Sleep Paralysis again

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Ah, might as well post this here….

I haven’t had sleep paralysis in many years.

But, last week, I was recovering from a cold, slept a lot, and had strange dreams.

I have a huge fear of a home invasion since I experienced one, while I was home, about twenty years ago. I still have nightmares about it, from time to time.

A few days ago, I was sick, I was sleeping A LOT. My seven-year-old was also feeling sick and wanted to sleep with me and my SO. I fell asleep, but I heard the sounds of foot steps in the hallway. I thought, shit, my SO went to bed after me and he never bolts the door. (I’m obsessive about bolting the door due to the home invasion I had.) I start thinking, like I do, that it’s maybe the cats making noise. So, I’m just listening to the sounds, hoping it’s cats, when my bedroom door opens.

I start freaking out, I’m thinking, “Oh my god, it’s happening again, someone really has broken in!” A man walks in, and is standing in the door frame. We keep the light on in the hallway in case one of the kids needs to pee at night. I can see the hallway light framing him and he looks dark, I can’t see any features . i’m convinced someone has broken into the house, but then I can’t scream. I try with all my might to move my index finger, because I have my arm over my son and onto my SO’s chest, near his neck.

I start concentrating on moving my index finger to scratch my SO’s neck, to wake him up, because I can’t move or scream. I remember it barely moved.

Then I look back at the figure in the doorway, and it hasn’t moved at all. It’s just standing there. I thought, well, that’s weird for a burglar to do. I then realized that I could not see any features on “his” face. I then thought it was weird that he was just standing there, looking at us sleep.

I started to panic even more, but then it was like the spell was broken, and I sat up, yelling “What!” I swear I had more to add to the “what” but I could see that the bedroom door was closed. Everyone was asleep in the bed, but I knew I had experienced sleep paralysis again.

Afterwords, my SO and I joked about how it was a demon who wanted to scare me, but then was super bummed that I was more terrified of home invasions and burglars than demons.
(This post was last modified: 2017-11-21, 11:21 AM by Doppelgänger.)
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Some, not all, I would suggest that most SP isn't sleep or traditional paralysis. The simplest explanation is that it can be an interruption of the dream state because of expectations, or judgments, or because of fears.

Many times post-abduction ("takings") at or about the moment of being 'put back' (typically in bed) when you are experiencing a half physical, half astral state, you will think that you can still move in the same way, but cannot. A feeling of, not actually a physiological state but just a feeling, generated while you are trying to move in a way you are accustomed in 'ordinary' physical reality, but there is a totally different concept to movement in that astral state. A 'freak out' of sorts.

The oft-claimed 'shadowy figure(s)' are often ETs pre-selected appearance in support of your belief systems. "It can't be an alien, it must be an intruder" kinda thing.

Although the agenda of the ETs, particularly the Zeta Reticulum who are operationally responsible for the hybrid being creation program, has been well explained, apparently the time is not yet right for them to expose themselves consistently in our dreams. This will soon come to an end as the genetic manipulations agenda is quickly becoming a cooperative agreement past its time.
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What do you make of this exchange? I found the original post and recording super creepy, but here is someone breaking it down:

It makes me want to record myself sleeping as well, but also, ehhhh... maybe I don't want to know?
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I am sad to say that the sleep paralysis episode I wrote about above came true, at least to some degree.

Wednesday morning I decided to keep my son home from school for a second day as he had been fighting off a nasty cold. I felt that I was also coming down with it as well. My SO left around six AM left and did not bolt the door. Another strange thing was that I kept getting robocalls. I usually get robocalls once every few months, but on this morning I got three robocalls in the space of an hour and a half, which kept waking me up. I thought maybe I should get up and bolt the door, but I didn’t.

So my son and I are sleeping together in our King bed and trying to keep warm since we’re sick, and I always let him sleep in the bed with me when he is sick. (He’s seven.) I’d been awakened a few times by the robocalls, which is when I put my phone on “Do Not Disturb” other than Contacts.

I drifted off to sleep again when it happened. Since the calls kept waking me up, I was only half asleep and heard noises in the hallway. It was like the dream I had. I thought it was the cats since my cats can totally sound like people moving around, so I brushed it off. But then I kept listening. Something didn’t seem right. I sat up in bed. I heard movement that was definitely not cats and sounded like someone in the house.

This is where it gets blurry because I basically freaked out. I shook my son awake. I’ll never forget this. I shook him awake and his eyes flew open and I loud-whispered to him, “Someone is in the house. Get up! Someone is in the house!” His eyes got huge and he was terrified. I ordered him into a corner telling him to hide. I threw blankets and pillows over him. Then I started screaming.

Right when I started screaming, “Who is there? Who the fuck are you?” the man was right at my bedroom door and started turning the knob, so I got more terrified and screamed more, telling him to get the fuck out off my house, that I had already called the cops, and other expletive-ridden things. He started yelling at ME and telling me that he had called the cops himself and they were on the way????? That did not make any sense, and of course he didn’t do that. I cracked open my bedroom door and he had already retreated to my front door. I kept screaming at him to fucking leave, get the fuck out, and who knows what else — I was in tiger mode, I guess, and yelling all sorts of things, and he left but did not close the front door.

I ran to the front door and bolted it, and I could hear him say, “Shit!”  when he heard the bolt lock. I yelled some more stuff when I heard him say that, but it’s a blur. I’m pretty sure it was more profanity.

Unfortunately, I can’t say much more about this as it’s been escalated with the police. I can talk about the above, but as to what happened after I can’t talk about right now.

This ordeal has really shaken me up, though. I haven’t properly slept in days. I’m also weirded out how this mirrored what I wrote in my journal and on PQ since I haven’t had sleep paralysis in years. I also feel VERY violated, again. This is the second time I’ve had someone come into my home while I was there. My son is fine, but I keep replaying this over and over in my head, and I can’t sleep. I also don’t want to deal with the legal aspects of this either.

I just want it to be over.
(This post was last modified: 2018-01-27, 11:45 AM by Doppelgänger.)
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Sounds like a form of precognition! O.O
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
~ Carl Jung

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(2018-01-27, 11:49 AM)Valmar Wrote: Sounds like a form of precognition! O.O

I don't know what it is because I've have had precog dreams in the past. This was just next level, and I don't know how to feel about it.
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(2018-01-27, 11:57 AM)Doppelgänger Wrote: I don't know what it is because I've have had precog dreams in the past. This was just next level, and I don't know how to feel about it.

The next level of precognition? Maybe not while you were dreaming, but the suggestive state you mind might have been in during the sleep paralysis seems to have allowed said precognition to leak through. Makes sense to me.

Still terrifying as hell, though, overall, I can imagine, shiveringly.
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
~ Carl Jung

[-] The following 1 user Likes Valmar's post:
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It does sound terrifying and violating. Totally understandable that you'd want it to be over with, Doppelgänger, but I hope you do follow through with the legal process, if only so that the intruder is held accountable and hopefully deterred from violating others. The potentially paranormal/precognitive aspect is curious - the detail that most struck me was that both when you had the initial sleep paralysis and when the later, potentially predicted, incident occurred you and your seven-year-old were sick and sleeping in the same bed.
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(2018-01-27, 12:34 PM)Valmar Wrote: The next level of precognition? Maybe not while you were dreaming, but the suggestive state you mind might have been in during the sleep paralysis seems to have allowed said precognition to leak through. Makes sense to me.

Still terrifying as hell, though, overall, I can imagine, shiveringly.

I meant "next-level" of something absolutely terrifying happening. Most of my precog stuff I've had was pretty mundane. This was something else... but of course it's terrifying because it was another home invasion, and that's of course scary. I'm not even sure if my sleep paralysis experience had anything to do with it, as there were differences. I'm just still shaken up by the experience.
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(2018-01-27, 12:41 PM)Laird Wrote: It does sound terrifying and violating. Totally understandable that you'd want it to be over with, Doppelgänger, but I hope you do follow through with the legal process, if only so that the intruder is held accountable and hopefully deterred from violating others. The potentially paranormal/precognitive aspect is curious - the detail that most struck me was that both when you had the initial sleep paralysis and when the later, potentially predicted, incident occurred you and your seven-year-old were sick and sleeping in the same bed.

Thank you, Laird. This whole experience has set off my paranoia again about being safe in my home. I do have the feeling that the legal process is NOT going to be fun.

I too noticed, from my previous post, that it was when my son and I were both sick and sleeping in the same bed. That was a detail that stuck out to me too. I don't really know what to make of that. With this latest incident, it was just horrible having to wake him up like that and then order him to hide because I didn't know who the hell was in my house.

My son is actually dealing with it better than I am! He is over it and I am still freaking out!
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