My OBE Method that's worked for me...

14 Replies, 4207 Views

I decided I’d try cobbling together the general method I’ve been using to induce OBE’s/Projections. Mainly focusing on OBE because there really isn’t much difference beyond depth. I can’t guarantee it will work for anyone else though. One big reason I’ve struggled with posting some of my methods is that all of them require the user to have knowledge and control over their own energy. For a lot of people the concept of energy is incredibly foreign and I honestly have no idea how to really get peoplen started on it. Also I really wanted to provide the context for how I learned all this but right now I just thought whatever I’ll just post it anyways and see what happens. So, I don’t know if this method will really work for anyone at all on here. Nonetheless here’s what I do.

I lay down and get comfy, this is important for two reasons, being relaxed helps with focus, but more importantly if you leave your body too much you can collapse if you’re standing and you can injure your body, probably killing it at worst. I don’t recommend trying to do this when you go to bed or after you first get up. Chances are you’ll just fall asleep. You want to be totally awake and aware for this so middle of the day is best. Oh and most importantly, no drugs. Coffee may or may not be okay though.

I close my eyes and start my energy up. Some people may be aware of the standard “vibration” and “ringing in the ears” that I’ve learned is associated with OBE’s. Well to me that sounds like what happens when I run my energy so it’s probably the same thing. In my case I do it consciously. I try to make sure that I have a full, pressurized supply before making any OBE attempt since that’s literally my thrust to get out of my body. The more I have, the better. I know it probably sounds weird to describe an energy “supply” let alone a “pressurized” one, but that’s how it is.

I start some random visualization, doesn’t matter what it is, just something visual. I let it run and don’t try to control it, usually it morphs and does all sorts of weird things but that’s what I want.

I try to run my energy as hard as it will go, usually “colouring” it with the emotion or feeling of what I’m trying to target. Then I wait.

Usually around this time I’ll start popping in and out of what I like to call the “radio state.” A state where I will often hear a wide variety of things, usually random people talking amongst themselves. These voices are very distinctly physical, and tangibly impact me from the outside very much like natural sounds impact the ear before you hear them. Although difficult, sometimes I’ve managed to talk to people in this state and one time I was able to tune it well enough that I could hear my own echo coming back at me through the radio state. I very seriously doubt what is encountered in the radio state is imagination or generated from my own mind due to the various tests I’ve done.

Eventually, if the energy flow is high and stable enough, if the emotional injection into the energy is constat enough, and if overall mental focus is maintained, the visualization may suddenly “pop” into some very solid, stable “window” that is distinctly more crisp and vivid than what is possible with imagination alone. Give it some time to fully stabilize, I always mess up on this part. If you try plunging through before it’s stabilized you will hit a wall. Like, you will accelerate towards the window, and hit something. That’s what happens to me. Yes, just like a bird. I have no clue why this happens but it’s happened to me many times now and has ruined those attempts.

At this point you’re probably starting to get sucked into the window involuntarily and it’s starting to become perceptually more your reality than wherever your are physically. So its imperative that you make sure you’re going to end up somewhere you actually want to be. Because there’s a chance that you ain’t coming back. I don’t know how much of a chance, but a chance nonetheless. If possible, shift the window somewhere else.

Once you’ve got your location set or are just going to wing it and go wherever the window is open to and make the most of it like an episode of Sliders, you can let yourself get pulled in. Warning, this will probably hurt more than a little bit. Feels like some part of me is getting peeled off every time and it kinda sucks. But I deal with it. And ummm, that’s it. You may or may not be able to consciously return to your body. If you can, congratulations, you’ve retained your tether which also means you’re not in as deep as you could be. If you don’t feel any connection to tug on to get yourself back to your body then let’s hope you didn’t just pop into a hive of giant bees or something because leaving is no longer up to you and death and injury is almost certainly real.

I call the latter state “Full Transition” and it’s simultaneously the best and worst thing ever depending on the context. Luckily through testing I’ve found that bleeding off enough energy has a chance of kicking you down to your body or at least reconnecting your tether. So if you know how to do that then you might be okay. But it’s not a guarantee that it will work. This is especially true if another entity decides they’re going to do what I call “locking down” your projection, or OBE in this case. Which is where they will use their energy to tether you and prevent you from running away. If this happens, you’re probably fucked. Unless you can kill them or otherwise disrupt their lockdown and then successfully escape before they can reinstate it congratulations you might be worse than dead. This is a large part of why I don’t like OBE’s or projection anymore and why I really, really don’t recommend others do them unless they are willing and able to deal with the possible consequences.

These consequences can’t be solved by imagining yellow light or thinking about love or burning some sage or putting a salt ring around yourself or any of that stuff. More than likely if you’ve been locked down you are dealing with someone that is psychic, has some degree of magic, and some experience fighting, so unless you’ve got something that can counter that you probably have no chance of winning.

You can try calling for help psychically but if an entity is half decently smart they will jam that as part of the lockdown so don’t depend on it. I especially don’t recommend that someone with religious leanings attempt to OBE because you are pretty much veal. There’s a chance people will try to convince you that they’re gods or angels and they’ll try to lead you on about how you’re the chosen one or whatever. They will tell you everything you want to hear, everything that confirms your beliefs, while using their magic in ways subtle and overt to “prove” it. Feeling “love and goodness” from these people, for example, might as well be them shooting you with a tranquilliser to make you more "agreeable." Then use you for their own benefit or just for fun. This is not guaranteed of course but it’s enough of a risk that I’m going to mention it.

Despite all the possible negatives there’s also a lot of possible positives. Although now that I think of it, I’m not sure what value those positives have to someone who’s trying to live a relatively normal life. I mean sure you can meet people, learn new perspectives and all that. And to be honest for most people the chances of running into anything dangeous is probably slim to none.

But I guess from my perspective as someone who has no interest in a normal life and wants to make magic real here, bridge the two worlds and all that stuff. Who sees themselves as not even supposed to be here. Who's just going to die either way and who's possibilities down here are so limited, mundane and boring as to be worthless even just to pass the time. The value is that I might be able to return to the people I care about. I don’t think other people really have the same goal. My experience up there has been going to various tournaments either to watch or participate, hanging out with friends, learning about a few other cultures, customs and language quirks, helping a few people and seeing some interesting sights. I don’t really know what others might get out of it beyond a sort of novelty of “I left my body and saw cool things” but I’ll leave that up for you to decide.

The main difference between OBE and Projection is only the depth. At least as far as I can tell. If it’s less than a Full Transition, especially if you are able to retain awareness and control of your physical body, then you’re projecting. There are pros and cons to both. Projections are far less vivid and clear and if they are too weak they have a high chance of including imagined content. However projections are much safer since less of your energy is committed to it. Full Transitions are indistinguishable from physical reality in terms of vividness possibly because where you are going is a physical reality just like this one. You don’t need to go to the “spirit world” however, you can project to the physical world as a ghost. If you condense your energy enough that it’s able to interact with physical matter you can become a poltergeist, even a full apparition if your energy is dense enough to block light. Then I suppose if you wanted to you could go haunt something or someone. I usually use it to test out magic which I find much, much easier to perform as a poltergeist than in my physical body. All the research I did in 2017 confirmed for me that the physical body has too much resistance to allow energy to flow at a high enough rate at a high enough density to perform the same things I’ve done as a poltergeist. So 2018 is dedicated to finding a workaround. Hopefully sooner rather than later. In any case I hope this helped someone or was at least interesting to read.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
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(2018-01-18, 04:51 AM)Mediochre Wrote: I decided I’d try cobbling together the general method I’ve been using to induce OBE’s/Projections. Mainly focusing on OBE because there really isn’t much difference beyond depth. I can’t guarantee it will work for anyone else though. One big reason I’ve struggled with posting some of my methods is that all of them require the user to have knowledge and control over their own energy. For a lot of people the concept of energy is incredibly foreign and I honestly have no idea how to really get peoplen started on it. Also I really wanted to provide the context for how I learned all this but right now I just thought whatever I’ll just post it anyways and see what happens. So, I don’t know if this method will really work for anyone at all on here. Nonetheless here’s what I do.

I lay down and get comfy, this is important for two reasons, being relaxed helps with focus, but more importantly if you leave your body too much you can collapse if you’re standing and you can injure your body, probably killing it at worst. I don’t recommend trying to do this when you go to bed or after you first get up. Chances are you’ll just fall asleep. You want to be totally awake and aware for this so middle of the day is best. Oh and most importantly, no drugs. Coffee may or may not be okay though.

I close my eyes and start my energy up. Some people may be aware of the standard “vibration” and “ringing in the ears” that I’ve learned is associated with OBE’s. Well to me that sounds like what happens when I run my energy so it’s probably the same thing. In my case I do it consciously. I try to make sure that I have a full, pressurized supply before making any OBE attempt since that’s literally my thrust to get out of my body. The more I have, the better. I know it probably sounds weird to describe an energy “supply” let alone a “pressurized” one, but that’s how it is.

I start some random visualization, doesn’t matter what it is, just something visual. I let it run and don’t try to control it, usually it morphs and does all sorts of weird things but that’s what I want.

I try to run my energy as hard as it will go, usually “colouring” it with the emotion or feeling of what I’m trying to target. Then I wait.

Usually around this time I’ll start popping in and out of what I like to call the “radio state.” A state where I will often hear a wide variety of things, usually random people talking amongst themselves. These voices are very distinctly physical, and tangibly impact me from the outside very much like natural sounds impact the ear before you hear them. Although difficult, sometimes I’ve managed to talk to people in this state and one time I was able to tune it well enough that I could hear my own echo coming back at me through the radio state. I very seriously doubt what is encountered in the radio state is imagination or generated from my own mind due to the various tests I’ve done.

Eventually, if the energy flow is high and stable enough, if the emotional injection into the energy is constat enough, and if overall mental focus is maintained, the visualization may suddenly “pop” into some very solid, stable “window” that is distinctly more crisp and vivid than what is possible with imagination alone. Give it some time to fully stabilize, I always mess up on this part. If you try plunging through before it’s stabilized you will hit a wall. Like, you will accelerate towards the window, and hit something. That’s what happens to me. Yes, just like a bird. I have no clue why this happens but it’s happened to me many times now and has ruined those attempts.

At this point you’re probably starting to get sucked into the window involuntarily and it’s starting to become perceptually more your reality than wherever your are physically. So its imperative that you make sure you’re going to end up somewhere you actually want to be. Because there’s a chance that you ain’t coming back. I don’t know how much of a chance, but a chance nonetheless. If possible, shift the window somewhere else.

Once you’ve got your location set or are just going to wing it and go wherever the window is open to and make the most of it like an episode of Sliders, you can let yourself get pulled in. Warning, this will probably hurt more than a little bit. Feels like some part of me is getting peeled off every time and it kinda sucks. But I deal with it. And ummm, that’s it. You may or may not be able to consciously return to your body. If you can, congratulations, you’ve retained your tether which also means you’re not in as deep as you could be. If you don’t feel any connection to tug on to get yourself back to your body then let’s hope you didn’t just pop into a hive of giant bees or something because leaving is no longer up to you and death and injury is almost certainly real.

I call the latter state “Full Transition” and it’s simultaneously the best and worst thing ever depending on the context. Luckily through testing I’ve found that bleeding off enough energy has a chance of kicking you down to your body or at least reconnecting your tether. So if you know how to do that then you might be okay. But it’s not a guarantee that it will work. This is especially true if another entity decides they’re going to do what I call “locking down” your projection, or OBE in this case. Which is where they will use their energy to tether you and prevent you from running away. If this happens, you’re probably fucked. Unless you can kill them or otherwise disrupt their lockdown and then successfully escape before they can reinstate it congratulations you might be worse than dead. This is a large part of why I don’t like OBE’s or projection anymore and why I really, really don’t recommend others do them unless they are willing and able to deal with the possible consequences.

These consequences can’t be solved by imagining yellow light or thinking about love or burning some sage or putting a salt ring around yourself or any of that stuff. More than likely if you’ve been locked down you are dealing with someone that is psychic, has some degree of magic, and some experience fighting, so unless you’ve got something that can counter that you probably have no chance of winning.

You can try calling for help psychically but if an entity is half decently smart they will jam that as part of the lockdown so don’t depend on it. I especially don’t recommend that someone with religious leanings attempt to OBE because you are pretty much veal. There’s a chance people will try to convince you that they’re gods or angels and they’ll try to lead you on about how you’re the chosen one or whatever. They will tell you everything you want to hear, everything that confirms your beliefs, while using their magic in ways subtle and overt to “prove” it. Feeling “love and goodness” from these people, for example, might as well be them shooting you with a tranquilliser to make you more "agreeable." Then use you for their own benefit or just for fun. This is not guaranteed of course but it’s enough of a risk that I’m going to mention it.

Despite all the possible negatives there’s also a lot of possible positives. Although now that I think of it, I’m not sure what value those positives have to someone who’s trying to live a relatively normal life. I mean sure you can meet people, learn new perspectives and all that. And to be honest for most people the chances of running into anything dangeous is probably slim to none.

But I guess from my perspective as someone who has no interest in a normal life and wants to make magic real here, bridge the two worlds and all that stuff. Who sees themselves as not even supposed to be here. Who's just going to die either way and who's possibilities down here are so limited, mundane and boring as to be worthless even just to pass the time. The value is that I might be able to return to the people I care about. I don’t think other people really have the same goal. My experience up there has been going to various tournaments either to watch or participate, hanging out with friends, learning about a few other cultures, customs and language quirks, helping a few people and seeing some interesting sights. I don’t really know what others might get out of it beyond a sort of novelty of “I left my body and saw cool things” but I’ll leave that up for you to decide.

The main difference between OBE and Projection is only the depth. At least as far as I can tell. If it’s less than a Full Transition, especially if you are able to retain awareness and control of your physical body, then you’re projecting. There are pros and cons to both. Projections are far less vivid and clear and if they are too weak they have a high chance of including imagined content. However projections are much safer since less of your energy is committed to it. Full Transitions are indistinguishable from physical reality in terms of vividness possibly because where you are going is a physical reality just like this one. You don’t need to go to the “spirit world” however, you can project to the physical world as a ghost. If you condense your energy enough that it’s able to interact with physical matter you can become a poltergeist, even a full apparition if your energy is dense enough to block light. Then I suppose if you wanted to you could go haunt something or someone. I usually use it to test out magic which I find much, much easier to perform as a poltergeist than in my physical body. All the research I did in 2017 confirmed for me that the physical body has too much resistance to allow energy to flow at a high enough rate at a high enough density to perform the same things I’ve done as a poltergeist. So 2018 is dedicated to finding a workaround. Hopefully sooner rather than later. In any case I hope this helped someone or was at least interesting to read.

Thanks for sharing this!
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(2018-02-01, 05:14 AM)berkelon Wrote: Thanks for sharing this!

You're welcome. I know it's not really the best or the most informative but it's at least something. I have a bit more to add to this to clarify things I missed. I'm trying to write up an equivalent one for explaining energy at the moment. I figured if I can put an OBE method thing out like this why not also one for energy even if it won't be perfect?
"The cure for bad information is more information."
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(2018-01-18, 04:51 AM)Mediochre Wrote: Usually around this time I’ll start popping in and out of what I like to call the “radio state.” A state where I will often hear a wide variety of things, usually random people talking amongst themselves. These voices are very distinctly physical, and tangibly impact me from the outside very much like natural sounds impact the ear before you hear them. Although difficult, sometimes I’ve managed to talk to people in this state and one time I was able to tune it well enough that I could hear my own echo coming back at me through the radio state. I very seriously doubt what is encountered in the radio state is imagination or generated from my own mind due to the various tests I’ve done.

I've experienced something like this many times - (I say "like" I'm not claiming its exactly the same thing) I use it more for clairvoyance, and spirit communication than for projection. I've had multiple confirmations that it is not imagined - people confirming what I told them about spirits, and remote viewing. I access "energy" used for healing and I "warm up" with a healing exercise (see link below). Then I  do relaxation exercises until I experience vivid imagery and keep my mind focused by mentally repeating a question or focusing on something about what I am trying to see or contact. I use the state mostly for communicating with spirit guides. I never had a negative experience. If someone wants to experience this just try to notice what happens when you are falling asleep or just waking up and you have vivid imagery and your mind is wandering wildly. If you are deeply relaxed with vivid imagery and you try to count breaths up to ten and then start over, if you notice you can't get past 2 or 3 then you are probably in it.

Thomas Edison successfully used this state for accessing "creativity". You don't have to believe in paranormal phenomenon to use it that way.

I've described a bit about research into the brainwaves involved, other people who have also used the state for enhanced perceptions, safety, who should not try it, and more details about how to use relaxation exercises to get into the state here: The page is focused on spirit communication but you can use the technique for other types of psychic perception too (remote viewing, astral projection, etc). To develop accuracy you have to practice in a way that provides feedback that tells you if you are getting valid information. It is best to try to perceive blind targets (ie you don't know what the target is: like a picture in a closed envelope.) because if you know something about the target it can be hard to distinguish your thoughts about the subject from psychic perceptions of it. Trying to guess a number or a Zener card or a playing card is hard because you know the possibilities and those thoughts can drown out any genuine psychic perceptions. Sometimes what you perceive is symbolic, which is another reason you have to practice - to learn how to interpret what you perceive.
The first gulp from the glass of science will make you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you - Werner Heisenberg. (More at my Blog & Website)
(This post was last modified: 2018-02-02, 03:48 AM by Jim_Smith.)
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One thing you might want to try is getting "energy" from outside yourself, there is a lot more of it and you won't deplete yours. I was taught to get it from "a higher source" or "the God force". If that is not congenial to your metaphysical beliefs you can try getting it from the earth, the unvierse, or a tree (just don't harm the tree).

I was also taught to work with spirit guides for safety. That is not advice or criticism, I say it just in case you might be interested in other systems of practice.
The first gulp from the glass of science will make you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you - Werner Heisenberg. (More at my Blog & Website)
(This post was last modified: 2018-02-02, 03:43 AM by Jim_Smith.)
[-] The following 1 user Likes Jim_Smith's post:
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(2018-02-02, 03:20 AM)Jim_Smith Wrote: Mediochre, 

One thing you might want to try is getting "energy" from outside yourself, there is a lot more of it and you won't deplete yours. I was taught to get it from "a higher source" or "the God force". If that is not congenial to your metaphysical beliefs you can try getting it from the earth, the unvierse, or a tree (just don't harm the tree).

I was also taught to work with spirit guides for safety. That is not advice or criticism, I say it just in case you might be interested in other systems of practice.

I intended to get back to your posts in more detail but I don't have the time, sorry. I at least wanted to reply to say that I'm not ignoring them. I don't write things very much compared to my actual training so posts tend to trickle out pretty slowly most of the time. Sufficed to say, I do have the energy thing under control although you're not the first person to suggest that I pull from a more infinite source. I do, but my body can only hold/channel so much energy at a time. I draw energy in and process it into "my" energy which allows me far greater control than channelling external energy alone ever could. For things like projection and OBE external energy might be sufficient but for the rest of what I do, especially anything combative, it's not good enough.

I already have people that I suppose you might define as spirit guides. They wouldn't, and neither would I, since the claim is that we've all known each other for a really long time in the past but me and Dreamsoap are the only ones who decided to incarnate for very bad reasons. The issue with protection isn't from lack of trying, it's from dealing with people who actually know what they're doing. Something the vast majority of people won't need to worry about. The only reason we have had to deal with that is a combination of past life grudges, asking too many questions, not following other peoples draconian nonesense rules, not treating certain people as super special snowflake gods and angels just because they demanded we do so, and successfully defending ourselves from attacks. It really, really pissed off a bunch of people. Chances are most people have no interest in doing that so most people probably will be fine.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
(2018-02-02, 02:48 AM)Jim_Smith Wrote: I've experienced something like this many times - (I say "like" I'm not claiming its exactly the same thing) I use it more for clairvoyance, and spirit communication than for projection. I've had multiple confirmations that it is not imagined - people confirming what I told them about spirits, and remote viewing. I access "energy" used for healing and I "warm up" with a healing exercise (see link below). Then I  do relaxation exercises until I experience vivid imagery and keep my mind focused by mentally repeating a question or focusing on something about what I am trying to see or contact. I use the state mostly for communicating with spirit guides. I never had a negative experience. If someone wants to experience this just try to notice what happens when you are falling asleep or just waking up and you have vivid imagery and your mind is wandering wildly. If you are deeply relaxed with vivid imagery and you try to count breaths up to ten and then start over, if you notice you can't get past 2 or 3 then you are probably in it.

Thomas Edison successfully used this state for accessing "creativity". You don't have to believe in paranormal phenomenon to use it that way.

I've described a bit about research into the brainwaves involved, other people who have also used the state for enhanced perceptions, safety, who should not try it, and more details about how to use relaxation exercises to get into the state here: The page is focused on spirit communication but you can use the technique for other types of psychic perception too (remote viewing, astral projection, etc). To develop accuracy you have to practice in a way that provides feedback that tells you if you are getting valid information. It is best to try to perceive blind targets (ie you don't know what the target is: like a picture in a closed envelope.) because if you know something about the target it can be hard to distinguish your thoughts about the subject from psychic perceptions of it. Trying to guess a number or a Zener card or a playing card is hard because you know the possibilities and those thoughts can drown out any genuine psychic perceptions. Sometimes what you perceive is symbolic, which is another reason you have to practice - to learn how to interpret what you perceive.

Ok time to see if I can start getting through all these backlogged replies. Something I forgot to mention which is kinda important for all of this is that I'm legally blind. But in my OBE's I'm not. Now some skeptic might try to argue that I'm just imagining not being blind because my condition progressed slowly over years but the thing is... I've tried imagining vision in the affected areas... and I can't. I mean I physically cannot do it, even though in those areas there's a constant squiggling thing that I can see, I can't overlay anything else there in my mind. I don't know if this happens every single time becvause I've had dreams where those areas are blocked just the same or sometimes even worse. But dreams and obe's are very different from each other so it's hard to tell if every OBE has vision or not right now.

As for testing remote viewing I would actually recommend using something normal and known like cards. Because that way you train to learn the perceptual differences between seeing what you expect to see and seeing what's really there. Then it's just a matter of statistics. I'm far from an expert remote viewer, I don't pllan on focusing on it until I get the magic that I actually care about. Eve then it's pretty low on my list of abilities I want.

Another thing I want to point out is that although this writeup was about the general method I use its more accurately the specific method that I used on May 1, 2017 to pop out of my body. Also it's not actually true that the human body has too much resistance to allow energy to flow, It's a little more complicated than that, especially with more recent results I've gotten.

The Radio State gets its name from how it sounds. It's like when you put a radio between stations you'll hear both but they're both fuzzy and sometimes hard to understand. In reality projection is just an extension of the radio state that includes visual and sometime other data. But the way it works is typically the same. I have a whole list of criteria for how to spot a real projection although it's not 100% perfect.

Some of the best indicators are object persistence, surprise, and environmental resistance.

object persistence is objects that exist even when you're not aware of them. Example, knocking something off a table by accident because you didn't know it was there to begin with. The skeptic argument that it's all in your head can't account for this.

Genuine surprise indicates that you aren't the one calling all the shots, if reality defies your expectations, pretty clear you're not in control of it. Again, the skeptic argument that it's all your imagination can't account for this.

Environmental resistance is the requirement of mental effort to make things happen. The claim of lucid dreams is that people can do whatever they want because it's their dream. Well by that measure I've never had a single lucid dream in my life. Everything has always required both effort and technique. And it doesn't always work or work in the way I want or expect. Requiring me to adjust my approach to get closer to the results I want. The environment acts as if it exists outside of me the same way as it does in waking life. Again, if it's really all in my head, then why do I ever have to put so much effort in only for something to still not work? Because outside of projection I can imagine whatever I want just fine without restriction or effort. Clearly there's something else going on.

The Kruger Effect is a special case that automatically gets a pass for reality. I need to make a post on it specifically because I reference it so much. Sufficed to say it's when things in projection/obe/dreams have real physical effect in the real world. Again, if it's all imagination, a skeptic would have to explain the spontaneous and instantaneous appearance of things like burns, cuts, bruises, and far more severe things exactly corresponding to the times and locations of their infliction during a projection. Especially since drugs and alcohol are never involved.

Obviously outside of the projection veridical information is the best measure of reality. I'm sure I've missed stuff in this reply, I always do, but its a start.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
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(2018-05-04, 06:03 PM)Mediochre Wrote: The claim of lucid dreams is that people can do whatever they want because it's their dream. Well by that measure I've never had a single lucid dream in my life. Everything has always required both effort and technique. And it doesn't always work or work in the way I want or expect. Requiring me to adjust my approach to get closer to the results I want. The environment acts as if it exists outside of me the same way as it does in waking life.

Yep, same for me. I have no reason to doubt that some people have total control in their lucid dreams, but I haven't experienced that yet, and I don't think it is (or rather, should be regarded as) the defining feature of a lucid dream.
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(2018-05-04, 06:31 PM)Laird Wrote: Yep, same for me. I have no reason to doubt that some people have total control in their lucid dreams, but I haven't experienced that yet, and I don't think it is (or rather, should be regarded as) the defining feature of a lucid dream.

Only once have I had control and only for a few seconds.  I wondered if I could see myself in a mirror so I looked and I could but my face looked blank like a mask.
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(2018-05-05, 09:19 PM)Brian Wrote: Only once have I had control and only for a few seconds.  I wondered if I could see myself in a mirror so I looked and I could but my face looked blank like a mask.

Interesting! I, too, have had an opportunity to look in a mirror during a lucid dream - even cooler, I was flying at the time! - but as opposed to your experience, I saw what seemed to be a realistic reflection: myself floating in the air with all of the expected facial/etc features.

All of this goes to show, I think, that there is a wide variety of dream experiences, even in the presumably less varied domain of lucid dreams - which makes the phenomenon at once fascinatingly and frustratingly hard to pin down.
(This post was last modified: 2018-05-05, 09:36 PM by Laird.)
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