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Brazilian physicist and Neurosurgeon investigates NDE's




I've had quite a few email exchanges with Carlos Mendes (physicist) who along with a colleague, Dr Edson Amancio is investigating near death experience. Carlos only became aware of the phenomenon in 2013 (believe it or not) and was immediately intrigued. The videos are in Portuguese but have subtitles in English. There's quite a few of them up now and the video posted at the top (Lucas) is a classic.
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[Unfortunately, because our attempts to obtain the copyright-holder's permission to publish this English translation of the original German account have gone unanswered, we have had to truncate tim's excellent work. The link to Google's auto-translation is going to have to suffice unless/until we get a response. --Laird]

Many will have already seen this report from Stefan Von Jankovich, the Hungarian architect who was clinically dead for several minutes after an horrific car accident. I sent it to the Brazilian physicist mentioned above who was so impressed with it, he told me he's going to put it up on his channel. I posted it on Skeptiko a while back so it needs to be here really. I'll be posting additional information in a different thread on Von Jankovich's insights into previous lives he had seen during his NDE which he was able to check out to some degree.

My best experience was my death.   By Stefan von Jankovich.

Quote:I was always a healthy, athletic, very active person.  I had been concerned mainly with the everyday  material earthly goals..... It  took  a great calamity to awaken what is divine in me.  I now believe it is the most important goal of one's life to consciously seek the light and truth.  Therefore, It is reasonable to say that I died on 16 September 1964 and a few minutes later I was reborn as a new person,  with very different ideals, experiences and knowledge. 

Professionally, I am an architect-engineer, a very concrete thinking person.   I was interested in science, be it at work (statistics, mathematics, geometry, calculus, etc.) or be it (in my free time) sailing (physics, aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, etc.) I had never been known as a dreamer, a visionary, a poet, or the like. 

 I also never concerned myself with religious questions before my accident and death.  I was initially brought up religiously, but lived as a non practicing Catholic, my earthly life being very busy and successful in all areas, as an architect and in my hobbies.  So I was not predisposed to anything 'paranormal.'  I had never given thought to  any kind of dogmatic, ideological, philosophical, parapsychological theories, eastern or western. I regarded myself as a neutral observer.  I had not previously read anything about such experiences.  What occured was new for me,  spontaneous and genuine.

Stefan von Jankovich (» Textauszug aus dem Buch „Ich war klinisch Tod“ ) Stefan von Jankovich ( " Excerpt from the book" I was clinically death " )
(This post was last modified: 2018-04-10, 11:46 PM by Laird.)
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[Edited by an admin to provide sources, enclose quoted material, tidy up a little, and embed the video]

The NDE of Patrick Tierney.

This video is from 2001/2/ approx. and features a very young Sam Parnia at Southhampton General and a youngish Van Lommel at the very impressive Rijnstate hospital in Arnhem, Holland:

From Near-death experiences are real and we have the proof, say scientists by Danny Penman [link is to an archived copy]:

Quote:“The worst thing is coming back from the dead,” says Patrick Tierney, who had a near-death experience following a cardiac arrest in 1991. “If dying is anything like the experience I had, then it’s not a problem."

Patrick was rushed to hospital in July 1991 following a heart attack. He survived the initial attack and within hours was chatting with his family at the bedside.

"I was talking to my wife and eldest boy when I felt a little pinch in my chest,” says Patrick. “The next thing I knew I was travelling down a corridor in a medieval looking house. I was astounded. It was very real and lucid. I thought to myself "what the hell’s going on?"

"I came to a fork in the corridor and I knew that I had to make a decision. One branch was a dark and sinister looking hole. The other was brightly lit and appeared friendly in some way, so I floated down that one."

Patrick then found himself in a form of "heaven." He was in front of a beautifully lit landscape bordered with a waist-high white picket fence. He was instantly calmed and soothed by a beautiful translucent light.

He then became aware of his parents, who were behind the white fence, smiling broadly at him. Strangely, they were in their thirties despite the fact that they had both died in their seventies.

"I moved towards a gate in the fence but my father gave me a look that I knew meant "don’t come through the gate," so I didn't. No words passed between us. I then found myself moving backwards through the corridor but this time it was very disturbing. (He talks here about seeing unpleasant looking entities)    

All of the warmth and cosiness left and I was terrified. A moment later I saw the face of an angel - it was a nurse from the hospital. It turned out I’d had a cardiac arrest."

Cardiac arrest survivors like Patrick are tailor-made for Dr Parnia’s study. Scientists know that within seconds of the heart stopping the brain has shut down completely. The patient is effectively dead.

From the BBC's 30 November, 2001 article, 'Near death experiences' probed:

Quote:Patrick Tierney's is one case to be examined by the project.

He can't remember how long the cardiac arrest lasted. But what happened while he was unconcious he remembers vividly.

He told the BBC: "I felt what was like a pinch in the chest and the next minute I was in a tunnel similar to a medieval house it had wooden panels, very very dark.

"I floated or walked down the tunnel moved in to another tunnel - it wasn't very long - and I stood there and I saw a huge mass of colour.

"It could have been a garden, it could have just been colour, but it was beautiful, one of the most wonderful things I've ever seen."

Like many people who believe they've had what's known as a 'near death experience' Patrick has hardly told anyone over the years for fear of the reaction he might get. They'd laugh at you, they'd think you were making it up.

I think I was dying and for some reason my time hadn't come, my name had been wiped out of the books and I was sent back."
(This post was last modified: 2018-03-01, 07:06 PM by Laird.)
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This veridical OBE report (cardiac arrest) is from Dr Dave Mochel (a US orthopeadic surgeon) as told to his colleague internist, Dr Scott Kolbaba. The report is from a woman who suffered an allergic reaction to antibiotics on the operating table and flatlined.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-3f5DzGhzo Go to 15.20 minutes.
(This post was last modified: 2020-03-23, 03:28 PM by tim.)
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Very interesting, Natalie Sudman's nde.
Start 2:15 in, ad before that.
Oh my God, I hate all this.   Surprise
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Hellish NDEs like this one are strange, they put a cat amongst my pigeons.

Oh my God, I hate all this.   Surprise
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[Unfortunately, because we have been unable to obtain permission from the copyright-holder to publish tim's English translation of the German original, we have had to truncate tim's excellent work. The link to the Google auto-translation will have to suffice unless/until we obtain that permission. --Laird]

This is Bo Katzman answering questions about his NDE which occurred after a motorcycle crash crash in Switzerland. I don't necessarily accept his metaphysical interpretation but it is another interesting clue as to how everything might work.

Quote:I am very glad that you're taking the time to answer a few questions today. If it's okay with you, I would like to go back , starting with the day of the accident, then the NDE itself and how it has changed you.  I read that you had a motorcycle accident at a young age that led to your NDE. !

It  was a beautiful June morning, with a bright blue sky and I wanted to ride my motorcycle. I was driving at high speed when I went into a winding underpass.  I was daring to ride fast around a corner (banking the bike over) at around 85 km / h, but unfortunately there was a traffic jam up ahead which I couldn't see. It had come to a stop, which of course I had realised far too late (to stop).  I  crashed into the last car with full force. First of all, I could not breathe and immediately knew that my time was up.  A huge feeling of panic seized me: Why me?  Why now? Why?

http://www.origenes.de/nte/katzman/katzman.htm [English Google-autotranslation]

(This post was last modified: 2018-04-10, 11:51 PM by Laird.)
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[Unfortunately, because we have been unable to obtain permission from the copyright-holder to publish tim's English translation of the German original, we have had to truncate tim's excellent work. The link to the Google auto-translation will have to suffice unless/until we obtain that permission. --Laird]

This NDE (or maybe more accurately a veridical out of body experience during cardiac arrest) is similar to the case of Mr A from Parnia's Aware study and book Erasing death. It occurred during a cardiac catheterization. Mr (Alois) Serwaty was a civil engineer until he retired.  

Quote:I was 43 and had to undergo a heart bypass operation almost overnight. I have a wife and three children. At the time I was in the middle of my working life and had a challenging job in civil engineering, and I was also a professional officer in the Bundeswehr (German armed forces) but I've been retired since 2005). This was of course a shock for me and for the family. Two months after surgery and rehabilitation I was back on duty. I wanted to prove to myself that I was still capable of carrying out my duties as a husband and my role as an officer etc.

The near-death experience did not occur during the bypass operation, though. A few months after the operation, I had to undergo another heart proceedure, a cardiac catheterization with balloon dilatation.  The procedure was familiar to me and was performed only with local anaesthesia at the site of the insertion of the catheter in the groin.  I considered this to be a routine examination and I was not anticipating anything dramatic occuring.  I'd made no special arrangements, I  drove to hospital on the Monday morning thinking I'd be released after four days at the latest.  On Friday, I had an important career project planned. I trusted the doctors and their professionalism.  

(http://www.origenes.de/nte/serwaty/serwaty.htm) [English Google auto-translation]
(This post was last modified: 2018-04-10, 11:58 PM by Laird.)
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Here's a Shared Death Experience account reported on CNN. 


Noticeable that the two "experts" used, I presume, for balance are Joe Nickell and Sean Carroll and their responses are typical old-hat delusion/fantasy/wishful thinking tripe.

Quote:Carroll says the only evidence of afterlife experiences is “a few legends and sketchy claims from unreliable witnesses … plus a bucket load of wishful thinking.”

Quote:Nickell, the paranormal skeptic, says stories of shared-death experiences also rest on a flimsy foundation.

“That’s the problem with all of them – they’re all anecdotal evidence and science doesn’t deal with anecdotal evidence,” Nickell says.
I do not make any clear distinction between mind and God. God is what mind becomes when it has passed beyond the scale of our comprehension.
Freeman Dyson
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Here is another German NDE. It's possible I may have made a mistake or two translating it but the general story will be fairly accurate I think.
Just to be clear, I'm not necessarily "recommending" any of these NDE's, I just think they are interesting enough to warrant some space here.

[Unfortunately, the original publisher, Flensburger Hefte, has refused us permission to leave tim's translation up unless we pay a fee. I've instead included a link to the Google Translate version of the article.

"Accompaniment in the last moments of life", an interview of Dorothea Rau-Lembke by Wolfgang Weirauch:
(This post was last modified: 2018-03-10, 12:19 AM by Laird.)
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