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Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page, here's another talk by Caroline Watt at Edinburgh Medical School on 1 October, entitled "Investigating the Impossible: Paranormal communication." It's free, but it looks as though advance registration may be required:

"Join Professor Caroline Watt, holder of the UK’s only Chair in parapsychology, to discover how parapsychologists investigate claimed paranormal communication. From investigating spontaneous precognitive experiences to controlled laboratory research examining whether people have telepathic abilities, discover the challenges and unexpected scientific rewards of investigating the impossible."
The Parapsychological Association and the Society for Scientific Exploration are hosting a four-day event on 16-19 June 2020 at Durham, North Carolina:
Courtesy of Ashley Knibb - the 13th Symposium in a series organised by the Bial Foundation on the theme "Behind and Beyond the Brain" will be held on 1-4 April 2020 at Porto, Portugal, and is entitled "The mystery of time":

Quite a lot of familiar names are on the list of participants, including Etzel Cardeña, Daniel Sheehan, Bernard Carr, Julia Mossbridge, Caroline Watt, Daryl Bem and Marc Wittmann.
(2019-11-12, 07:51 PM)Chris Wrote: The Parapsychological Association and the Society for Scientific Exploration are hosting a four-day event on 16-19 June 2020 at Durham, North Carolina:

Here is the Call for Papers for the meeting, which is entitled "2020 Vision":
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Nancy Zingrone's and Carlos Alvarado's free online course ParaMOOC2020 is due to begin today, and to continue until the end of February. Enrolment should be available here (but I wasn't able to log in, reset my password or create a new account with a different email address, so there may be a technical problem):

The same page includes titles of talks, though without any names. With the help of Google I managed to find a list including names, but not including all the talks:

Apparently they are going to be available at the Parapsychology Foundation's YouTube channel within a week of being presented, so that may be the easiest way to watch them.
(2020-01-18, 08:04 AM)Chris Wrote: Nancy Zingrone's and Carlos Alvarado's free online course ParaMOOC2020 is due to begin today, and to continue until the end of February. Enrolment should be available here (but I wasn't able to log in, reset my password or create a new account with a different email address, so there may be a technical problem):

The same page includes titles of talks, though without any names. With the help of Google I managed to find a list including names, but not including all the talks:

Apparently they are going to be available at the Parapsychology Foundation's YouTube channel within a week of being presented, so that may be the easiest way to watch them.

Almost in the nick of time, here is a full list of names and titles, on Carlos S. Alvarado's blog:
Two forthcoming lectures have been announced by the Society for Psychical Research. Both will be given at the Society's HQ in London:

Simon Duan
2nd April, 2020 7:00pm

Matthew Colborn
STICKY BUNDLES, LEAKY BUCKETS AND RABBIT HOLES: Understanding the Survival Experience (Gwen Tate Memorial Lecture)
5th March, 2020 7:00pm
Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page - Birkbeck [College] in London is holding an event called "A Day on Consciousness" on 23 February, including three presentations:
Matter and Consciousness – Dr Iain McGilchrist (via video link)
Neuroscience, Perception and Hallucination - Professor Anil Seth
A Conscious Universe? - Dr Rupert Sheldrake

The cost for "Early Bird" registration is apparently about £38 until Tuesday, after which it will rise to £51:
Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page - the Rhine Education Center will be offering several online courses in parapsychology in the next couple of months.

Field Investigations: Apparitions, Hauntings, & Poltergeists
with Loyd Auerbach
8 weeks - February 3rd-March 23rd

Presentiment: Exploring the Nature and Theories of Time
with John G. Kruth
4 weeks - March 4th-March 25th

How to Choose a Psychic
with Loyd Auerbach
4 weeks - March 3rd-March 24th
The SPR will hold a study day on 25 April on the theme of "Psi and post-materialist science: the search for a new paradigm":

Speakers: Evelyn Elsaesser, Brian Josephson (TO BE CONFIRMED), David Lorimer, Harald Walach
Chairman: Bernard Carr

The cost will be £38 for members and £42 for non-members.

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