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RE: Thoughts on strength of reincarnation evidence? 2018-09-04, 01:58 PM 6
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Thoughts on strength of reincarnation evidence? Extended Consciousness Phenomena
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But I do think certainty comes with personal experience.  And I feel very strongly that if some of these critics themselves experienced some of these events, they would no longer be critical and they themselves would feel their own old explanations to be way off base.  Like Grant Cameron said (paraphrasing), "you can say that you believe or do not believe in UFO close encounter experiences, but when it happens to you, there is no belief either way, you KNOW."  Very rarely (virtually never) does somebody have a blatantly anomalous experience and not walk away convinced and knowing full well that critical explanations do not hold water.  A lot of skeptics seem to feel that they are immune and that they wouldve "seen the swamp gas for what it was, swamp gas."  But this isn't what we see. When former skeptics have experiences, they change their tune very quickly.  Their own previous explanations become insufficient.  Depending upon the nature and strength of the experience of course, as I am speaking of events which are, essentially, unmistakable.  And what we see with all the data, is that the seeming credibility of witnesses does not go DOWN the crazier and more bizarre the case is.  Theres no shortage of credible witnesses with regards to events that really have no adequete explanation.  Particularly when it occurs in all parts of the world thousands of times over.

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