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Relationship between meaning and the differences in size of physical structures 2017-08-20, 11:33 AM 9
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Relationship between meaning and the differences in size of physical structures Related Topics
Philosophical Discussions
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We've all heard it said from time to time something along the following lines: "The universe is so overwhelmingly huge, we are a speck of dust, a pale blue dot in the vast ocean of space", etc, and the conclusion many draw from this is often along the lines of "Therefore, our lives and indeed the entire history of mankind is meaningless and completely irrelevant", etc. Huh? What does one have to do with the other? Just like I don't consider my life more meaningful and relevant upon the realization that I am a larger physical structure than individual quarks, I don't think that my life is less meaningful and relevant upon the realization that galaxy clusters are larger physical structures than I am. These are just differences in size of physical structures. In what meaningful way can these differences be said to relate to the meaning of things? We can even break it down further: What's the alternative to being a really small part of creation/reality? You're either 100% all of reality, or you're not. And if you're not, you are X% of reality. So what would be the ultimate value of X, then, if not 100%? 65%? 1%? 10^-60%? What does that value have to be to for your existence to be maximally relevant and meaningful, in a way that it is not right now? And why?

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Hjortron's Signature:
Chris Carter, therefore Neal Grossman, therefore what deep NDErs have to say, cumulatively.
