The forum is now mobile-friendly through Tapatalk

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(2019-08-14, 05:02 PM)chuck Wrote: I'm attaching this to this thread because it is the only way I can post. The create thread button isn't working for me. I use OS X and have tried chrome and safari. The box where you type the text disappears. Anyone else seeing this?
I am able to but am using Firefox. Tried on safari and was able also. (But man is that safari slow compared to Firefox.) OS X also (Sierra). (I also can do it using Tapatalk on the smartphone.)
Will try on another computer. This was all I can use is the quick reply box at the bottom of the thread.
Same thing on my other machine. OS X, running El Capitan. Safari. Let me try Firefox.
Same thing with Firefox. Looks to me like a CSS issue. Maybe because I'm running older OS. I can use Quick Reply, but not New Reply.
Posting this from OS X 10.8.2 (Mountain Lion) using Safari 6.0.1 via the "New Reply" button. Testing...
That's my best attempt to replicate your problem, chuck, but I couldn't do it.

Perhaps you could look in Safari's error console and let me know of any error messages that you see. (This answer on StackExchange might help you to open the error console if you're not already sure how to).
I suppose this might be part of the issue. I can see it from turning on the developer pane in Chrome. Looks like my browsers are rejecting the css because of it's defined MIME type.

newreply.php?tid=1030:1 Refused to apply style from '' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.
newreply.php?tid=1030:429 GET 404
newreply.php?tid=1030:828 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).error is not a function
    at newreply.php?tid=1030:828
(anonymous) @ newreply.php?tid=1030:828
newreply.php?tid=1030:1 Refused to apply style from '' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.
Ah. I see the problem. You're not using the default theme, and I haven't been updating the templates of non-default themes each time we upgrade the forum software, so your theme is calling some outdated resources. Let me look into how feasible it is to perform all of those updates for your preferred theme and then get back to you.
I ended up deleting and then reinstalling a new version of the theme. Though I tried to make it seamless with some manutal database updates, it seems that you will, after all, still have to reselect it from the menu bottom-of-page if you want to continue using it in its upgraded form. [Edit: or maybe not - one more manual database update may have fixed it so you retain and don't have to manually reselect the theme]
(This post was last modified: 2019-08-15, 10:03 AM by Laird.)
Testing from the updated theme using "New Reply"...

Edit: good, it seems to be working.
(This post was last modified: 2019-08-15, 09:58 AM by Laird.)

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