Recent neurological research confirms paranormal understanding of the afterlife state

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This is an interesting article on research that has identified how the brain's neurons distinguish fact or reality from fantasy and have a sort of "reality threshold", and how hallucinations and psychotic visions originate in the brain. These research results should confirm the view of paranormal proponents that human consciousness is an immaterial spirit that in life inhabits the brain and manifests in the physical world by means of its intricate embedding and interleaving with the brain's neural machinery.

In this understanding, when in body human consciousness is drastically limited by its intricate interleaving with the physical neuronal structures, and is then subject to the mechanics of and disorders that can occur to the physical brain.

So the result is that human consciousness when in body behaves in many ways as if it is the actual result of the interactions of the brain's neuronal structures.

The conclusion is then that when out of the body and brain during a temporary NDE OBE or semi-permanently in the afterlife state, human consciousness is free from interactions with the physical brain it was inhabiting and must be absolutely clear and free from hallucinations and any sort of battle between perceiving reality and images resulting from imagination. It would be interesting to survey experiencers' accounts of their experiences during NDE OBEs to confirm this.
(This post was last modified: 2025-01-16, 08:46 PM by nbtruthman. Edited 1 time in total.)
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