is understood that an alternative mechanism is being proposed to replace this language, allowing the release of materials without necessitating companies to relinquish custody.

The Senate and House return from recess next week. And the return of politicians provides UAP advocates with increased opportunities to shape NDAA negotiations before the legislation is ultimately finalized.

After that, President Biden will have the authority to either sign it into law or exercise his veto power. It's worth noting, though, that the NDAA has a track record of successful passage for over 60 consecutive years.
(This post was last modified: 2023-11-27, 04:34 PM by nbtruthman. Edited 1 time in total.)
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An addendum to show how suspicious it is (with regard to probable defense contractor lobbying) that Reps. Mike Turner and Mike Rogers are prominently trying to quash the UAP special access black program disclosure amendment.

Why would Reps. Turner and Rogers strenuously try to quash this amendment? Obviously a strong candidate would be defense contractor lobbying by Lockheed-Martin and possibly others.

It certainly seems likely that such a defense contractor would expend lobbying funds and also possibly expend some favors due, to influence these congressmen to quash the amendment, if there was a threat that said contractor(s)' sequestering of crash remains for their study and analysis might be disclosed. Disclosure would be a threat to the defense contractor(s) for at least 2 reasons: they had been participating in a deliberate withholding of Congressional oversight on these project(s), and disclosure would probably end their participation in a very lucrative enterprise that has lasted for many years. 

From :

Quote:"According to data made available by, the website of the Center for Responsive Politics, a non-profit, non-partisan research group that tracks money in U.S. politics, Rep. Mike Turner’s largest 2023-2024 campaign contributors are listed as “Misc Defense” at $62,350, followed by “Defense Aerospace” at $46,300.

During the 2022 election cycle, Rep. Mike Rogers was the largest recipient of funding from the defense sector by a wide margin, according to data made available by Similarly, listed among the largest contributions to Rep. Rogers in 2023-2024 were “Misc Defense” at $121,200, down significantly from the $282,350 he received in the previous election cycle, during which the largest contribution from a single contributor had been $60,750 from Lockheed Martin.

Prominent whistleblower David Grusch specifically named Lockheed Martin as a possible recipient of portions of the exotic technologies that he learned of during his tenure as an intelligence officer, further describing visits with the late Nevada Senator Harry Reid, who had expressed similar views in the past."
(This post was last modified: 2023-11-28, 06:06 PM by nbtruthman. Edited 2 times in total.)
I’ve done a 180.

I think it’s all crap. This “disclosure” is a distraction, a sleight of the hand. This twat Matt Ford was tweeting all about “buckling up” and getting ready for something massive. The result? A crappy article in the daily mail quoting second hand anonymous sources.

Look at Issac Koi’s great work on compiling the sheer number of times that disclosure was just around the corner, from the 1950’s and onward. The same old statements and proclamations and “sources”.

There is something. But it’s probably not for human benefit.
(This post was last modified: 2023-11-28, 06:23 PM by diverdown. Edited 1 time in total.)
(2023-11-28, 06:22 PM)diverdown Wrote: I’ve done a 180.

I think it’s all crap. This “disclosure” is a distraction, a sleight of the hand. This twat Matt Ford was tweeting all about “buckling up” and getting ready for something massive. The result? A crappy article in the daily mail quoting second hand anonymous sources.

Look at Issac Koi’s great work on compiling the sheer number of times that disclosure was just around the corner, from the 1950’s and onward. The same old statements and proclamations and “sources”.

There is something. But it’s probably not for human benefit.

UFO sightings has been an american obsession since Roswell.
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