Damn, did you google that?

The source of the quote.)
I was waiting for someone to say "Rupert Spira" or "Eckhart Tolle".
I'm struck by the strong similarities between a lot of what he says and those types of teachings. Everything is in consciousness, etc. How "you" is your awareness.
Another very similar thing he'll talk about is how to deal with your pain/suffering: by going completely into it, repeatedly, with complete acceptance, putting aside the thoughts and "story" about it. The process he details follows the exact same steps, advice, that I hear in videos by Spira. I could put two videos side by side and it's quite stunning.
I think one of the only few substantial differences is how the awareness is about a "you" that doesn't (immediately) go back to one collective mind/Source/God. I'm inclined to think the non-dual teachings say something that is true on the ultimate level (Source created the Selves, therefore yes it is all one same "stuff", awareness), but as Kamarling said in another thread it jumps over a step, or what our reality is on less fundamental levels (but still deeper than incarnate reality would lead us to assume - i.e. matter, "bodies", egos).
I ordered the book and look forward to reading it. I'll see if he mentions anything in his own experiences as to any knowledge of how the Selves relate to the ultimate Subject.