RNG Training Experiment Idea.

34 Replies, 6239 Views

(2018-07-01, 11:22 PM)Laird Wrote: Love the idea and in theory would want to help out, not sure about in practice though. Am passable at Javascript. An interesting tool/framework (I'm not really sure how to describe it) that I came across not long ago is Electron, which (as best I understand) allows you to create desktop apps out of web apps - could be useful for your project so folks could choose between browser or standalone app.

I'm thinking I'm going to make this a FOSS project and post it on Github. I haven't even started on it yet beyond the coneptual stage. But the idea would be to have it be a javascript game that could be embedded on multiple sites that feeds data back into one server for all the statistical math and such. Or, as you suggest, played on the desktop via electron. I think there could easily be a whole suite of different games and tests as part of this project, or maybe split across several projects.

I'm a little nervous about open sourcing it given how it inevitably ties the page back to me here and I don't really want to have to make a separate github since I should just accept what I say on here but... well.. I don't know. Either I'd make a specific mediochre github that only has this project and any other psi specific things on it or I include it as part of the other projects that I will be putting on github shortly. I figure that eventually it would be discovered that the two accounts are linked anyways so why bother separating them at all? In any case I'll decide that later.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
(2018-07-05, 04:34 PM)Typoz Wrote: Sure. But a pseudo-RNG is deterministic. One can only predict, but not change the values generated. If your approach is dependent on being able to predict a future value, then ok.

There are other ways to generate some sort of randomness, but it may not be satisfactory. For example one could perform some manipulation of user input, such as key or mouse input, and get the user to supply the non-deterministic portion.

I had an idea that would do what you're talking about. a slot machine game where the player determines when the reels stop spinning. the goal being to get the highest reward in a limited number of coins. 3 rows of 3 lines, can check for straight across each row as well as diagonally. one coin only checks across the middle row, two checks teh middle and top as well as one diagonal, and tthree checks all three rows and both diagonals. You only get 100 coins.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
Well this idea was pointless, as per normal by the time I have an idea someon else has already gone and done it better than I ever could:


That website is more or less the type of thing I was intending to do. I did 500 tries at the ball and peg game, said I had no evidence for telekinesis, as per normal.
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(2018-08-16, 07:18 PM)Mediochre Wrote: I did 500 tries at the ball and peg game

This one?

I just went for 50 tries and got "marginal" evidence for PK (p < 0.09896) based on moves: 243 to the right, i.e. towards green, and 207 to the left, i.e., towards red, and no evidence (p < 0.32220) based on balls: 21 red, 29 green. I had chosen to try to get the balls to go right i.e. towards green, so at least the results were in the direction I'd chosen.
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I went again with 500 tries and this time got "none" as evidence on both moves (2218 right, 2282 left; z = 0.93915, p < 0.34765) and balls (253 green, 247 red; z = 0.22361, p < 0.82306) - again aiming right, i.e., towards green.

I wonder whether they're using a pseudo-random generator (as it seems from the description) or a true random generator.
(2018-08-16, 07:41 PM)Laird Wrote: This one?

I just went for 50 tries and got "marginal" evidence for PK (p < 0.09896) based on moves: 243 to the right, i.e. towards green, and 207 to the left, i.e., towards red, and no evidence (p < 0.32220) based on balls: 21 red, 29 green. I had chosen to try to get the balls to go right i.e. towards green, so at least the results were in the direction I'd chosen.

Yeah that one. I focused specifically on the two outermost left slots qand if the statistics were run on a per slot basis there's no way it wasn't hugely significant. I had 9 in the furthest one compared to 2 on the right side and 31 vs 17 for the next one. I didn't focus on the inner ones at all. But still, more balls went into the right side overall so it said there was no evidence. I've only recently started trying psi wheels and stuff, never really wanted to before, I've always wanted to go straight for making a solid, visible energy basll, but I figureed sites like that one would be good to practice with as well.

I'll maybe run through the ball game again some time and see if there's a way I can save and display my results that proves I couldn't've tampered with them.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
(2018-08-16, 08:25 PM)Laird Wrote: I went again with 500 tries and this time got "none" as evidence on both moves (2218 right, 2282 left; z = 0.93915, p < 0.34765) and balls (253 green, 247 red; z = 0.22361, p < 0.82306) - again aiming right, i.e., towards green.

I wonder whether they're using a pseudo-random generator (as it seems from the description) or a true random generator.

In the case of telekinesis it shouldn't matter since you should be setting the bits yourself with your mind. They should be able to declare that the balls will only go to the left and you should still be able to move them to the right anyways.
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I had no (i.e. pretty much even) results just giving it a go for 20 using the "click moves" procedure, but doing 50 using the "start balls" procedure where I could concentrate more strongly each time on the ball going to green, I got:

Red Balls: 18
Total Balls: 50
Green Balls: 32

Move Analysis :
z = 2.78129
p < 0.00541
Evidence for PK : Good

Ball Analysis :
z = 1.83848
p < 0.06599
Evidence for PK : Marginal

I'll try it later with a larger number.
(This post was last modified: 2018-08-16, 09:35 PM by Ninshub.)
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(2018-08-16, 08:25 PM)Laird Wrote: I wonder whether they're using a pseudo-random generator (as it seems from the description) or a true random generator.
It does say, "These tests use a software random number generator to determine outcomes". That being so, the only control one has over the outcome is in setting the initial conditions. It is essentially a one-shot game. One either chooses initial conditions which will lead to a desired outcome, or one does not. (that doesn't mean the odds are 50/50). It makes any prolonged session at a particular task particularly dull and fruitless, since one is simply playing out a deterministic sequence of events.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Typoz's post:
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(2018-08-16, 10:04 PM)Typoz Wrote: It does say, "These tests use a software random number generator to determine outcomes". That being so, the only control one has over the outcome is in setting the initial conditions. It is essentially a one-shot game. One either chooses initial conditions which will lead to a desired outcome, or one does not. (that doesn't mean the odds are 50/50). It makes any prolonged session at a particular task particularly dull and fruitless, since one is simply playing out a deterministic sequence of events.

Unless each peg decision is another random number call, then you have that many more chances of setting initial conditions.

Besides, if it's for training telekinesis the derminism factor doesn't matter. Just focus on setting the bits yourself. Like I said they should be able to program it so the ball will only go in a single straight line to the left (while retaining the ability to display and record the right side) and you should still be able to make the ball go to the right telekinetically and score points. Yes it would be harder to do but that doesn't matter, it's something to build up to.
"The cure for bad information is more information."
(This post was last modified: 2018-08-16, 10:28 PM by Mediochre.)
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