Our beloved friend Doug has passed on

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(2019-10-26, 12:38 PM)Laird Wrote: Are you 100% sure about that, Enrique?

A couple of points:

  1. "That" Doug has been using that photo since at least October 2014. I imagine that "our" Doug would have called him out about it while he was still alive if he'd noticed.
  2. The photo really doesn't look like "our" Doug to me, based on other photos I have.
You wrote in the Skeptiko thread that "our" Doug had sent you the photo by email. Have you actually sighted the photo and put it side-by-side with "that" Doug's avatar to be certain that they're the same photo/person?

I'm sorry if these are offensive questions, I just know from debugging technical problems that sometimes you have to ask the "obvious" questions.

Your questions are not at all offensive, they are legitimate and logical. I can't find the photo in question, I'm convinced it's of "our" Doug, I remember the scarf, glasses, etc., but of course I may be wrong. David Bailey says that the other Doug may have started using this avatar recently. WE should ask Ninshub, he has some photos of Doug.
(This post was last modified: 2019-10-26, 01:21 PM by Laird. Edit Reason: Split original content out of quote )
(2019-10-26, 01:08 PM)Enrique Vargas Wrote: Your questions are not at all offensive, they are legitimate and logical. I can't find the photo in question, I'm convinced it's of "our" Doug, I remember the scarf, glasses, etc., but of course I may be wrong. David Bailey says that the other Doug may have started using this avatar recently. WE should ask Ninshub, he has some photos of Doug.

OK, well, hopefully you eventually find the photo in question and we can be sure. David is wrong though - check out the link I shared in my last post, which, again, is: http://web.archive.org/web/2014100807085.../doug.118/ In other words, the WayBack Machine took a snapshot of "that" Doug's profile on Skeptiko back in October 2014, and he was already using the photograph back then.
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(2019-10-26, 01:24 PM)Laird Wrote: OK, well, hopefully you eventually find the photo in question and we can be sure. David is wrong though - check out the link I shared in my last post, which, again, is: http://web.archive.org/web/2014100807085.../doug.118/ In other words, the WayBack Machine took a snapshot of "that" Doug's profile on Skeptiko back in October 2014, and he was already using the photograph back then.

Weird.... I hope Ninshub will be able to sort this out. I also asked Doug to help me out with this.
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Enrique, just had a look at this thread. In this case you're mistaken, that's not a photo of our Doug. Our Doug (Trancestate) was on Skeptiko at the same time as this other Doug, so he was aware of him and of that same photo that's been there for quite a few years. And it's not among the photos our Doug gave me of him, so no it's not him, although perhaps there is a vague resemblance. Hopefully my words here will help ease your worries.
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Just to clarify, I pointed out that someone can join Skeptiko at date D1, and then change their avatar at some subsequent date D2, without that being obvious to anyone, even with moderation rights.

When that happens, I think the new avatar appears even on posts made before the change.

I have a vague feeling I have seen that picture before - possibly over here.

No that picture was never here. I always remember it having been on Skeptiko associated with this other person also called Doug.
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(2019-10-26, 05:28 PM)Ninshub Wrote: No that picture was never here. I always remember it having been on Skeptiko associated with this other person also called Doug.
Thanks a lot for clarifying it, Ninshub, Creepped me out for awhile.
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Unfortunately there is nothing paranormal about this! Smile
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(2019-10-26, 04:01 PM)David001 Wrote: Just to clarify, I pointed out that someone can join Skeptiko at date D1, and then change their avatar at some subsequent date D2, without that being obvious to anyone, even with moderation rights.

When that happens, I think the new avatar appears even on posts made before the change.

Yes. And fair enough. But the WayBack Machine link demonstrates that that hasn't happened.
(2019-10-27, 02:42 AM)Laird Wrote: Yes. And fair enough. But the WayBack Machine link demonstrates that that hasn't happened.
I did think of looking at the WBM, but I assumed that they would not store so much of Skeptiko - just for reasons of storage.

OK - then it sounds like Doug is not a troll of some sort, and we should drop this matter.

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