Apparitions, Hauntings & Poltergeists Multimedia Resources Thread

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(2018-04-09, 09:10 AM)Chris Wrote: Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page, here's a BBC radio programme, "The Reunion", reuniting the witnesses to the Enfield Poltergeist case in the late 1970s:

And here's a blog post about the case by the former BBC journalist Roz Morris, one of those who appeared on the radio programme:
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I'm not completely finished watching this, but this has good bits and is worth a watch perhaps.

14 Degrees - a documentary about ghosts (mostly) and paranormal investigators, mediums involved, etc. Ranges around the topics of ghosts and hauntings of various kinds, and other related paranormal phenomena (poltergeists, possession, etc.). Early on there's a bit about the history of psychic research but then it goes into on-the-field different groups doing investigations of various kinds. Level-headed and not sensationalistic, and mainly focusing on New England groups.

(This post was last modified: 2018-12-26, 07:04 PM by Ninshub.)
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The Parapsychology Foundation has uploaded a video of a talk by Hans Holzer (d. 2009). It's described as "A provocative talk based on his own personal collection of paranormal photographs and his deeply-held convictions about the transcendence/continuation of spirit" ...

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Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page - here's a report of a stone-throwing poltergeist in Bhutan:

Apparently the bombardment continued even when a task force of 10 monks was trying to deal with the problem.

One of the family affected, a 15-year-old boy, certainly sounds like a person of interest: "Sunil dropped out of school after it was discovered he had some special powers. He would suddenly go in trance-like state."
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Courtesy of the SPR Twitter feed, here's another interview (on top of that already shared in the text resources thread) with John Fraser about his new book "Poltergeist!" (first aired 31 March 2020):

Occam's Razor podcast #26- Poltergeists and author John Fraser

(Having not listened to it, I share it based solely on the SPR tweet).
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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Animal Ghosts

by Elliott O'Donnell

(It's a Public Domain work also collected into Kindle Form)

Quote:If human beings, with all their vices, have a future life, assuredly animals, who in character so often equal, nay, excel human beings, have a future life also.

Those who in the Scriptures find a key to all things, can find nothing in them to confute this argument. There is no saying of Christ that justifies one in supposing that man is the only being, whose existence extends beyond the grave.

Granted, however, merely for the sake of argument, that we have some ground for the denial of a future existence for animals, consider the injustice such a denial would involve. Take, for example, the case of the horse. Harming no one, and without thought of reward, it toils for man all its life, and when too old to work it is put to death without even the compensation of a well-earned rest. But if compensation be God's law,—as I, for one, believe it to be—and also the raison d'être of a hereafter, then surely the Creator, whose chief claim to our respect and veneration lies in the fact that He is just and merciful, will take good care that the horse—the gentle, patient, never-complaining horse—is well compensated—compensated in a golden hereafter.

Consider again, the case of another of our four-footed friends—the dog; the faithful, affectionate, obedient and forgiving dog, the dog who is so often called upon to stand all sorts of rough treatment, and is shot or poisoned, if, provoked beyond endurance, he at last rounds on his persecutors, and bites. And the cat—the timid, peaceful cat who is mauled, and all but pulled in two by cruel children, and beaten to a jelly when in sheer agony and fright it scratches. Reflect again, on the cow and the sheep, fed only to supply our wants; shouted at and kicked, if, when nearly scared out of their senses, they wander off the track; and pole-axed, or done to death in some equally atrocious manner when the sickening demand for flesh food is at its height.

And yet, you say, these innocent, unoffending—and, I say, martyred—animals are to have no future, no compensation. Monstrous! Absurd! It is an effrontery to common sense, philosophy—anything, everything. It is a damned lie, damned bigotry, damned nonsense. The whole animal world will live again; and it will be man—spoilt, presumptuous, degenerate man—who will not participate in another life, unless he very much improves.
Think well over this,—you who preach the gospel of man's pre-eminence;—you who prate of God and know nothing whatsoever about Him! The horse, dog, cat,—even the wild animals, whose vices, perchance, pale beside your own, may go to Heaven before you. The Supreme Architect is neither a Nero, nor a Stuart, nor a clown. He will recompense all who deserve recompense, be they great or small—biped or quadruped.

It is to testify to a future existence for animals and to create a wider interest in it that I have undertaken to compile this book; and my object, I think, can best be achieved in my own way, the way of the investigator of haunted places. The mere fact that there are manifestations of "dead" people (pardon the paradox) proves some kind of life after death for human beings; and happily the same proof is available with regard a future life for animals; indeed there are as many animal phantasms as human—perhaps more; hence, if the human being lives again, so do his dumb friends.

Be comforted then, you who love your pets, and have been kind to them. You will see them all again, on the soft undying pasture lands of your Elysium and theirs.

Be warned, you—you who have despised animals, and have been cruel to them. Who knows but that, in your future life, you may be as they are now—in subjection?
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

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