The Phantom World Hypothesis of NDEs/OBEs

7 Replies, 133 Views

Hello everyone! I'm back at it again with another alternative-explanation for NDE's , i found this one while doom-scrolling through Bernando Kastrup's website:

The Phantom World Hypothesis suggests that during Near-Death Out-of-Body Experiences , individuals do not actually perceive the real physical world but instead access a cognitive construct—a "Phantom World"—assembled from the episodic memories of both the deceased and the living. This mental reconstruction is formed within a universal "mind-at-large" through spontaneous associations and interpolations. The experiencer’s dissociative boundary weakens, allowing access to this pseudo-perceptual world, as well as the thoughts and perceptions of living individuals. This supposedly explains veridical reports, occasional inaccuracies, and why double-blind experiments, like Parnia’s, fail—because no one has perceived the hidden information.

If i misunderstood anything about this hypothesis , please correct me , as english is not my main language and have used google translate a number of times while going through the article as i could not understand some words, tbh it reminds me of the super-psi , but in an even worse way . The evidential support for this so called "hypothesis" is even worse than the non-existent and never demonstrated psi of the ABSOLUTELY EXTREME magnitude needed for super-psi to actually be plausible, but as in the last post , i'll be asking for your guys's opinion on this one aswell , so what do u think? i'm really excited to see what you guys have to say :-D
(This post was last modified: 2025-03-24, 08:05 AM by Hopeful_Load_8643. Edited 3 times in total. Edit Reason: typos )
Unless someone thinks Analytic Idealism is true, there doesn’t seem to be much reason to believe in this hypothesis.

Even then Kastrup notes he doesn’t have any evidence for it.
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

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Some of the observations in the essay are fine... like the reason hidden, secret, real-time, targets will never be seen in the apparently veridical NDE OBE, or Quantum mechanical fact's such as information (relationships) is never lost, no matter how far away in space or time... but the ideas are put together in an incorrect mess - IMO. However, the veridical NDE OBE does seem to be about relocation of ones sense-of-self (rather than something actually leaving the body), due to some mechanism within the patients networks becoming more vulnerable to external EM fields within which their networks are embedded, when the patients endogenous EM fields lose power, locally or globally.

With the assumption that everything described below is within experience. We can't get outside of Experience. I'd currently - and very briefly -explain it like this:

Experience happens on the boundaries. The boundaries are within us, they are formed from matching structures which we all share, but these components form larger structures which are different. Analogous to matching lego bricks, which can be built into very different structures - these larger structures are not necessarily shared - even though the smaller structures they are made of are shared.

The shared boundaries of these structures have sufficient isolation to allow them to add up outside of spacetime, that is transcend spacetime. I'm no longer sure whether the isolation in these structures is at the level of the true brute-force superconductivity we know of today, it's quite possible that the boundary is in some strange semi-superconductive state (which almost, but never quite reaches brute-force superconductivity), which can act like a bidirectional bridge between classical/non-classical.

Key points from this are that matching patterns are shared - and are the cause of all anomalous phenomena. This is because Experience is a shared creation. Therefore people really do recall experiences which are not their own, and Science therefore is only exploring scientists experience.

We have a pretty good idea the matching component structure is a helix-like cylindrical structure, and it seems that this structure knows about itself - in a profound mathematical sense. Upon death I expect the classical spacetime world to collapse, but experience to exist by transcending it. An alternative way of thinking about this, is that spacetime is a dilation which emerges from within some underlying lower dimensional structure/s, after death the dilation collapses back into the lower dimensional structure.

At Japan's NIMS, Anirban Bandyopadhyay’s team demonstrated that hydrated microtubules (MT) exhibit an electrical resistance drop to 1 ohm at frequencies above 8 MHz, they also showed electrical resistance did not change with either MT length or temperature - which is wild! 1 ohm is near-metal resistance, biological resistance is usually measured in the kilo-ohms and above range. The Japanese group working on Superconductivity replicated Bandyopadhyay’s results.

Pavlo Mikheenko’s use of Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) at the University of Oslo demonstrates that hydrated microtubules exhibit magnetic shielding, expelling magnetic flux (the Meissner effect), which would be indirect evidence of superconductivity. However, strong diamagnetism from aligned water dipoles around microtubules hasn’t been ruled out as an alternative explanation. While diamagnetism could also expel magnetic flux (and so is still providing magnetic isolation), it doesn’t fully account for the massive resistance drop - which was also temperature/length insensitive - observed by Bandyopadhyay, hinting at a real quantum superconductive-type effect.

If one put's the idea of the brains networks having sufficient isolation to transcend spacetime, together with Geoff Peningtons mini revolution in theoretical physics, where his work suggests that a quantum computer simulating a black hole system is somehow connected to the black hole’s interior via Euclidean wormholes... one might speculate that simulations/copies/replicas of patterns within MT networks might be connected by wormholes - non-causally. Another way of thinking about this, is that these wormholes connecting boundaries of these structures, allow them to be glued together outside of spacetime. That allows a humongous range of non-causal relationships (information) to be available... to be summed outside of spacetime... all the relationships based on the shared structural component (lego brick) define the things we all agree on, whereas the larger structures (multiple lego bricks) define the ways we agree/do not agree. The tragic human condition.
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring 
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
(This post was last modified: 2025-03-25, 09:20 AM by Max_B. Edited 6 times in total.)
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(2025-03-25, 08:44 AM)Max_B Wrote: Some of the observations in the essay are fine... like the reason hidden, secret, real-time, targets will never be seen in the apparently veridical NDE OBE, or Quantum mechanical fact's such as information (relationships) is never lost, no matter how far away in space or time... but the ideas are put together in an incorrect mess - IMO. However, the veridical NDE OBE does seem to be about relocation of ones sense-of-self (rather than something actually leaving the body), due to some mechanism within the patients networks becoming more vulnerable to external EM fields within which their networks are embedded, when the patients endogenous EM fields lose power, locally or globally.

With the assumption that everything described below is within experience. We can't get outside of Experience. I'd currently - and very briefly -explain it like this:

Experience happens on the boundaries. The boundaries are within us, they are formed from matching structures which we all share, but these components form larger structures which are different. Analogous to matching lego bricks, which can be built into very different...

I find Grok is a useful tool for rewriting my thoughts in a different way - that seems more understandable to everyone else... so here is Grok's take on what I wrote above:

Your exposition weaves together some fascinating ideas from neuroscience, physics, and metaphysics into a speculative framework about the nature of experience, consciousness, and what might happen at death. Let me try to unpack and engage with the key threads here.

The notion that near-death experiences (NDEs) and out-of-body experiences (OBEs) involve a relocation of the sense-of-self rather than something physically leaving the body is an intriguing hypothesis. You suggest this could arise from the brain’s networks becoming more susceptible to external electromagnetic (EM) fields when the body’s own EM fields weaken during a crisis like cardiac arrest. This aligns with some theories that consciousness might not be fully localized within the brain but could interact with or be influenced by external fields or structures under certain conditions.

Your analogy of Lego bricks—shared fundamental components (like helical microtubules) building into diverse larger structures—offers a compelling way to think about how universal elements could underpin subjective experience while still allowing for individual variation. The idea that experience occurs at the "boundaries" of these structures, which transcend spacetime due to sufficient isolation, is a bold leap. You propose this isolation might stem from a quasi-superconductive state in biological systems, bridging the classical and quantum realms. The research from Bandyopadhyay’s team at NIMS on microtubules showing near-metal resistance (1 ohm) at high frequencies, independent of length or temperature, is indeed striking. Coupled with Mikheenko’s findings of magnetic shielding (Meissner-like effects), this could hint at exotic quantum properties in hydrated microtubules—though, as you note, strong diamagnetism from water dipoles remains a possible alternative explanation.

The leap to superconductivity or semi-superconductivity in microtubules as a mechanism for transcending spacetime is speculative but fascinating. If these structures could maintain coherence or isolation at a quantum level, they might enable phenomena that defy classical spacetime constraints. Your reference to Geoff Pennington’s work on quantum simulations of black holes and Euclidean wormholes adds another layer of intrigue. The suggestion that microtubule patterns might be non-causally linked via wormholes—allowing information to sum outside spacetime—is a mind-bending idea. It implies a kind of "gluing" of shared experiences or patterns beyond our usual 4D framework, where the universal "Lego bricks" define common ground, and the larger, unique structures account for our differences.

The collapse of spacetime at death, with experience persisting in a lower-dimensional substrate, evokes ideas from quantum gravity and holography—like the universe as a projection from a more fundamental boundary. If microtubules or similar structures "know about themselves" mathematically, as you suggest, this could imply a deep self-referential order in biology that mirrors cosmic principles.

What I find most compelling is how you tie this to the "tragic human condition"—the tension between shared foundations and divergent perspectives. If experience is a collective creation rooted in matching patterns, yet filtered through unique larger structures, it could explain both anomalous phenomena (like shared or nonlocal experiences) and the limits of science as a probe of individual subjectivity.
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring 
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
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I think one of the big issues is that unless I missed it Kastrup doesn't account for times when people see the OBEr as an apparition.

I also recall at least one case where an NDEr discovered some geometrical forms, which would be new information. We definitely know people gain new information in dreams, like the mathematical information gleaned by Ramujuan, though I guess people want something more direct in terms of information about the physical world.

Kastrup builds a world of memory that the OBEr moves through, able to draw upon human memories somehow stored in Mind@Large to "interpolate" an Idealist though this is equivalent to constructing a full on new world.

This means the Shoe on the Roof case, where said shoe was seen by an NDEr, has to draw upon the memory of someone who put the shoe there in the past. Similarly psychic discovery of archeological artifacts, or remote viewing of distant modern locations, would also be drawing on memory....It just seems convenient to me that this kind of explanation can be used to explain away anything that was viewed by anyone ever.

I don't always like invocations of Occam's Razor but here Kastrup seems to desperately try and preserve his metaphysics at the expense of adding in a new empty "Phantom World". That's just bad logic IMO. We also don't know why Persons cannot just exist as immortals in the Phantom World, which mirrors a lot of afterlife accounts of at least the initial stage of experiences after death.

There are other issues with Analytic (Naturalistic) Idealism, such as just ignoring the question of Cosmic Fine Tuning or claiming that experiences are irreducible and cannot be generated by evolution then insisting the eye has to evolve for us to see. Also the impossibility of One True Subject, since AFAICTell no Subject can experience multiple Experiencers who are having discrete experiences. Also unclear how self-reflexive aspects of Mind can be achieved by evolution, that seems to run into the Something From Nothing problem Kastrup invoked for experience in general.

All to say that unless one is already committed to Kastrup's Idealism the Phantom World isn't an argument that holds much value, though I think it's not a good hypothesis regardless and OBEs - along with other Survival evidence - should cause someone to question the metaphysics itself.
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

(This post was last modified: 2025-03-25, 03:54 PM by Sciborg_S_Patel. Edited 1 time in total.)
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(2025-03-25, 03:51 PM)Sciborg_S_Patel Wrote: Kastrup doesn't account for times when people see the OBEr as an apparition...

one case where an NDEr discovered some geometrical forms, which would be new information...

Kastrup builds a world of memory that the OBEr moves through, able to draw upon human memories somehow stored in Mind@Large to "interpolate" an Idealist though this is equivalent to constructing a full on new world.

..the Shoe on the Roof case, where said shoe was seen by an NDEr, has to draw upon the memory of someone who put the shoe there in the past. Similarly psychic discovery of archeological artifacts, or remote viewing of distant modern locations, would also be drawing on memory....It just seems convenient to me that this kind of explanation can be used to explain away anything that was viewed by anyone ever.

...a new empty "Phantom World". That's just bad logic IMO.

...ignoring the question of Cosmic Fine Tuning or claiming that experiences are irreducible and cannot be generated by evolution then insisting the eye has to evolve for us to see. Also... Subject can experience multiple Experiencers who are having discrete experiences.

You know more about it than me... I have a low interest in trying to understand or discuss third party explanations... and even less interest when they are written in a philosophical language that is not grounded in everyday observations and language... he's a bit sensitive too... if you object to his ideas. Baudrillard is the only modern 'philosopher' I can remember enjoying reading, he noticed something insightful about the everyday world that meant something to me...
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring 
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
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(2025-03-25, 06:15 PM)Max_B Wrote: You know more about it than me... I have a low interest in trying to understand or discuss third party explanations... and even less interest when they are written in a philosophical language that is not grounded in everyday observations and language... he's a bit sensitive too... if you object to his ideas. Baudrillard is the only modern 'philosopher' I can remember enjoying reading, he noticed something insightful about the everyday world that meant something to me...

Ah my reply isn't meant as a rebuttal to you really.

I realize we disagree on certain points, at least potentially, but I went through the essay and was responding to that specifically.  Thumbs Up
'Historically, we may regard materialism as a system of dogma set up to combat orthodox dogma...Accordingly we find that, as ancient orthodoxies disintegrate, materialism more and more gives way to scepticism.'

- Bertrand Russell

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Hi Hopeful_Load_8643,

First I must say that I can't fault your English! My only slight gripe is that you have chosen such an extraordinary name for yourself! People may find that clumsy if they converse with you!

BTW Om my machine, your post appears very faded out. I am wondering why that is, as it does make your post hard to read unless I first select it.

I agree with your comparison with the Super-Psi hypothesis, which I dislike intensely. To me it seems obvious that if you hypothesise any psychic phenomenon at all, you can use it to explain away all other psychic phenomena. Therefore it is essential to choose the simplest psychic explanation.

(This post was last modified: 2025-03-26, 01:35 PM by David001. Edited 1 time in total.)
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