How I learned to induce shared dreams

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My first confirmed shared dream happened with Dreamsoap in november 2010 as I remember. I only know that because at the time we were on another forum and didn’t even know each other and she made a post about it because she somehow just knew that the other person was me. And it turned out she was right.

But we had shared dreams earlier than that that we confirmed later. Often each segment was separate. The largest span being one that she had in 2004 that I had in 2010. Having shared dreams with each other long before we even knew each other existed was one of the things that went into the basket of evidence for the past life connection between us.

Initially, before the shock could really wear off, we scrutinized possible shared dreams very hard. In a few cases we wrote up our own accounts and showed them to each other. With the problem being I could write several pages and she’d write maybe two paragraphs.

So we developed a system where we’d give the other person certain pieces of the dream, withholding certain very specicif and important information. Then wait to see what they said in return, see if they recognized it, see if they could fill in those specifics. Then the other would withhold other specifics and see if the first could provide them. No prompting of course, we weren’t sitting there going “Ok so there’s something I’m not telling you about X” Eventually building up enough specific details that it was obvious the experience as shared.

As we got used to the idea that shared dreams were a thing we slowly started being a little less anal with our testing. By that point we’d had so many that we were starting to figure out a few internal things in the dream that gave clues to their reality. It got to the point where we were starting to have shared dreams pretty well every night. Granted we were 16 hours apart at the time so “every night” was a bit relative.

During this time there was also a lot of astral projection going on, which included shared projections. But one day, I was walking around doing some random stuff in projection and Green and someone else (I don’t remember, I thought it was Black, Dreamsoap thinks it was Yellow) thought what I was doing was hilarious and they just had to show Dreamsoap despite my objections. So they bring her into the projection and that was that. Later on Dreamsoap tells me about how she had this dream that perfectly matched what occurred. I was like “Wait, what? That was a projection for me!”

If dreams and projections could mix, then what the hell are dreams and projections? This stuff continued for another couple years, garnering us certainly over a hundred shared dreams. But when she moved here in late 2013... all of them stopped. They weren’t the only thing, other paranormal things that had become commonplace in our lives suddenly ground to a halt for awhile. But that’s another story. We were both pretty sad about it, we really enjoyed the shared dreams. Since she had urged me not to give up on magic, and since by 2014 I knew that poltergesting existed and was related, I decided to see if I could figure out how to get thaem back in some form.

Armed with the knowledge that dreams and projections could overlap, and the knowledge that emotions seemed to be involved in the targetting/connection process. I theorized that the reason we were having so many before was because we weren’t physically together but wanted to be. So there was a perpetual “longing” feeling between us. This feeling may have facilitated the shared dreams. Now that we were living together that longing had been fulfilled, so there was nothing pulling our minds together. So I thought I’d use the same methods that had worked for projection to see if I could project into her dreams.

And that worked! I don’t remember what the first success was, but it worked and it worked repeatedly after I got the hang of it. Now though there was a substantial delay between when I’d do a projection to when she’d receive the dream and awareness seemed to affect it. Sometimes seeming to sabotage the process. Often the delay was a few days, sometimes a week or two, although occasionally a month or two would go by before she’d get her end of it. These delays were caused by many factors, one of which being her ability to receive the dreams at all. If she was too tired or not able to get proper sleep that night, no dream. Shared dreams only ever seemed to come through during times she could get good, solid sleep.

These projections seemed a little different thn most, namely that I seemed to forget them faster than others. Sometimes I wondered if this was part of the process. She would remind me of them when shed’d tell me about the dream, then we’d go through and confirm it and I’d struggle to remember the exact date I did my part on. I did a number of experiments with these that all fall under the umbrella of “gamemastering”

As part of that training she requested custom dreams from me. Usually thing that were games or involving certain other people from our group. But I also experimented with things like seeing if I could disguise myself from her in a shared dream, mask my energy, change my appearance, etc. Turned out I could. I wanted to see it I could affect things about her to see how much influence each persons will has on what. Turned out I could change her clothes to a style she wouldn’t normally wear. I never did anything beyond that because I felt there would start being ethical issues.

I found that I seemed to act like a server, and if I disconnected from the dream, her end would shift at that moment as well. I really wanted to find a way to hand off the server connection to someone else so that I could start something for her and then let it continue without having to be there observing. The more people I pulled into a dream, the more draining it often was for me. There were a few odd phenomena tht would happen. One was that I could start stuff with everyone else and then wait for Dreamsoap and she would seemingly load in slowly. You’d feel her energy slowly, slowly getting stronger bit by bit. And then at some point it would cross a threshold and she’d just pop into existence. On her end that’s where she would report the dream starting for her, sometimes things were happening beforehand and sometimes not. It was interesting hearing her version of events during some of this.

From her perspective things were sometimes confusing and nonsensical because she’d sometimes enter into the middle of something chaotic. The textbook example of this was a shared dream where our group wa playing a gme that was a sort of cross between an RTS and FPS where each side could build bases and design “robotic” units that they’d use to take on the other side. Our team was in the process of losing one of our bases when Dreamsoap was loading in. The game was et up that members of your team could only spawn in bases you controlled. We had already left and were waiting in another base for her to enter. Well, juuuuuuuusssssstttt before we lost control of the other base, she spawned in. We were not happy about that. We’d been in the process of pouring all of our resources into designing and building one high speed, strategic stealth bomber and I decided I’d just take it and go get her before we did anything else. Her account of what happened before I got there was fascinating and confirmed things like object permanence. She had no clue what was going on, no idea it was a game, all she knew was she was in some building and everything was trying to kill her. She found one room where she briefly watched some of the things that had been chasing her kill a small group of other creatures which I inferred were the last defenders before the base ticked over. She got cornered by the enemy commander who had decided to join the assault in a giant ice gorilla mech thing and she had to dodge him for a little while before I finally showed up and teleported her into the bomber. So despite having no clue what was going on, she still experienced what was happening. She didn’t get some private, personalized hallucination.

Things like this showed me that shared knowledge wasn’t necessary for shared dreams and it gave me an idea. Can you do that in reverse? Could I get her mind to construct something that she knows about but that I don’t? Turned out the answer was yes. Pulling her into another shared dream I tried to get her mind to construct the environment out of a game that I know she plays but I know next to nothing about. I remember going down one road and it didn’t go anywhere and I got annoyed about what the point of it was if it didn’t go anywhere. She told me after the dream that the road I was on was because the developers had planned for something to go there but when the game started to die they lost the revenue to build it so now there’s just this road to nowhere. This ability is something I would want to explore more when I get the magic I want, because that ability to just transfer knowledge back and forth like that would be really crazy useful. Especially given I’m going blind and may very well be totally blind if I ever do get magic.

It also turned out that you can hallucinate in shared dreams. During another game one with her, Green and I she reported seeing “superheros” at one point, confusing both of us because we couldn’t see them. According to her, there were a bunch of people who were dressed up in the style of Marvel/DC superheros running around in the field in front of her although none were recognizable. We could see where she was looking but there was nothing there. During that time I could feel that her energy was in this weird stable but unstable state. Like she could wake up at any moment, like if I told her she was dreaming that shock might wake her. This brings up important questions about dreams since it’s outright assumed in the mainstream that dream are purely hallucinations that have no actual reality. But this kinda disproved that.

To me the textbook replication of inducing shared dreams is the “Aeon Dream”. Another MMO based dream with Dreamsoap, Scarlet and I. It as interesting because when I started I heard the name “Aeon” and immediately doubted it because of a real world game called “Aion” but then decided to just go with it anyways and see what happened. And it worked, so I was able to recover from a doubt, which before that really ahdn’t happened. Beyond tht it was very cut and dry, I did the projection intending for it to be real, and a few days later it was confirmed. Very 1, 2, 3.

One day I decided to do a projection to find the next time that Dreamsoap pulled me into a dream. What I saw was her playing some other VR dream game thing where she kept dying at this one boss fight. So she pulled me in. I observed all of this from thrd person. Later, maybe a week or two, not sure, on June 8 2016 (one of the few dates I bothers to take note of) I had that dream. As in, I was the guy I had preciously observed. And I had no clue that it was the thing I’d previously observed during the time. It was a monumentally important achievement, probably the most important shared dream I’ve had yet. now know as the Proxy Dream. Named because I used Dreamsoap, or an alternate version since she never ended up having this dream, as a proxy to give myself a specific dream. It’s important comes from it opening up the possibility of doing all the same gamemastering things I did with her, to myself. And furthermore the ability to potentially use that to give myself magic, or proof of magic, or similar. Basically the ability to create a feedback loop that can affect myself. I’ve attempted to replicate it a couple times with one success in hindsight. Although it was a poltergeist. But I never really spent the time on it that I probably should’ve, other things were happening t the time and then the Rose Rune happened in early 2017 so I shut down all shared dream training. From my perspective it had served it’s purpose. But I wouldn’t mind revisiting it after I get my magic, certain aspect of it seemed like they’d be useful.

[This turned out a bit ramblier than I originally intended, I'll fix spelling later, I just wanted the information down]
"The cure for bad information is more information."
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Most interesting to me in all of that was the idea that shared dreams could occur at different times for each of the dreamers. It seems like it has interesting implications for Steve's Time thread.
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(2019-01-13, 04:02 AM)Laird Wrote: Most interesting to me in all of that was the idea that shared dreams could occur at different times for each of the dreamers. It seems like it has interesting implications for Steve's Time thread.

It was weird to me too. My analogy for it was that it's like an online game. Two people connect to a shared virtual space from two different real spaces and have their shared real experience. Except in this case it's a virtual timespace, where it doesn't matter where or when you connect from. Granted it's not really fair to call it virtual, I'd argue half if not all of these are real timespaces, just different ones to here. The concept of virtual versus real starts to get  little nonsensical at points.

If there's anything I've learned from developing all this it's that time is very weird. The time problem is really the only thing stopping me from being able to do things on demand for one of those skeptic prizes since everything else is replicable and works. But the time dilation or whatever it is makes it unreliable and in some cases makes it not work at all even if everything else says it should've. I highly, highly suspect there's a lot of alternate reality stuff going on with this, which would completely conform to what my memories say.

Basically they say that everyone technically gets their own individual reality. But it's not solipsism, everything around them is still real, it's just that it's made up of all the things that they were most compatible with. As an analogy, they'd all be tuned to the exact same frequency. But as time progresses, an individual things frequency would change, and thus so does everything else around it.

So, literally, the me who's talking here right now is not the same persona as the one you'll interact with in a few moments. They would be incredibly similar, barely removed from each other, but still completely distinct entities. If the memories are correct and this is really how things work it means I could do a shared dream or poltergeist, it could be real, but if "I" don't end up intersecting the timespace area where it happens, it doesn't happen for "me". Therefore the further away something is from me in time, the more likely it is that I could do something to throw myself off track and "miss" it. Things like having too much awareness and expectation maybe, things that would change my behaviours and thus the timespace path I'm on. That's been the working model so far and it seems to work more or less, though there's lots I can't test at the moment.

I'm planning to do a write up for how I figured out poltergeisting where a lot of that is more relevant. Which will make it easier to explain some of this and the solutions I've come up with.

Also how I put together Dynamic Equilibrium and the Weaver System, which covers the real world physical stuff I used to be able to do that I'm trying to get back to. Exploring the differences between then and now, what could've changed, and the plans to get back to that state.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
(This post was last modified: 2019-01-14, 04:33 AM by Mediochre.)
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Thought I'd post this in here because it's somewhat related to what I talked about. 


Two things I'd dissagree with in this video are

1: everything in a dream is a part of you... not in my experience, I mean, shared dreams destroy that notion outright.

2: Lucid dreams grant you control of it and the environment.... not for me they never have. I had to claw for every scrap of ability I've got. That includes flight, the hallmark of lucid dreaming. I never had the option of "talking to the monster" which is why I taught myself how to kill them with extreme prejudice instead.

It's not that I think it doesn't happen for people but it's never happened for me and I'm not alone in that so I don't think it's right to mix the two together. That's why in my dream classification post I made on here I say that lucid dreams are just dreams where you know you're dreaming and nothing more.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
(This post was last modified: 2019-06-26, 09:36 PM by Mediochre.)
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