The curious nature of spirits

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My experiences with my loong spirit has given me quite some perspective...

From what I've gathered so far, spirits tend to undergo evolutions of astral(?) incarnations... perhaps in a similar sense to how souls have been noted by some to go through evolutions of incarnate form ~ so many lifetimes as this, as human, as that, maybe going to different planets, and so on and so forth.

Spirit, not having to worry about the limits of physical form, don't die, so they can exist in a form for a very long time. From what I gather from my loong spirit, the downside is that personality can be very rigid over long periods of time, resisting easy, sudden change, except through powerful catalysts.

As expressed through a dream that I come into, going into the loong's form at one point as it slept, I learned relevant, interesting aspects of its history that it recalled, probably due to my presence? I learned that the loong spirit guarded the river of the village I lived in during an incarnation long ago... centuries, from my understanding. It was happy and at peace, having no urge or impetus for change because everything remained more or less cyclically constant. I guess you can piece together how that might have an effect ~ no disease, no aging, no that can meaningfully harm a spirit.

But then, the village was overtaken by disease and disrepair at some point, with floods breaking out. So, that ended up being the impetus for my loong spirit to leave, feeling lost, abandoned, forlorn. It wandered for centuries, eventually exploring Taoist temples, listening to the thoughts of practitioners, learning about Taoism. More easy stagnation. From what I could gather, basically no practitioner noticed the loong, apart from one guy who dismissed it as a trick of the imagination.

So it wandered more at some point, having grown weary of the routine, eventually seeking out a sort of loong village where they basically mostly read poetry. Pretty boring and dull, but it was... something.

And then my soul, or intuition, or something, called out to it. It felt a powerful green energy in its chest, and came to find me, fascinated and enthralled by how perfectly our energies, vibrations, whatever it is that a spirit senses, was feeling from me. It felt compelled to observe me constantly, learning about me and how I interacted with my tiger spirit and how my tiger spirit, with unconditional love, treated me according to the whims and swings of my moods, desires, needs and so on. A rather powerful catalyst, it seems...

My tiger spirit's energy, I have noticed, feels much heavier and denser, though also much more defined and easier to visual, perhaps because this is its first astral incarnation since who knows how long. The loong spirit's energy feels much more dynamic, much lighter and gentle, perhaps because it is naturally attuned to dealing with astral energies. Both of them feel extremely feminine in nature, though Chinese mythology would have one believe that loong are exclusively male, curiously.

All of which makes me wonder quite a bit about the nature of the spirits and upper, middle and lower worlds that shamans journey to and fro.

I can directly feel the loong's energy, yet I have an incredibly difficult time defining something so unlike the norm that we physically incarnate spirits experience.
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
~ Carl Jung

(This post was last modified: 2024-11-23, 06:33 AM by Valmar. Edited 1 time in total.)
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A reading I had done from about 4 years ago that now feels more relevant than ever... it was from a Discord server where some did energy scans to give readings.

Quote:As I begin focus upon your energy I manifest before the gates of your soul.. They open for me and behind them I see a giant statue of Buddha (Guatama) meditating with one hand up, palm facing me and the other with their lap..

A tiger rises from the statues lap and approaches me out of curiosity and also to protect the land just in case I was there to destroy it.. I allow it to know my being and that i am not there to harm but to help and it begins to guide me to an aspect of you sitting within a bamboo forest meditating next to a fountain and they say, "One must be like water, silent, still, and patient. You have to allow yourself to flow with the world and all around you before you are able to truly understand and become one with all of its beauty."

They then have me a symbol for you to connect and meditate with them as they are deep within you and it may be difficult to reach them so this is an aid to do so.. I began to leave the forest and walk behind the statue where a monkey now stands upon the head of Buddha, they throw a mango at me and as I catch it i see its obviously a message just as this entire vision is..

"Mangos are the national fruit of India known as the “Food of God.” In Hinduism, Lord Ganesha often holds a ripe mango as a symbol of spiritual attainment. ... Because of their desire to thrive mangos are a symbol of prosperity, good health and happiness."

After this I proceeded to walk towards a pond where a waterfall is pouring into and I notice you standing before it, simply watching.

I ask why and you tell me you wish to overcome it and reach the top of the mountain but don't know how, I proceed to tell you the power you need is within your mind and you agree..

My vision changes and I now see you meditating above the clouds at the peak of this mountain with a dragon spiraling above you in the form of an infinity symbol.

A funny thing about the monkey is that in Chinese astrology, I am a water monkey, heh. So the "being like water" bit feels a bit on the nose...
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
~ Carl Jung

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