Psi journals

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(2020-01-26, 11:04 AM)Chris Wrote: The Society for Psychical Research's Paranormal Review 91 is imminent. Here are details on the website of the editor, Leo Ruickbie:

I was surprised to receive in the post today not only issue 91 but also issue 92. Here is the contents list of issue 92:
[Image: ParanormalReview92.jpg]
The SPR bonanza continues. Today the latest issue of the Society's Journal arrived - volume 84, number 1 (January 2020).

Here is the list of contents:
[Image: JSPR_84_1.jpg]
The SPR has made available a 50-page book of abstracts from its 2019 Annual Conference:

Conference abstracts for 2016-2018 are available here:
(2020-02-14, 01:30 PM)Chris Wrote: I was surprised to receive in the post today not only issue 91 but also issue 92. Here is the contents list of issue 92:
[Image: ParanormalReview92.jpg]

Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page - the editorial of number 92 is now online on the blog of the editor, Leo Ruickbie:
(2020-03-04, 08:33 AM)Chris Wrote: Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page - the editorial of number 92 is now online on the blog of the editor, Leo Ruickbie:

Editorials and contents are always uploaded to the SPR website, usually about the same time as readers in the UK get the magazine. People outside the UK, including me, tend to get the magazine some weeks later. I got Paranormal Review 91 and 92 yesterday. 

The editorial for Paranormal Review 92 may be of interest:
since Tom Ruffles has written a response:
(This post was last modified: 2020-03-05, 08:35 AM by Nemo.)
Here is the latest issue of the Society for Scientific Exploration's magazine EdgeScience (Number 41, March 2020), which can be freely downloaded:


Fellow Travelers
By Jeff O’Driscoll, MD

Extraordinary and Unique Abilities: Exploring Who, What, When, and How They Occur
By Audrey Irvine

A Second Look at History’s Most Famous Exorcism: On Sergio A. Rueda’s Diabolical Possession and the Case Behind The Exorcist: An Overview of Scientific Research with Interviews with Witnesses and Experts
by John G. Kruth

A Case of the Reincarnation Type? Why I Have a Strong Opinion I Lived from 1896 to 1925
By P. D. Moncrief Jr.
A new issue of the Journal of Scientific Exploration (volume 34, number 1; 2020) is available at:

(Edit: There seem to be quite a few formatting problems with the PDF of the whole issue, but the PDFs for individual articles seem OK.)

The main contents are:


Cosmic Aesthetics
Stephen Braude

Research Articles

An Analysis of the Alignment of Archaeological Sites
Mark J. Carlotto

Development and Deployment of the Windbridge Psi and Related Phenomena Awareness Scale (WPRPAS)
Julie Beischel, Mark Boccuzzi

The Discovery of an American Brig: Fieldwork Involving Applied Remote Viewing Including a Comparison with Electronic Remote Sensing
Stephan Andrew Schwartz


Loch Ness Monsters as Cryptid (Presently Unknown) Sea Turtles
Henry Bauer

Letter to the Editor

Time to Celebrate!
Michael Nahm

Also book reviews and news.
Courtesy of the SPR Facebook page: journal number 25 - for April 2020 - of the Spanish-language journal translated into English as "Journal of Psychic Science" (in the original: DIARO de CIENCIAS PSIQUICAS) can be downloaded here.
Volume 23 number 1 - Spring 2020 - of the Skeptical Intelligencer is temporarily available here:
Volume 16, Issue 2 of EXPLORE: The Journal of Science & Healing is now available:

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