The revealing statistics of UFOs over the last 80 years

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(2024-06-26, 06:10 AM)Jim_Smith Wrote: I don't know how reliable this is, so it's just food for thought, but I read somewhere that people in contact with the aliens have been told the nuclear blasts influence other dimensions.

So if the aliens are interdimensional beings (which could include but not be limited to the afterlife/spiritual dimensions), they might have an interest in nuclear weapons for that reason.

Also humans are generally left to determine  our own fate but I think if we were on the verge of doing something really horrendous that would damage the ability of the planet to support life, I think there might be some kind of intervention.

For those who believe intelligent design is the best explanation for the origin of life, macroevolution, the fine tuning of the universe to support life, and the big bang - it would only be reasonable that the designers would protect their investment from blowing itself up.

I've been thinking more about the ultra vs extra terrestrial option.

Eric Weiss, in the Doctrine of Subtle Worlds, suggested that the mundane, "physical" universe is really an overlapping nexus between different realities. 

  • The physical world is part of a larger system of interlocking worlds.
  • These other worlds are not physical, and they operate according to laws different from those that govern the physical world. They are, nonetheless, objectively real.
  • Processes taking place in those other worlds directly impact what takes place in the physical world – whether or not human beings are aware of them.
  • Human beings can consciously experience those other worlds, and can operate in those other worlds in ways that significantly affect the unfolding of events here in the physical world.

This could make sense of some of what we see in UFO/UAP phenomena, where these vehicles seem to show up and disappear. They might only be near the nexus point on their side, as opposed to actually on Earth.

It sorta helps explain the data, and why there is some Deep Weird-ness to the encounters. These entities really aren't mundane biological entities in the sense that they evolved on planets in this [universe], rather they exist in other places that likely have different relationships between mind/body/spirit. They might have technology, but the way it works would be quite different to our usual tech.

Regarding intelligent design, I personally think the Fine Tuning of the Universe would have to be different than Earth-based ID which seems to be specific interventions that are much more narrow in scope. Even the Cosmic Fine Tuners seem to have been limited in what they could make - hence the largely empty void of our universe - but the IDers who [influenced evolution on Earth], if we accept their existence + intervention, seem even more limited...
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- Bertrand Russell

(This post was last modified: 2024-07-02, 03:56 AM by Sciborg_S_Patel. Edited 4 times in total.)
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