THC Gummies

3 Replies, 1679 Views

I'm sure most of you have had experiences with Cannabis or possibly more intense psychedelics, so this is probably not a very remarkable anecdote, but being the square that I am, I never played around with the stuff in my younger years. I have had a few experiences with it in the last few years though, and most recently some friends returning from Colorado gave me a few THC gummies.

Long story short: I ate too many of them at once and saw interesting things...

So the normal max dose of these gummies is 5, but my wife didn't want them in the house and she wanted to see me act silly, so she was pushing me to just eat them all at once (it was a handful...not a whole bag). I ate 4 and an hour later she said I still seemed normal, so I continued... eventually I stopped at 8.... It takes about an hour or two to catch up, and when I did, it was NOT a pleasant experience. It was like having a whole pot of coffee and 3/4 of a bottle of wine at the same time. I was trying very hard to act normal but was paranoid that my wife and everyone around was thinking I was acting weird. It was the opposite effect on inhibition that you get with alcohol... it was as if the judging part of my brain was in overdrive so that I was second guessing everything I said and did. Even just reaching for a glass of water, I noticed my hand would pause half way as if part of my brain was saying, "are you sure you really want to do that?" Additionally unpleasant was the fact that it made me feel like I had allergies... stopped up nose and puffy eyes. I've had the medical grade stuff both smoked and in scrambled eggs, and it was MUCH more pleasant and relaxing. Comparing the gummies to the medicinal stuff is like McDonalds versus a 4-star New York Strip with lobster. A few days later I tried a dose of 1 or 2 gummies and the effect was much less ridiculous and even somewhat pleasant, but I'd still recommend the real deal instead of highly processed THC gummies. 

Anyway, we went out to eat and while riding in the car, the light was filtering through the trees and I closed my eyes, so that I saw random flashes of light. With each flash of light I would see an entirely new highly complex detailed geometric shape. Like with a lucid dream I could sort of guide the images if I wanted to or I could just let go and be completely surprised by what the next image would look like. This was pretty remarkable to me, because the flashes of light were coming very rapidly at times and I thought it was pretty cool that my brain could generate an entirely different image unrelated to the previous image in just a split second. It required no effort on my part to generate these images... I could just relax and watch the show and be totally surprised by the next scene.

Most of the geometric images I saw were radially symmetrical and were either based on 6 (like sacred geometry, flower of life, etc) or based on 4 or 8. Some of them appeared to be like fractals with all sorts of colors and details inside. Some of them began spinning clockwise. Sometimes well-known and recognizable symbols appeared and morphed into other symbols. At one point I saw a DNA helix spiraling up which turned into the bluetooth symbol which then morphed into the swastika. The analytical part of my brain was constantly active because I'm obviously fascinated by consciousness and how the mind works, so part of my mind was engaged in this rare opportunity for a "science" experiment and the other part was just experiencing. 

If I were involved in a creative profession, I think this stuff would be as essential as coffee. It made it much easier to break down boundaries and reconstruct things in new ways and see less obvious connections between things. At one point I had a fantastic business idea... but later forgot what it was... too bad.

There is absolutely no good reason why Cannabis should be illegal as it is most places in the States. Alcohol is far more dangerous and destructive. Maybe some day people will get some sense about the issue. Assuming times of peace continue and the internet remains mostly free, my guess is it will be 10 years or less before Cannabis is legalized in most states.
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(2018-06-06, 02:35 PM)Hurmanetar Wrote: I'm sure most of you have had experiences with Cannabis or possibly more intense psychedelics, so this is probably not a very remarkable anecdote, but being the square that I am, I never played around with the stuff in my younger years. I have had a few experiences with it in the last few years though, and most recently some friends returning from Colorado gave me a few THC gummies.

Long story short: I ate too many of them at once and saw interesting things...

So the normal max dose of these gummies is 5, but my wife didn't want them in the house and she wanted to see me act silly, so she was pushing me to just eat them all at once (it was a handful...not a whole bag). I ate 4 and an hour later she said I still seemed normal, so I continued... eventually I stopped at 8.... It takes about an hour or two to catch up, and when I did, it was NOT a pleasant experience. It was like having a whole pot of coffee and 3/4 of a bottle of wine at the same time. I was trying very hard to act normal but was paranoid that my wife and everyone around was thinking I was acting weird. It was the opposite effect on inhibition that you get with alcohol... it was as if the judging part of my brain was in overdrive so that I was second guessing everything I said and did. Even just reaching for a glass of water, I noticed my hand would pause half way as if part of my brain was saying, "are you sure you really want to do that?" Additionally unpleasant was the fact that it made me feel like I had allergies... stopped up nose and puffy eyes. I've had the medical grade stuff both smoked and in scrambled eggs, and it was MUCH more pleasant and relaxing. Comparing the gummies to the medicinal stuff is like McDonalds versus a 4-star New York Strip with lobster. A few days later I tried a dose of 1 or 2 gummies and the effect was much less ridiculous and even somewhat pleasant, but I'd still recommend the real deal instead of highly processed THC gummies. 

Anyway, we went out to eat and while riding in the car, the light was filtering through the trees and I closed my eyes, so that I saw random flashes of light. With each flash of light I would see an entirely new highly complex detailed geometric shape. Like with a lucid dream I could sort of guide the images if I wanted to or I could just let go and be completely surprised by what the next image would look like. This was pretty remarkable to me, because the flashes of light were coming very rapidly at times and I thought it was pretty cool that my brain could generate an entirely different image unrelated to the previous image in just a split second. It required no effort on my part to generate these images... I could just relax and watch the show and be totally surprised by the next scene.

Most of the geometric images I saw were radially symmetrical and were either based on 6 (like sacred geometry, flower of life, etc) or based on 4 or 8. Some of them appeared to be like fractals with all sorts of colors and details inside. Some of them began spinning clockwise. Sometimes well-known and recognizable symbols appeared and morphed into other symbols. At one point I saw a DNA helix spiraling up which turned into the bluetooth symbol which then morphed into the swastika. The analytical part of my brain was constantly active because I'm obviously fascinated by consciousness and how the mind works, so part of my mind was engaged in this rare opportunity for a "science" experiment and the other part was just experiencing. 

If I were involved in a creative profession, I think this stuff would be as essential as coffee. It made it much easier to break down boundaries and reconstruct things in new ways and see less obvious connections between things. At one point I had a fantastic business idea... but later forgot what it was... too bad.

There is absolutely no good reason why Cannabis should be illegal as it is most places in the States. Alcohol is far more dangerous and destructive. Maybe some day people will get some sense about the issue. Assuming times of peace continue and the internet remains mostly free, my guess is it will be 10 years or less before Cannabis is legalized in most states.
Glad to hear things turned around for you. Four or five hours of "hellish introspection " will ruin your day. In my experience being outside, in the natural world is key.
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When i'm a kid (5-6) 
A had a strange dream about some floating dude ask me:*are you high?
12 year later i try Cannabis(i don't think there only Cannabis in there) for the first time: Everything star floating even my room mate :l and they ask me the same question: Are you high :! 
Bad English: pls fix
[-] The following 3 users Like Vy Chấn Hải's post:
  • Sciborg_S_Patel, Typoz, Doug

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