We don't talk about brujos: And that puts people at risk

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We don't talk about brujos: And that puts people at risk

Jules Evans

Quote:It’s understood by those within shamanic cultures, and by westerners working within those cultures, that there is a dark side to shamanism - brujeria, or sorcery. The difference between a brujo and a curandero is that a curandero heals, and works for the benefit of their client, while a brujo harms, and works for their own gratification, seeking sex, money or status. And the plant-allies (cuddly ol’ Mama Ayahuasca) will happily assist the shaman along either path. The universe of shamanism is not benevolent or peaceful. It’s a violent jungle of warring forces. Brujeria isn’t peripheral to shamanism, it’s absolutely central to it. In fact, in some shamanic theories of healing, you get ill because a shaman has cursed you, and you get better by another shaman removing the curse and possibly sending it back.

Western psychedelic culture talks a lot about indigenous wisdom but very little about brujos. As Neil Whitehead writes in his analysis of Amazon sorcery:
Quote:There has been a marked tendency in the past two or three decades to emphasize the positive, therapeutic, and socially integrative dimensions of shamanism…Although recognized, the ‘dark’ side - the shamans' power to destroy or inflict harm through sorcery and witchcraft - has received little in-depth attention.

There are risks in talking about brujeria - risks of cultural misunderstanding, western projection and fear-mongering. There are also commercial risks - have you ever seen an ayahuasca retreat company or charity mention brujeria? Probably not, because it might put people off. So they present a sanitized ‘love and light’ version of shamanism.
Still, considering how many tens of thousands of western tourists are taking ayahuasca and making themselves vulnerable to shamans, shouldn’t we walk about brujeria more...
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

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This looks interesting, Sci, but, sadly, beyond the first few paragraphs it is behind a paywall. There's a free seven-day trial, but it requires credit card details to be supplied, and I'm not sure I want to do that just to read this article.

I did read the article at the "Next" link, Roger 'Mukanranko' Bardales, international brujo, which was an interesting albeit all-too-common story of the financial and sexual predation of a cult leader, so I know that the writing's good, but do I really want to be handing over my deets?
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(2024-05-13, 10:55 PM)Laird Wrote: This looks interesting, Sci, but, sadly, beyond the first few paragraphs it is behind a paywall. There's a free seven-day trial, but it requires credit card details to be supplied, and I'm not sure I want to do that just to read this article.

I did read the article at the "Next" link, Roger 'Mukanranko' Bardales, international brujo, which was an interesting albeit all-too-common story of the financial and sexual predation of a cult leader, so I know that the writing's good, but do I really want to be handing over my deets?

Ah yeah I didn't quite get there was a paywall for the article because of the way it seems to end on the point that he would be having discussions with multiple people.

I am debating getting the trial myself but like you I dislike using my actual details. I might see if I have an unused gift card for this...

I do think the main takeaway, that the spirit world isn't intrinsically nice, does get across. He has another article on negative (evil?) entities that I did realize is behind a paywall if you want to read the whole thing...
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

(This post was last modified: 2024-05-14, 12:51 AM by Sciborg_S_Patel. Edited 1 time in total.)
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